See What Happens to Bullies...

If he had practiced a form of combat he'd be able to deal with the little **** without breaking sweat. Training in martial arts teaches discipline and control and that fighting is a last resort usually to be used in a time of great danger, not some kid winding you up to get his ratings on youtube.

Do you remember that Bruce Lee film where he power bombs someone? Nah, me neither.

So maybe the kid has practiced a form of combat but takes into his own hands when to use it?

To sum up, the kid was bullying him, he punished the little **** with a nice - deserved - powerbomb (which didn't break his neck and paralyze him). It's all good.
So maybe the kid has practiced a form of combat but takes into his own hands when to use it?

To sum up, the kid was bullying him, he punished the little **** with a nice - deserved - powerbomb (which didn't break his neck and paralyze him). It's all good.

No, not really. If I get bullied and shoot a guy, it's alright as long as I don't kill him? I don't think so. I know the big lad did it in a fit of rage, that's for sure, and the little **** probably won't mess with anyone else in his miserable life, but as far as I'm concerned, they're both on the wrong side, because the possibility of serious damage is huge, from a broken leg to a broken neck. I'm not defending the little ****, but I think a nice punch to the face, which at the most would've broken his nose, should've done the trick.
No, not really. If I get bullied and shoot a guy, it's alright as long as I don't kill him? I don't think so. I know the big lad did it in a fit of rage, that's for sure, and the little **** probably won't mess with anyone else in his miserable life, but as far as I'm concerned, they're both on the wrong side, because the possibility of serious damage is huge, from a broken leg to a broken neck. I'm not defending the little ****, but I think a nice punch to the face, which at the most would've broken his nose, should've done the trick.

Yes actually, now you mention it I think it is alright shooting somebody (without killing him) who is physically abusing you and making your life ****. But we'll just agree to disagree.

The fact is, we don't know how badly that kid has suffered from these bullies, though going by the description I get the impression that it's a long-running thing and so the punishment was fully deserved.
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Dear god.

It was an exaggerated example (he powerbombed him for christ sake, stop bringing guns in it to try to make your point), I'm not condoning the fattie shooting that little **** for the slaps that he's receiving, but if the bullying was to a large scale and it needed to stop then so be it.

Ghandi can disregard it all he wants - an eye for an eye is good attitude to have.
It was an exaggerated example (he powerbombed him for christ sake, stop bringing guns in it to try to make your point), I'm not condoning the fattie shooting that little **** for the slaps that he's receiving, but if the bullying was to a large scale and it needed to stop then so be it.

Ghandi can disregard it all he wants - an eye for an eye is good attitude to have.

"An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind".

If you shoot someone to stop them bullying you then bullying just ruined two lives.
In fairness, nobody knows the back story here anyway.... Maybe the fat kid beat up the skinny kid's (who's feeling the imaginative character names!?) little sister, and the kid was being brave by confronting him even though he's bigger?

That probably isn't the case, but the point is, nobody knows.
In fairness, nobody knows the back story here anyway.... Maybe the fat kid beat up the skinny kid's (who's feeling the imaginative character names!?) little sister, and the kid was being brave by confronting him even though he's bigger?

That probably isn't the case, but the point is, nobody knows.
Casey (The big guy) has apparently been bullied by that kid and his mates for a while now and just had enough.

Can hardly blame him for snapping like that, hopefully the little guy learns a lesson or two from this, as well as anyone who sees it.
my mate got suspended from school for fighting back so he then went and broke the guys nose lol
What by power bombing someone half your size? Just punch him a few times he'll soon get the message no need to try and put the kid in a wheel chair. With the amount of force applied (luuuuke) he's fortunate no long term damage was done.

Ive got a mate who was puched once from behind for no reason and he fell onto a curb and smashed his head (he's 6 ft 7) . Now got steel plates in his skull after almost dying. So I hardly see how a punch is any different to what the bigger lad did.

The kid comes up, full whack pelts the bigger lad in the chops and your saying the bigger lad should have some consideration of the others size when he retaliates? EH!?

If he didnt want to be on the wrong end of 'The last ride' then dont go punching people
Bollocks, that wasn't a last ride. It was a full on Vader-style powerbomb. Well in!

And yes, I am applauding the fat kid because I've been in his situation once [not in school, but walking up to a friends] and, instead of dropping him on his head, I just choked him out. ^^) Seriously the little guy could've done [and then got] worse than punching him and getting a dislocated knee. Little ****** deserved it though, you don't start throwing punches at a big guy who could snap at any minute.
Lmao that was a killer dump, but it's own thread? Probably not. Video Clip Thread

over 100 responses, yeah it deserves its own thread.

Main reason I'm a very infrequent visitor to this forum is because too many subjects are in the same thread, its frustrating
I have facebook but the link still doesn't work for there any other link?
Where I live in Scotland we have a term for this;

Obviously Casey should have been suspended but i'm pretty sure even the teacher who suspended him was proud of him, He just isn't allowed to say he is as he has to set an example on everyone no matter what's going on. But I bet the teacher just like pretty much almost everyone else is proud of what he done. It's easy to say he could have done this or that, but also that little guy could have been bullying him for years and easily forced Casey to kill himself, So it's easy enough saying that boy could have died but so could casey. That kid knows now not to **** with anyone I would love to know what his parents would say if they seen their little son (who the probably think is an angel) what they thought of it. Don't see why you had to bring a gun into it as that's using a weapon and an illegal one at that. He could have punched the kid knocked him out and made him crack his skull open on the wall or ground so not much different from a power-bomb.