Scientists warn of 'superstorm' heading for California

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Does no one care that when the **** happens, we'll never be able to watch footie again, or play FM ever again? cause i do :'(
off topic - i want there to be a zombie out break before the the world ends. i also herd that an old man predicted it or somet hes dead now though and apparently every think he preddicted has came true. :\
Global Warminig is not man made it is a cycle that the earth goes through but the burning of greenhouse gasses and interference from man is speeding up the process.
5. Super Volcano

Yellowstone National Park in the United States is famous for its thermal springs and Old Faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple - it's sitting on top of the world's biggest volcano, and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the Earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.

just fount that on a website.
strange. on official geological websites wan't meant to be another 1,000 years. o well. thats the euros screwed
global warming is the biggest load of bollocks ever.

people like you make people who believe this not be taken serious, back it up with something.
As it happens I do agree somewhat, the globe is warming but human input is having a far smaller impact than suggested by media
Right, I'm gonna post my humble opinion, although I promised myself I wouldn't write about this theme anymore. I learned not to hope that the "non-believers" will see the light, it's not gonna happen.

First of all, stop calling it global warming, it's a climate change. It is a FACT that the earth has been heating up in the last decades and especially since the mid 1980's. The last decade there have been more climate records broken then anything. The effect? Ice from the poles will melt and raise sea-levels (read: Holland's f*cked). This icewater will mix with the salt water in the oceans and create an inbalance in the thermohaline circulation ( in the oceans, thus slowing down or even stopping the ocean conveyor belt. And it is this conveyor belt which brings warm water to Europe and it is responsible for the mild climate in most of Europe. So when this conveyor stops, temperatures in Europe will plumit by as much as 10-15° (And you English thought your last winter was already bad :O) All the things I just mentioned above are PROVEN. It is going to happen some day. The arguements (they can hardly be called evidence) contradicting these facts are mostly none existant and the ones that do exist are riddled with mistakes in their calculations and conclusions.
Now what is very important is the question is all this induced by mankind or not. Because if it is, the climate change will happen a lot faster and more drastically then when it's not. There's a lot of evidence to support the claim that we ARE responsible. HOWEVER there's also quite some (decent) evidence that says otherwise. And although there is a lot more evidence to support the claim that we are responsible, we can't say FOR SURE it is the case.
But then I ask the "non-believers" on this forum: Even if the chance is pretty big that you are right, would you be willing to risk that small chance that you are wrong?

In the end, like i said, i stopped trying to convince people that this is actually happening. Because if I'm wrong I'll be happy i was wrong and if i'm right, i'll be happy to know mother earth and it's inhabitants wont be bothered again by the distructiveness of mankind...

PS: For the people who want to know why i dismiss the "evidence" thats claims the earth isn't warming up, I read all of this so called evidence. I'm a scientist at the biggest university of my country and part of my job is to study this very subject. But then again, I'll probably be seen as another dumb scientist by some of you (like I read in posts above)
the thing is religion is a load of bollocks if there was a 'God' then there wudnt be all these natural disasters
there wudnt be floods in Australia, Pakistan or where ever the floods are, do you think that a 'God' would let a 13 year old boy give up his life to save his younger brother. because if thats our punnishment for all the pollution and **** going into the air destroying the planet atleast do it to someone that deserves it like a pedo and a murder e.t.c. this global warmin is actually happenin and will eventually cause a disaster.
i completely forgot i posted at the start of this thread.

I shall justify myself tomorrow, when i'm fully awake :)
To the poster who said "Global Warming is bollocks" - do you have any evidence to back up that claim? I would also like to point you to the previous, multiple Ice Ages. The planet warms up every now and agian. If you had said that "Humans causing global warming is bollocks", I would of agreed.

You're both wrong, sorta. There is no definite proof yet to prove either of your statements.
You're both wrong, sorta. There is no definite proof yet to prove either of your statements.


Always a wise contribution to civilised and cultured debates such as this!
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Al Gore is so super serial that global warming is true (A)