September 11th 2001 - 10 years on

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And that is the sort of comment that starts a race war. It wasn't muslims. It was terrorists. Don't paint everyone of one creed with the same brush, otherwise all white people are racist and hate Jews. It was extremists, don't generalize. It will cause HUGE problems.

I'm gonna start by saying, I'm not racist.

But these terrorists were muslims, and to be fair if you live in Denmark, where 80% of the muslims were cheering about 9/11 when it happened, and ****. You'd think the same.

A bad choice of words? Yeah probably. Not all muslims are like that, but many are.
I'm gonna start by saying, I'm not racist.

But these terrorists were muslims, and to be fair if you live in Denmark, where 80% of the muslims were cheering about 9/11 when it happened, and ****. You'd think the same.

A bad choice of words? Yeah probably. Not all muslims are like that, but many are.

thats a load of **** right there. And yes you are bordering on the racist. seriously bad choice of words, and the vast majority arent. so take that idea somewhere else
thats a load of **** right there. And yes you are bordering on the racist. seriously bad choice of words, and the vast majority arent. so that idea somewhere else

Yeah I'm a racist. I have friends from Africa, Middle east, etc.

Not being racist, merely a bad choice of words.
Really interesting discussion about this on QT the other night. Didn't really understand someone standing up and saying "wouldn't it be easier if we just gave Al-Qaeda what they want?" :|

Apparently two or three people are being looked for in connection to another rumoured attack on the anniversary of 9/11 after they flew into England a couple of nights ago.

I'm gonna start by saying, I'm not racist.

But these terrorists were muslims, and to be fair if you live in Denmark, where 80% of the muslims were cheering about 9/11 when it happened, and ****. You'd think the same.

A bad choice of words? Yeah probably. Not all muslims are like that, but many are.

They really aren't. How can you be so narrow-minded and blatantly prejudiced and then say "I'm not a racist"?

Extremists aren't all Muslims, terrorists aren't all muslims. The guy in Denmark who killed 90+ people wasn't Muslim - he was a killer, an extremist, and a terrorist. Just like the men who flew the planes into the WTC.

And those that are muslim, represent a TINY proportion of the world's muslims. In fact, the significant majority of Muslims, and of the middle-east are completely opposed to Al-Qaeda, and are outraged at the way in which Bin Laden and co. try (tried) to make this into a religious war when everything they're doing is completely going against what the Qu'ran says.

I short - **** off or stop being a tool.

---------- Post added at 12:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

Yeah I'm a racist. I have friends from Africa, Middle east, etc.

Not being racist, merely a bad choice of words.

Love that people use this to say "I'm not racist". So the **** what? That doesn't somehow mean that saying most Muslims are terrorists isn't a racist thing to say.
Yeah I'm a racist. I have friends from Africa, Middle east, etc.

Not being racist, merely a bad choice of words.
You used the I have "....." friends excuse....

i go to school in america and this has basically been the discussion topic for the last week or so, im watching a documentary in my middle eastern based course called 102 minutes, theres no narration and its just the video recording taken from people in New York or New Jersey on that day, truly horrifying stuff. When i see the jumpers i can barely watch the tv, its awful, i cant imagine making a decision, Jumping or burning to death, horrific stuff.

It annoys me when people make 9/11 jokes, i have a very dark sense of humour but i find 9/11 jokes too far, maybe its because it was more recent than other topics. I dont talk to Americans about this because sadly most of the kids in my school are quite ignorant, they think that all muslims are terrorists and if they see anything in arabic it has to be some sort of message supporting terrorism. I understand their anger but you cant generalise even in the worst of times.
i was too small to understand what really happen that time, only the last few years i finaly understood what this was all about. 9/11 :(
Remember coming home from school and thinking it was odd only the news on at 3, then saw the towers on fire, then drop..

*waits for the conspiracy theorists*

I wouldn't call myself a conspiracy theorist...but...I can see reason for people who think something's odd about it all.
I find it hard to rationalise not blaming religion in some form when the Qur'an has a multitude of quotes inciting violence and war against non-believers. Yes, it's extremists who act on it, and I'm not going to generalise all muslims in the same light, it's the minority causing violence, but they're still extremists in the name of religion, millions have died in wars throughout history in the name of religion, 9/11 is just another tragic addition.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 AM ----------

I wouldn't call myself a conspiracy theorist...but...I can see reason for people who think something's odd about it all.

Most conspiracy theorists decided before they applied logic that something was odd about it though, that decision taints their logic to arrive at an answer that they want to arrive a, regardless what unbiased evidence says.
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US Imperialism in the middle east, but Muslims are thy Freedom fighters !

that what i learn in social studied tbh, studying on imperialism and globalization.
US Imperialism in the middle east, but Muslims are thy Freedom fighters !

that what i learn in social studied tbh, studying on imperialism and globalization.

I can tell you as someone who enjoys history that Great Britain was more involved in the Middle east during the Imperial Age, its just in modern times America have been more involved.
I can tell you as someone who enjoys history that Great Britain was more involved in the Middle east during the Imperial Age, its just in modern times America have been more involved.

i AM a big history fan. yes i also know that GB used to control the heck of oil back then after the WW 2 (or ww1, cant remember. lol my memory i realy hate talking about these stuffs).

but i was mentioning of modern imperialism, not the imperial age times (GB conquering the most)
i AM a big history fan. yes i also know that GB used to control the heck of oil back then after the WW 2 (or ww1, cant remember. lol my memory i realy hate talking about these stuffs).

but i was mentioning of modern imperialism, not the imperial age times (GB conquering the most)

Its to do with the cold war mainly, Americans tried to play the middle eastern countries to their advantage by supporting the military dictators that had taken charge at that time, this angered a lot of middle eastern people because the Americans supported evil men who tortured their own people and gave all the wealth to a very small percent of the population, all for oil sadly (and to get back at Russia). No matter what America have done nothing justifies the attack on the world trade center.
i AM a big history fan. yes i also know that GB used to control the heck of oil back then after the WW 2 (or ww1, cant remember. lol my memory i realy hate talking about these stuffs).

but i was mentioning of modern imperialism, not the imperial age times (GB conquering the most)

GB conquered so much, basically from being heartless bastards, creating concentration camps etc, so no wonder we used to own ton loads of oil from the ME.
GB conquered so much, basically from being heartless bastards, creating concentration camps etc, so no wonder we used to own ton loads of oil from ME.

From U :O :P

lol jk. but i see what ur trying to say

---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------

Its to do with the cold war mainly, Americans tried to play the middle eastern countries to their advantage by supporting the military dictators that had taken charge at that time, this angered a lot of middle eastern people because the Americans supported evil men who tortured their own people and gave all the wealth to a very small percent of the population, all for oil sadly (and to get back at Russia). No matter what America have done nothing justifies the attack on the world trade center.

but from what ive learn, globalization hit hard at someplaces, and sticking with imperialism, the Muslims wanted to be on their own. they why the OPEC was form.

to the Muslim commitee, those terror ppls on that plane are consider freedom fighters to them.

**im not a Muslim btw :P
I imagine you hold thrilling conversations with your peers...

You make the mistake of assuming that I hold them as equals to me. ;)

I find it hard to rationalise not blaming religion in some form when the Qur'an has a multitude of quotes inciting violence and war against non-believers. Yes, it's extremists who act on it, and I'm not going to generalise all muslims in the same light, it's the minority causing violence, but they're still extremists in the name of religion, millions have died in wars throughout history in the name of religion, 9/11 is just another tragic addition.

Now that is possibly true, but the thing is the majority of people who are saying that the Qur'an is violent are Christians, which makes them HUGELY hypocritical. The Bible preaches insane amounts of violent verses (admittedly less than the Qur'an by percentage, but more overall, not that it matters that much) and Christians have committed some of the worst Holy Wars in history. In fact, almost all major Western wars were influenced by Christianity in some shape or form.

I therefore don't disagree with you, I just think that we shouldn't single out Islam as a violent religion when so many others are too. It's one of the reasons I admire Sikhs and Buddhists so much: Buddhists are just all-round awesome, whereas Sikhs, brave and indefatigable fighters though they are, are so devoted to their religion that they will only draw their kirpans as a last resort, or when defending their religion.
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I find it hard to rationalise not blaming religion in some form when the Qur'an has a multitude of quotes inciting violence and war against non-believers. Yes, it's extremists who act on it, and I'm not going to generalise all muslims in the same light, it's the minority causing violence, but they're still extremists in the name of religion, millions have died in wars throughout history in the name of religion, 9/11 is just another tragic addition.

The Qu'ran accepts, rather than incites, violence and bloodshed in the name of a Jihad, or holy war (they're not quite the same thing but broadly speaking It's about Islam and/or their country being under threat).

Islamic leaders have also constantly attempted to isolate Al-Qaeda and other extremists and distance themselves - and their religion - from these people. The Qu'ran forbids suicide, mass murder and 90% of the stuff they do. When you're flying into buildings and blowing up trains in other countries, that cannot be passed off as some kind of self-defense in the name of Jihad. Those claiming martyrdom are a tiny proportion if the Muslim community worldwide and if anything, use Allah's name in vain when they roll off **** that is no more than an excuse & a way of getting gullible Muslims to join the movement.

America and Britain reacting to incidents like this could also be said to be acting in the name of religion anyway. The old testament says "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". And yet it's Islam at fault?

At this point, I firmly believe religion has jack-all to do with it.

It's important to note that while It's not an excuse for such horrific acts of violence, Afghanistan has been controlled by, and/or at war with most of the Western world almost non-stop during the 20th and 21st centuries. Something like this (a general reaCtion rather than specifically these attacks) was inevitable IMHO (hehe my phone's auto-correct suggests UNHOLY there).
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Although i syphasise heavley with anyone who lost a friend/family in 9/11 i dont realy go in for aniversary hereos so many people on facebook etc havent mentioned 9/11 at all but now its coming around thier all " omg its so sad please join my group on failbook" then 2 months later they forget about it again untill someone mentions " hey man its been 15/20/25 years since 9/11"

Its the same with any tragedy people take it unto themselves to be a pioneer for whatever is fotm then drop it like a hotcake the next time some nutjob flys a plane into something.

How many people who are claiming to be still devastated by 9/11 wear a poppy on rememberence sunday? or even no when it is? or how many each year at this sad time shout about it so much you would think they lost thier parents/brother/sis/friend in those towers,for the most part they dont because realy they dont care they just jump on whatever media bandwagon is rolling at the time.
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