September 11th 2001 - 10 years on

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I was probably too young to remember but now when I watch it , its so sad and horrible.. just shows how big an *** Bin Laden was
In fact, almost all major Western wars were influenced by Christianity in some shape or form.

Most Western wars are influenced by Imperialism and Elitism, to bring up Christianity is just having a dig imo tbh!
Major Western War - Influenced by.

Great Northern War - Russian imperialism.
War of the Quadruple Alliance - Spanish imperialism.
Seven Years War -British imperialism.
American Revolution - Want of Independence.
Napoleonic Wars - Elitism/Psychopathy.
Crimean War - Russian and French Elitism, could be argued that Religion was an influence as they where fighting over the holy lands.
American Civil War - Elitism.
Russo Japanese War - Imperialism.
WW1 - Imperialism.
Russian Civil War - Political Ideology
WW2 - Elitism/Psychopathy.
Balkan Wars - Independence/Nationalism.
Cold War - Clash of Ideology/Elitism.
Falkands War - Imperialism.
The Gulf War - Elitism/Imperialism.
War of Independence/Irish Civil War - Elitism/Imperialism.
@Shay Given , Dead Right. My family was part of the Gulf War too and its not only about that they wanted tho money from our oil too and the started to burn the oil wells. So in the morning the skies were black as if it was at night time
Most Western wars are influenced by Imperialism and Elitism, to bring up Christianity is just having a dig imo tbh!
Major Western War - Influenced by.

Great Northern War - Russian imperialism.
War of the Quadruple Alliance - Spanish imperialism.
Seven Years War -British imperialism.
American Revolution - Want of Independence.
Napoleonic Wars - Elitism/Psychopathy.
Crimean War - Russian and French Elitism, could be argued that Religion was an influence as they where fighting over the holy lands.
American Civil War - Elitism.
Russo Japanese War - Imperialism.
WW1 - Imperialism.
Russian Civil War - Political Ideology
WW2 - Elitism/Psychopathy.
Balkan Wars - Independence/Nationalism.
Cold War - Clash of Ideology/Elitism.
Falkands War - Imperialism.
The Gulf War - Elitism/Imperialism.
War of Independence/Irish Civil War - Elitism/Imperialism.

Yes, I'm having a dig, because religion is such a fuel for conflict. Not having a dig at Christianity per se though, just religions with such deep roots in violence.

Also, just because a war is influenced by imperialism doesn't mean it isn't also influenced by religion. World War Two, for example, is a big example of being influenced by both elitism and religion. The Napoleonic Wars, too, were influenced by nations who took sides according to religion: the Prussians and the British, for instance. The Irish civil war has many, many strains of religious violence in it too.

You've been very, very selective in your choice too. Look at the Crusades, the Reconquista, and many major wars that took place in the Medieval period.
Yes, I'm having a dig, because religion is such a fuel for conflict. Not having a dig at Christianity per se though, just religions with such deep roots in violence.

Also, just because a war is influenced by imperialism doesn't mean it isn't also influenced by religion. World War Two, for example, is a big example of being influenced by both elitism and religion. The Napoleonic Wars, too, were influenced by nations who took sides according to religion: the Prussians and the British, for instance. The Irish civil war has many, many strains of religious violence in it too.

You've been very, very selective in your choice too. Look at the Crusades, the Reconquista, and many major wars that took place in the Medieval period.
What part of WW2 was influenced by Religion? The holocaust is a not the War.
WW2 main allies: France(predominately catholic), GB(predominately protestant), US((predominately ????) and Russia (predominately Russian Orthodox)
WW2 main axes: Germany (predominately protestant), Italy (predominately catholic) and Japan (predominately ????)
Two very religiously diverse groups.
Im not sure where Religion comes into The Napoleonic Wars either but I know very little about it.

The Irish civil war defiantly had nothing to do with religion. You could maybe argue that the war of independence had religious influences as there where a lot of idiots that thought Protestantism was unionism and loyalism. And Catholicism was republican and nationalist.....

I only covered the major wars after the 1700 as I cba trawling back thousands of years.
What part of WW2 was influenced by Religion? The holocaust is a not the War.
WW2 main allies: France(predominately catholic), GB(predominately protestant), US((predominately ????) and Russia (predominately Russian Orthodox)
WW2 main axes: Germany (predominately protestant), Italy (predominately catholic) and Japan (predominately ????)
Two very religiously diverse groups.

The Holocaust indeed was not the war, but it was a reason for it. If that's not influencing it I don't know what is.

Im not sure where Religion comes into The Napoleonic Wars either but I know very little about it.

I just explained there. The Prussians and British were Protestants, the French were Catholic. It wasn't a huge reason, but it was still one nonetheless.

The Irish civil war defiantly had nothing to do with religion. You could maybe argue that the war of independence had religious influences as there where a lot of idiots that thought Protestantism was unionism and loyalism. And Catholicism was republican and nationalist.....

Apologies, I meant to say the Irish war of independence rather than the civil war, which didn't really.

I only covered the major wars after the 1700 as I cba trawling back thousands of years.

Well, I trawled back a bit farther for you.
The Holocaust indeed was not the war, but it was a reason for it. If that's not influencing it I don't know what is.

If there was never a Jewish religion would WW2 have taken place? Of course. Hitlers aims where to make Germany the world super power, it was just a bonus for him that he could try and exterminate the Jews during this process.
Did the allies declare War because of the anti-semitism? No they declared wars as Germany was invading and controlling too many countries. War was declared when the Nazis invaded Poland, not when the Nazis terrorised the Jews.

The majority of Western Wars where not influenced by religion never-mind Christianity, which you initially stated.
If there was never a Jewish religion would WW2 have taken place? Of course. Hitlers aims where to make Germany the world super power, it was just a bonus for him that he could try and exterminate the Jews during this process.
Did the allies declare War because of the anti-semitism? No they declared wars as Germany was invading and controlling too many countries. War was declared when the Nazis invaded Poland, not when the Nazis terrorised the Jews.

The majority of Western Wars where not influenced by religion never-mind Christianity, which you initially stated.

Again, a reason, not the sole one. World War 2 is far too big to pin down to one reason. ****, one reason it started was because Hitler was rejected from art school: if he wasn't, he'd have been an incredibly racist artist rather than a Fuhrer.

I still hold that the majority of them were influenced by religion. You're gaily erecting a strawman to attack here; you seem to be under the impression that I think that religion started most of these wars, rather than what I said, which was that Christianity INFLUENCED most wars in the Western World, which I think is pretty fair.
the majority of western wars were influenced by religion, much more during 1000-1650.
Again, a reason, not the sole one. World War 2 is far too big to pin down to one reason. ****, one reason it started was because Hitler was rejected from art school: if he wasn't, he'd have been an incredibly racist artist rather than a Fuhrer.
It was not a reason for it though, as I said had there been no Jewish religion Hitler would still have tried to conquer Europe and the world.
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It was not a reason for it though, as I said had there been no Jewish religion Hitler would still have tried to conquer Europe and the world.

not sure thats true, as Hitler's whole obsession with germany's problems lay with the jews

anyway back t 9/11
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Bin laden, what a great man!, guess the USA should'nt have ****** on his back, back in the days eh!, great man
It was not a reason for it though, as I said had there been no Jewish religion Hitler would still have tried to conquer Europe and the world.

How do we know? We can what if until the cows come home, but until then we know that one of the auxiliary reasons Hitler invaded much of mainland Europe was to establish a superior Aryan master race and cleanse it of people such as the Jews.

Can't help thinking this is rather off topic though. Shall we leave this one to lie?
not true, as Hitler's whole obsession with germany's problems lay with the jews

He blames them but if they wherent there he would have still attempted to take over the world and make Germany the biggest power in the World.
He blames them but if they wherent there he would have still attempted to take over the world and make Germany the biggest power in the World.

again, not sure you can sayt that since we remove his primary focus, obsession and drive. we dont know what he would have done

back to 9/11
9/11 was a good way to make george W triggerfinger bush into war, costing every country loads of money, which we need now, so much waste of time
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