Request a sig

i read you first name on one of the threads i think.
DC or LG, can one of you resize my Niko Kranjcar sig for me, I asked yesterday but nobody did it. Cheers :)

---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

I'd like it bigger btw, like the size of DC999's villa one that he had before :p Cheers

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 AM ----------

Alright, I know I got a sig the other day, but I'd really like a AFC Wimbledon sig. Could I just have the AFC Wimbledon badge on it, with it saying it some cool bold text "AFC Wimbledon - Gate Crashing The English League's with Max King", the writing can be squished up a bit I don't mind :) I'd like the background to be Jon Main, I've got a picture of him here.. So yeah, if that's not to much trouble I'd really like this coz I'm doing a thread with AFC Wimbledon and trying to get as far as possible with them :) Cheers. Max :) Here is the link for the badge: (Just put the badge in one of the corners please :)) Thanks a lot for this :D
If you want it the size i had my villa on you need to do it
Upload your image to and copy the direct link into a new tab then add a
to the end of the link and then copy and paste that link into your signature and your done
Yeah I done that mate :) Could you make my AFC Wimbledon sig please? ;)
Im really sorry but can everyone repost there requestes, cause of this stupid arugument im not sure which is which, what to do
Set it out like this

Player Name -

Club -

Anything special you want on the sig -

Text on the sig -

And a picture you want on the sig -
Player Name - Nothing

Club - AFC Wimbledon

Anything special you want on the sig - Background of this picture:

Text on the sig - "AFC Wimbledon - Gatecrashing the English Leagues with Max King!"

Picture you want on the sig - This badge in any of the corners of the sig:
Thanks and can you pm me please when it's done :)

The links are broke

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

could you do me a sheffield wednesday 1 please

More info needed or we could just give you a sig with a badge in it
Mate i can't use that badge as its a .gif

needs to be .jpg or .png
Give him links to the badge's and stuff that you want, and explain what colour background you want etc, otherwise it makes it harder for him