Remembrance day protest

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oh **** off u racist moron, we are the ones sending our soldiers to their country and causing a war there, I am not going to say if what we are doing is correct or wrong but the number of people who die there every day is not funny, u know just because ur were born in England does not mean u have a a better pot to **** in.... This insult is aimed only at Nelson not anyone else, I have a English Father too and was born in England, what these 30 or so people did was indeed untolerable

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 AM ----------

How's it rasict to say to Muslim extremist to leave the country? They hate it that bad here, that they wish death upon us and our troops. They celebrate the 7/7 & 9/11 attacks.

So i'm the rasict one here?
You stick up for their rights why they disrespect ours. In my eyes you are the moron.

..... lol, we have been sitting in their country for the past 6-7 years causing massive death band destruction, we have destryoed their country, why cos we are after one man named Osama Bin Laden, we have killed several thousands of innocent women and children in our quest, what they did was disgusting and I condone it but what we have done is by no means right either, believe it or not Afghanistan was once a beatiful place and we have doomed it, I think we should clean up our own house before cleaning up someone else's
I would wager money that many people protesting their where British/Pakistani and hold UK passports
I dotn want to sound racist as i am not

but they should **** off to their own country... we didnt ruin divali or anythin what they celebrate... tbh they desevre all treatment they got... EDL just for them troublemakers
I don't know... I agree with neither side of the argument here. On one hand, this is one of the most disrespectful things you could do. The poppy is a symbol of remembrance and peace, and to burn it shows a breathtaking lack of respect for British soldiers dead and alive. On the other, these ****** right wing morons saying that they should be killed have little intelligence and even less sense.

My view, I think, finally comes down to this. Yes, they were wrong to do it. Yes, they should well have been punished. But in the end, they haven't gone around actually attacking people. However flawed and disrespectful their views may be, they are entitled to air them because this is a free country, and freedom is one of the cornerstones of what attracts them to here in the first place. We set a law to follow, and in this case we follow it: they should be punished with due severity, but deportation or killing is ridiculous.

Also, if I hear one more person talk about burning the Qur'an or in any way attacking Islam I will go clinically insane. Not only does it increase their hate, but it is disrespectful to the entire, mostly moderate, Islamic world and culture. Responding to stupidity with stupidity is what leads to war, and loss of life. The poppies are there so that we can remember those who died in stupid wars. We need not give humans more reasons to hate, more reasons to kill. They hate, we mediate, and eventually this will be sorted out. We hate, they hate, people die, more hate, eventually warfare. It's simplistic, yes, but it's also the way these things start. And let us remind ourselves that at this very moment we possess the most efficient killing machines in history. We have the power to turn the world into a radioactive smoking crater. So let's not hate, let's live in harmony, and the first step towards harmony is tolerance. Listen to their views, disagree, if they do something like this explain our views and punish them in a way that is acceptable and just. These are just extremists, so let's not tar them all with the same brush, because that only ever leads to bad places.

but they should **** off to their own country... we didnt ruin divali or anythin what they celebrate... tbh they desevre all treatment they got... EDL just for them troublemakers
Aaand this is my point. Way to tolerate, mate. Diwali is a Hindu festival. If you're going to hate, at least know what you're hating on.
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The law on inciting racial hatred. Which these idiots have in fact broken.

Under the Law of the United Kingdom, "incitement to racial hatred" was established as an offence by the provisions of 17-29 of the Public Order Act 1986 It was first established as a criminal offence in the RaceRealtions Act 1976. The Criminal and Public Order Act 1994 made publication of material that incited racial hatred an arrestable offence. This offence refers to:
  • deliberately provoking hatred of a racial group
  • distributing racist material to the public
  • making inflammatory public speeches
  • creating racist websites on the Internet
  • inciting inflammatory rumours about an individual or an ethnic group, for the purpose of spreading racial discontent
I dotn want to sound racist as i am not

but they should **** off to their own country... we didnt ruin divali or anythin what they celebrate... tbh they desevre all treatment they got... EDL just for them troublemakers
well you're kinda sounding like one, at the very least you are horribly ignorant as:

1) come of them are british, this is their counrty

2) divali is for hindus

Congratulations to all the people who have been successfully riled up into lumping yet more ignorant and generalised hatred onto the Islamic faith because of the actions of a very, very small minority of extremists.
The law on inciting racial hatred. Which these idiots have in fact broken.

Under the Law of the United Kingdom, "incitement to racial hatred" was established as an offence by the provisions of 17-29 of the Public Order Act 1986 It was first established as a criminal offence in the RaceRealtions Act 1976. The Criminal and Public Order Act 1994 made publication of material that incited racial hatred an arrestable offence. This offence refers to:
  • deliberately provoking hatred of a racial group
  • distributing racist material to the public
  • making inflammatory public speeches
  • creating racist websites on the Internet
  • inciting inflammatory rumours about an individual or an ethnic group, for the purpose of spreading racial discontent
two of them have been arrested and bailed till december
Stopped reading after the bolded.

Soldiers aren't a race.

Not everyone who died at war, where soilders. During WW1 and WW2 everyone was called up to protect and fight for the freedom we have and take for granted today.
Their whole campaign is to incite racial tension. Which they have done regardless of our troops not being a race.
Not everyone who died at war, where soilders. During WW1 and WW2 everyone was called up to protect and fight for the freedom we have and take for granted today.

You're missing the point.

They're not being racist. If they were saying "ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE", THAT is racist. You can't be racist towards the people who fought in the war, because they're not a race.

Also, the poppy represents soldiers who died. Those who were conscripted became soldiers. Your point is invalid.

Their whole campaign is to incite racial tension. Which they have done regardless of our troops not being a race.

This is my point. IGNORE THEM. Leave them be. They only cause racial tension if you let them get to you.
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And here we go...

This is what always happens, a tiny extreme minority cause problems, then ignorant people tar the whole group with the same brush, that group feels alienated, you end up with that tiny extreme minority growing, and the vicious cycle goes.

And for the idiots saying EDL etc... dont kid yourselves, they and the MuslimsagainstCrusades are simply two sides of the same sick coin.
You're missing the point.

They're not being racist. If they were saying "ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE", THAT is racist. You can't be racist towards the people who fought in the war, because they're not a race.

Also, the poppy represents soldiers who died. Those who were conscripted became soldiers. Your point is invalid.


British (race) Soldiers Burn in ****

Your right thats not's racistoO)
British (race) Soldiers Burn in ****

Your right thats not's racistoO)

All right then, I'll look at it your way. They're being racist. What do we do? Ooh, I know, be racist back to them! That'll solve it all, won't it!

This kind of blinkered, stupid view really annoys me.
You're missing the point.

They're not being racist. If they were saying "ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE", THAT is racist. You can't be racist towards the people who fought in the war, because they're not a race.

Also, the poppy represents soldiers who died. Those who were conscripted became soldiers. Your point is invalid.

This is my point. IGNORE THEM. Leave them be. They only cause racial tension if you let them get to you.

If you actually go back and read what I put originally instead of thinkig your word is gods gift then you know it has not got to me. Let me remind you.

"Trouble is now this could lead to a more severe situation with uneducated idiots who think all Muslims are extremists and go about starting on the Muslims who have nothing to do with extremism and want to live here peacefully. Yes its disgusting what they did but they also have a right to protest like everyone else who lives here. I cant say I agree with what they have done though."

The Muslim extremists are idiots just like the EDL as Mike. quoted but they are inciting racial tensions in this country.
All right then, I'll look at it your way. They're being racist. What do we do? Ooh, I know, be racist back to them! That'll solve it all, won't it!

This kind of blinkered, stupid view really annoys me.

Indeed, an Eye for an Eye, makes the whole world blind.
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