September 11th 2001 - 10 years on

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meh he's banned. apparently me deconstructing his argument in 30 seconds via PM makes me a ******
no trolling, its true, if usa dident betray him, it prolly would'nt have happened would it

Who's to know.

Either way, describing someone who masterminded the killing of thousands of innocent people as a 'great man' is rather.. idiotic.
Now that is possibly true, but the thing is the majority of people who are saying that the Qur'an is violent are Christians, which makes them HUGELY hypocritical. The Bible preaches insane amounts of violent verses (admittedly less than the Qur'an by percentage, but more overall, not that it matters that much) and Christians have committed some of the worst Holy Wars in history. In fact, almost all major Western wars were influenced by Christianity in some shape or form.

I therefore don't disagree with you, I just think that we shouldn't single out Islam as a violent religion when so many others are too. It's one of the reasons I admire Sikhs and Buddhists so much: Buddhists are just all-round awesome, whereas Sikhs, brave and indefatigable fighters though they are, are so devoted to their religion that they will only draw their kirpans as a last resort, or when defending their religion.

'tis why I tried to use the word religion rather than Islam as much as possible. They're both equally retarded, especially Christians who just choose to ignore the old testament.

The Qu'ran accepts, rather than incites, violence and bloodshed in the name of a Jihad, or holy war (they're not quite the same thing but broadly speaking It's about Islam and/or their country being under threat).
"Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them."
Islamic leaders have also constantly attempted to isolate Al-Qaeda and other extremists and distance themselves - and their religion - from these people. The Qu'ran forbids suicide, mass murder and 90% of the stuff they do. When you're flying into buildings and blowing up trains in other countries, that cannot be passed off as some kind of self-defense in the name of Jihad. Those claiming martyrdom are a tiny proportion if the Muslim community worldwide and if anything, use Allah's name in vain when they roll off **** that is no more than an excuse & a way of getting gullible Muslims to join the movement.
What makes them a leader, what makes them more knowledgeable about Islam than the extremists. None of them have a slightest clue about the book, where it comes from and what it means. It's all guess work, the leaders can argue that they're acting on mis-interpreted quotes, but it's equally likely that if their God was real, that the extremists are acting as he wanted and the 'leaders' are wrong, since it's impossible to prove or disprove anything of the Qur'an.
America and Britain reacting to incidents like this could also be said to be acting in the name of religion anyway. The old testament says "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". And yet it's Islam at fault?
Except we don't make decisions off religious teachings, and I disagree as much with Christianity.
At this point, I firmly believe religion has jack-all to do with it.
Whether they're right or wrong, if religion never existed then there wouldn't be tension between Islam and other religions, and the extremists would have lost their cause to be extreme, and never attacked. Wars have existed throughout history over religion, this is just another one. It's probably what happens when you brainwash children into believing their specific fairytale, rather than allowing them to grow and logically assess.
this has exploded a bit since being away. Unsurprising that the knoblet has been banned. not saying any more on it as it's worth it. But unsurprisingly there's more stupid comments/videos cropping up on youtube and facebook.
I remember sitting in class, then my name being called over the loudspeaker. "Blahblahblah, please report to the front office please, thank you." My friends were angry I got to leave. Then their names got called too. We all were so happy that we were being called out. I looked outside for a second, towards where NYC would be. I swore I saw smoke. We weren't really too far from the city. I got a ride home from my grandma and that's all I remember. I hate it when people make fun of 9/11. I wasn't directly affected, but making fun of the loss of 2700 lives is in bad taste.
I was only 5 when it happened, and didn't really understand what was happening. And after 10 years and seeing it countless times, I still think it's horrific to think you're watching a plane flying into a building. You're watching hundreds of people's final moments, as are billions of others. I watched the documentary about the French filmakers that happened to be filming the FDNY when the attacks happened. One of them was in the North Tower filming, and they heard these really loud bangs, ear-splitting thumps like grenades. They were jumpers hitting the ground.

I just fail to understand why some people still take 9/11 so lightly, why they seem to think it's joke material. Sick.

Also, on a brighter note, I was suprised to see how far along the Freedom Tower (I heard it's not gonna be called that, that true?) has come, and the two waterfalls in the tower's footprints look awesome.
Terrorism or Freedom Fighters, its like Head and Tails on a Coin shaping one's opinions. Regardless, Sad days - 9/11

my current FB status
Like lots of people here I was about 8 when this happened. I cant remember if I was told at school, or sent home early, but I remember walking into my house and my mum and nan were sitting on their knees in front of the TV watching the news. I remember sitting down on the sofa and watching what was happening, and thinking "This looks like an awesome film, I will have to watch this from the beginning." I also remember noticing my nan crying, and I said its only a film nan its not real, and she and my mum had to explain it was actually real. I was just like, oh **** (or whatever my 8 year old equivalent was)

My nan and grandad were also supposed to be in New York when that happened, but my grandad was really ill and they had to postpone their trip. They were really looking forward to go up in the towers too. Its scary to think that they might have been involved.

My respects go out to all the families who lost their loved ones. R.I.P
I'm really sorry for all those victims, I really am. Such a tragedy, they didn't deserve it, just like Iraq didn't deserve American terror.
I'm glad Bin Laden is dead ( maybe ? I'm still not sure), too bad there's still many other people like Osama out there.
Heard some absolutely remarkable stories on CNN-absolutely amazing. Like the mass evacuation of people by boats-was amazing stuff. And the 5 men trapped in an elevator in one of the towers. One was a window washer, and after the plane impacted the lift stopped on the 15th floor. Pryed open the doors to be greeted by that cardboardy type wall. Had to use the squeezey mob handle to cut and break their way through the walls, ended up cutting through the loos-at the exact moment the NYFD entered the building. Amazing luck
i was like in grade 1 , like 5yrs old, and i did understand a single ****. then i saw the news and saw osama face, the killer. me and my friends (in grade 1) thought it was cool to see some thing like this, 3 planes smash into 2 tall buildings.

now 10 yrs from then , i really understand it and see it whole image clearly. griefs!

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

and back then, u can go in the plane with a gun, now u cant.

9/11 lessons.

A certain complete and utter **** called Lethra. Made a comment pretty much praising the attacks. Trying to be a troll but failing epically. Just ended up being a complete moron
A certain complete and utter **** called Lethra. Made a comment pretty much praising the attacks. Trying to be a troll but failing epically. Just ended up being a complete moron

well his name seems lethal. :P

lethal troll. -sigh...

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------

Heard some absolutely remarkable stories on CNN-absolutely amazing. Like the mass evacuation of people by boats-was amazing stuff. And the 5 men trapped in an elevator in one of the towers. One was a window washer, and after the plane impacted the lift stopped on the 15th floor. Pryed open the doors to be greeted by that cardboardy type wall. Had to use the squeezey mob handle to cut and break their way through the walls, ended up cutting through the loos-at the exact moment the NYFD entered the building. Amazing luck

just even realized that when he incident happen, planes got diverted to canada, and Scotia Bank, a bank of canada, had gold reserved in under the tower too.
gladly we retrieved it safely.

trading partners, eh!
I'm really sorry for all those victims, I really am. Such a tragedy, they didn't deserve it, just like Iraq didn't deserve American terror.
I'm glad Bin Laden is dead ( maybe ? I'm still not sure), too bad there's still many other people like Osama out there.

... Really? >.<
Yes. I didn't see his dead body so I can't be sure.
all thoughts and prayers go out to the people who lost friends and loved ones! glad to see them rebuilding towers and memorial gardens and museum hope it heels some of the pain:wub:
My first message on this thread.

All thoughts go out to the lost lifes and the families that lost there true ones on that sad day, a true tradegy that changed the world in a space of a hour, truely horrific. somethin that should of never happened, killed so many. and like above comment, glad the rebuilt memorial gardens for the people who felt the pain <3
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