Remembrance day protest

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All right then, I'll look at it your way. They're being racist. What do we do? Ooh, I know, be racist back to them! That'll solve it all, won't it!

This kind of blinkered, stupid view really annoys me.

No we use the law of this country and we arrest those that have broken the law. The Laws that I put up are the ones that these idiots will probably be charged with. That you completely dismissed.
No we use the law of this country and we arrest those that have broken the law. The Laws that I put up are the ones that these idiots will probably be charged with. That you completely dismissed.
I'm ian on this. The law is most certainly on our side. The only way to deal with them and the EDL fools is to him them with the law, stop pussyfooting round the whole situation, becuase all you do is allow the extremists on both sides to grow
The law lol. All you need to do is know how the goverment dealt with Abu Hamza, they will get the same treatment.
The law lol. All you need to do is know how the goverment dealt with Abu Hamza, they will get the same treatment.

If you know a better way then without it being racist or actually taking physical action against these people then please enlighten the group.
The law lol. All you need to do is know how the goverment dealt with Abu Hamza, they will get the same treatment.
if you think the EDL are the answer, then you are just as bad as them, because the "justifications" they use mirror the ones the extremists use
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Im slowly learning to ignour this ****. If they wanna hate on our STILL great country leave them to it all i know is im british and proud of it and couldnt think of a better place to live and to be honest couldnt care less what any religion or country thinks about us. its called GREAT britain for a reason.
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No, it's not.It's frowned upon, but totally legal. (I'm pretty sure) :)<)

I know wikipedia isn't the most reliable of sources, but it says 'English, Scottish and Welsh law does not have any concept of "flag desecration"'

My bad, I live in Spain, where the offence of Flag Burning can be given a jail sentence, as it is considered a form of treason, due to the Spanish Royal coat of arms being on the flag.
I am a British Muslim, and these dumb 30 odd people who have protested have shamed every single Muslim out there. We should shoot them and leave their bodies to rot, they dont deserve to be buried.

What I dont like to see or hear is people saying that all Muslims should go back home and stuff like that. We shouldnt punish all the Muslims cause of what 30 tossers did. But, everyone needs to somehow ignore what these extremists are doing. They already have sort of won and they have got alot of attention, by grapping the headlinesand they have took the headlines off the good stuff, such as the Rememberance Day itself. They want us to retaliate to them, but let them act like knobheads, slowly they will start to fade away

British (race) Soldiers Burn in ****

Your right thats not's racistoO)

Britain or British isn't a race....

That's technically xenophobia.

I agree somewhat with the point raised about Abu Hamza. He's using taxpayer money to fight a case he has lost 4 times now, and every time he gets allowed an appeal because of his human rights and our governments fear of being labelled racists. He preaches killing British soldiers and American citizens, yet he's allowed to live here, albeit in jail atm.

The taxpayers alliance estimates father-of-eight Hamza has so far cost Britain £2.75 million in welfare payments, council housing, NHS and prison bills, trials and legal appeals, despite being remanded for extradition to the US on terrorism charges in 2004.

If we can't even use our own laws to prosecute one of the most high profile extremists in the UK, what chance do we have to stop the people who turn up at a rememberance event an start burning poppies?
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Britain or British isn't a race....

That's technically xenophobia.

I agree somewhat with the point raised about Abu Hamza. He's using taxpayer money to fight a case he has lost 4 times now, and every time he gets allowed an appeal because of his human rights and our governments fear of being labelled racists. He preaches killing British soldiers and American citizens, yet he's allowed to live here, albeit in jail atm.

The taxpayers alliance estimates father-of-eight Hamza has so far cost Britain £2.75 million in welfare payments, council housing, NHS and prison bills, trials and legal appeals, despite being remanded for extradition to the US on terrorism charges in 2004.

If we can't even use our own laws to prosecute one of the most high profile extremists in the UK, what chance do we have to stop the people who turn up at a rememberance event an start burning poppies?
in fairness its the european courts that are holding things up, otherwise he'd be in a supermax jail in florida
why come to this country and live here if you goin to say sing that,,,,they sud **** off home and get bombed
I am a British Muslim, and these dumb 30 odd people who have protested have shamed every single Muslim out there. We should shoot them and leave their bodies to rot, they dont deserve to be buried.


.. The religion of peace
Even if it's a minority group, the thing that annoys me the most, if roles were reversed and it was a minority British extremist group that say, burnt the Qur'an, consequences for them would be far more serious, it's really just a representation of how our whole country acts right now.
Even if it's a minority group, the thing that annoys me the most, if roles were reversed and it was a minority British extremist group that say, burnt the Qur'an, consequences for them would be far more serious, it's really just a representation of how our whole country acts right now.
no one disagrees with that mate, but it doesnt justify some of the bullshit on here, or the likes of the EDL
There is a massive anti Muslim protest in Portsmouth today apparently happening after the Pompey game outside Fratton Mosque.
Just to add to this thread, a 15 year old girl got arrested the other day for burning a qu'ran...not quite sure on the full details but definatly know that much...just seems to get worse.
Lee i bet you most people their where British/Pakistani.

And burning a poppy on remembrance day is just as bad as burining a flag.

My guess is your one of them people who agreed with the celtic fans holding up the banner at the weekend and to me your as bad as the terrorist.

Also a small minority of people who did that, maybe a couple of hundreds. The other 59,000 in that stadium thought they were arseholes. Once more, nelsonBcFc shows his talents in believing everyone in that bracket agrees with the stupid minority.

By the way, the EDL stuff is disgusting, but once again a minority of English people who happen to be racist morons.
Just to add to this thread, a 15 year old girl got arrested the other day for burning a qu'ran...not quite sure on the full details but definatly know that much...just seems to get worse.

Two unrelated incidents which retards on facebook etc seem to want to link and draw parallels when there are none.

As moronic and offensive as the protests on rememberence day were they at least had a political reasoning for doing what they did. To oppose the war in Afghanistan etc. Whereas the schoolgirl who burnt the Koran did it purely because she could, on school property as well. So her being arrested on the suspicion of inciting religious hatred is pretty valid to me.
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