See What Happens to Bullies...

And the moral of the story is don't mess with fat kids.
That's what you call a slam-dunk - good on the lad :)
You all sicken me, Promoting and Praising violence like that... It is wrong.
You all sicken me, Promoting and Praising violence like that... It is wrong.

yet the kid bullying him is acceptable? can't tell if your post was sarcasm, either way, kid got owned.
I am tank, I was never beaten/ Bullied, I just dont like violence.

Incase you still cant tell, my post was a big big big joke!!!!

Well, unnecessary violence, like bullying I agree with, in the form of self defence, it's more acceptable.
love it... did the little **** not realise not to start punching a guy twice his
Maybe not a popular stance but I think they should both be suspended.

Good for the kid for standing up for himself but what kind of lesson is it that each time someone winds you up you "power bomb" them?

Think the little one might think twice next time he goes to wind him up...
I think it is safe to say that little ***** got owned.

Maybe he will learn his lesson...