NewGAN Facepack

NewGAN Facepack v1.3

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I'm deliberately trying to do this just for my team, until I can prove that I can even get it to generate even one face. My RTF file has just the players on my team, so 20 in all. Same results - no faces generated. My config.xml doesn't list any of these players, however.
Can you send your .RTF file? I'm really not sure what's wrong
Here's a walkthrough of what I'm doing.

  1. Installed facepack. Here's my faces folder;
  2. Printed off the list of faces I want. Here's my rtf file:
  3. Ran the program using "generate". Finishes in 0.1 seconds. Here are the settings:
  4. Looked at my XML file. Here's what it looks like:
5. Log file looks like this:

Starting Application
C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Local\Programs\NewGAN Manager\app\newganmanager
Loading current profile
Creating GUI
Created main box
Created prf_box
Created prf_inp
switch profile: x
catch same values
Updating generation label
Updating generation label
switch profile: No Profile
catch same values
Refresh Input Buttons
switch profile: s
Refresh Input Buttons
Select Folder...
Select File...
Created file-dialog
Updating generation label
Updating generation label
Start Replace Faces
rtf: E:\Users\Steve\Desktop\Spennymoor\spennymoor.rtf
img_dir: E:\Users\Steve\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\faces\FMNEWGANv2/
profile: s
mode: Generate
Info window: Finished! :)
Info window: Finished! :)

It doesn't matter what option I select (generate, preserve, overwrite), same results. I sent my files to the e-mail address listed in the instructions.

Not sure if anything is impacted by the fact that my data is on my E drive and some of the other stuff is on C? Or the fact that I'm playing on Steam?

Oddly, it used to do more than this. I've never managed to get a face, but at least the XML file had some data in it before. But I can't seem to reproduce even that now.

I'm going to try deleting everything and starting over (again).


  • Capture3.PNG
    16.6 KB · Views: 82
You need to update the program itself, you're using the outdated version. Go to the facepack page and download from the top right "" and install that.

Always something so simple, Thanks
Uninstalled NewGan and started from scratch, except I didn't generate a new rtf file, because I think I see above there's a problem with the view in the new update?

Same result. I dunno guys. I appreciate all of your help, but I'm totally unclear on what I'm doing wrong! Sigh.

Also, there's a typo in the instructions here. Steps 3-5 are unclear about the folder structure, but later steps make it clear that the path should be "Football Manager 20201/graphics/faces/FMNEWGANv2/".
Uninstalled NewGan and started from scratch, except I didn't generate a new rtf file, because I think I see above there's a problem with the view in the new update?

Same result. I dunno guys. I appreciate all of your help, but I'm totally unclear on what I'm doing wrong! Sigh.

Also, there's a typo in the instructions here. Steps 3-5 are unclear about the folder structure, but later steps make it clear that the path should be "Football Manager 20201/graphics/faces/FMNEWGANv2/".
Send me your .RTF file, either attach it or paste the contents to a pastebin. My guess as to why you're getting an empty config file is probably the fact that the directories being used aren't on the C:\ drive.
Send me your .RTF file, either attach it or paste the contents to a pastebin. My guess as to why you're getting an empty config file is probably the fact that the directories being used aren't on the C:\ drive.

This is the entirety of my rtf file. Again, thanks for your help!

| UID       | Nat       | 2nd Nat   | Name              |           |           |           |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 28121779  | ENG       |           | Mark Cousins      | 1         | 10        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 94047015  | ENG       |           | Mitch Burns       | 1         | 12        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 28127162  | ENG       |           | Craig Bradbrook   | 1         | 16        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29233760  | ZIM       | ENG       | Tanaka Chakanyuka | 1         | 5         | 3         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29139317  | ENG       |           | Harry Lewis       | 1         | 5         | 2         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29175033  | ENG       |           | Peter Thomas      | 1         | 3         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29157679  | ENG       |           | Colin Smith       | 1         | 12        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 28128178  | ENG       |           | Will Davey        | 1         | 12        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29236340  | ENG       |           | Max Whisker       | 1         | 2         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29086914  | ENG       |           | Duncan Brown      | 1         | 16        | 9         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 28110724  | ENG       |           | Geoff Kidby       | 1         | 12        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 90043868  | ENG       |           | Alex Booth        | 1         | 2         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 90024367  | ENG       |           | Sean Thornton     | 1         | 5         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29236734  | ENG       |           | Brian Pope        | 1         | 1         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29233361  | ENG       |           | Mason Adams       | 1         | 7         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29192668  | ENG       |           | Jack Butler       | 1         | 10        | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29162625  | ENG       |           | James Danks       | 1         | 9         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29158372  | ENG       |           | Seb Pearson       | 1         | 2         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 29121996  | ENG       |           | Ross Hutchings    | 1         | 2         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 28047876  | ENG       |           | Craig Tomlinson   | 1         | 16        | 9         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 28010777  | NIR       | ENG       | Marc Craig        | 1         | 7         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 5121648   | ENG       |           | Jake Cornish      | 1         | 15        | 3         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| 5118413   | ENG       |           | Pete Dean         | 4         | 3         | 0         |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
This is the entirety of my rtf file. Again, thanks for your help!

I think I've figured it out. Using all fictional players is what's breaking it. The UID values are too low for them to be newgens in non-fictional player database so I think that's why they're getting skipped. I'm not sure there's much that can be done about that, unfortunately.
I think I've figured it out. Using all fictional players is what's breaking it. The UID values are too low for them to be newgens in non-fictional player database so I think that's why they're getting skipped. I'm not sure there's much that can be done about that, unfortunately.

Ahh. Well, that's a bummer. Perhaps that can get added to a feature wishlist or something? I appreciate all of your hard work to figure this out.
This is what I've been stuck on for a few days now, its acting like it's still loading but I can change profiles etc and start again as if I've just opened it

this is what I explained some days ago. You have to open the log file, see in the last line which is the conflicting player, then search it in the rtf file and remove it (together with the dashed line above). Then, you save the rtf and run again the NewGan.
You have to repeat the process until the tool finish properly (not blocked mapping ethnicity).
How do we do staff? lol.

Cant seem to figure out how to get just generated staff...
Liam should have this on the page soon enough but for those of you that don't want to buy the in-game editor but still want access to natively supported ways of getting a list of all the newgens, you can follow these steps. If you do have the in-game editor, you can skip step 1 by using the pen in the top right and ticking "Show All Players in Search" while on the player search page.

Step 0: Download the filter and place it in %userprofile%\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\filters
Step 1: Create a new manager, they must be unemployed. Unemployed managers see all players and aren't limited by your current team's scouting knowledge.
Step 2: Go to the shortlist tab on the left sidebar, this will by default put you on the Player Search page.
Step 3: Click Edit Search, then the cog in the bottom left. Select Manager Filters... then click Import and select the filter you just placed there.
Step 4: Click the cog again and select the filter, it should be at the bottom.

Don't worry that it says Is Not, that's just how it's meant to be setup even though it doesn't make sense to word it like that.


Liam updated SAGKRZealand Facepack with a new update entry:

New Filter Available (No IGE Required)

For those of you that don't want to buy the in-game editor but still want access to natively supported ways of getting a list of all the newgens, you can follow these steps. If you do have the in-game editor, you can skip step 1 by using the pen in the top right and ticking "Show All Players in Search" while on the player search page.

Step 0: Download the filter and place it in %userprofile%\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\filters

Step 1: Create a new...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks a lot! This helped me not to use hours and hours of play to send regens to the shortlist and then import them from there, and then on top of all that I get thousands and thousands of messages about all those regens in the inbox. Thanks again guys, you are great!
Ok, weird issue.

The search has been working well, up until today. I now no longer have the "Is Newgen" option in the filter options...

Anyone else had this issue.

I do have the IGE installed btw, and do have the option to "Show all Players" selected.
Thank you, this is just awesome . But.
There is one problem.
I made it in fm 2020 and all works fine but not for most of argentinian newgens...
I generate fotos to 54448 newgens all nations. There is 23671 argentinian newgens.
Maybe it dosnt work with them becouse of great number of them - 23671?
Hey guys.
I have following problem:
I started a career and installed the face pack. The first time it worked, the second time "preserve" no longer worked, so I overwrote everything. Now I wanted to update my database again but it just doesn't work.
My steps:
1. show all players between 15 and 16 (ingame editor)
2. select SCRIPT FACES filter.
3. select all players, save as text file in FM21 folder (under a new name, overwriting old file does not work).
Start NewGan Manager, select profile and file.
Select Preserve.
Replace Faces
7. reload in FM Skin (as described in the explanation)

Thanks for your help!