Shogun II Total war

After slightly laughing to myself about Redrup's still not installed I decided to launch my game but I had to download a patch. I waited until it had finished and clicked laucnh. But whenever I a message comes up saying 'incomplete install (15)'. My friend gets the same message so I presume part of the patch screwed up or summit probably due to the high demand for it. Maybe steam servers couldn't deal with it ;) . Karma is a *****
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i was thinking of buying it tomorrow is it worth it?
Will probably get for my birthday at the beginning of April.
Apparently Steam have ****** up the 1.1 patch and loads of people can't play. Can't say I've tried it since I've not played it since earlier tonight, I'd imagine it would be fixed very soon.
Apparently Steam have ****** up the 1.1 patch and loads of people can't play. Can't say I've tried it since I've not played it since earlier tonight, I'd imagine it would be fixed very soon.

see my earlier post. Mine is now working though :)
After speeding up again to 1.0MB/s it finally finished. Hopefully I get no patch issues and can begin my Oda conquest now.
I might get it. I'm still put off the TW after Empire... And I wasn't overly impressed with the Demo for Shogun 2. It is just more of the same. Nothing really new from what I can tell. The series needs to evolve.
After speeding up again to 1.0MB/s it finally finished. Hopefully I get no patch issues and can begin my Oda conquest now.

Think the steam servers may have been to busy to handle the installation of the patch due to the sheer number of people downloading it. Think its fine now.
I might get it. I'm still put off the TW after Empire... And I wasn't overly impressed with the Demo for Shogun 2. It is just more of the same. Nothing really new from what I can tell. The series needs to evolve.

The demo doesn't do the game justice mate and I couldn't recommend the game more but its up to you. Maybe wait a month for dx 11 to be added and then get it (some bugs may have been fixed by then)
I might get it. I'm still put off the TW after Empire... And I wasn't overly impressed with the Demo for Shogun 2. It is just more of the same. Nothing really new from what I can tell. The series needs to evolve.

Is Empire playable these days? I remember crashes every third battle, dumbest AI I've ever encountered etc.
Is Empire playable these days? I remember crashes every third battle, dumbest AI I've ever encountered etc.

it doesn't crash anymore but the AI is still dumb. Plus it runs on 1 core of the processor so it can still be slow unless you have a super quick dual core unlike me
Wow... Well that was short lived.

I started off as the Oda as I always intended and tried to strengthen my infrastructure before creating a huge army. The problem is as the Oda you are immediately enemies with the Saito, Imagawa and Tokugawa who are all in close proximity. I managed to get a force of around 1,200 men but was quickly attacked by the Tsutsui-Imagawa alliance with their 3,100 troops. After an immense battle in my city of Owari I managed to end as the victory, killing 2,500 of their men with the rest retreating, though it came at a cost - I was left with around 200 troops of my own.

The next turn, the Imagawa attacked with their remaining forces and I managed to force them back once more due to how depleted their army was from the first conflict though my Daimyo fell and so Nobunaga took control - good news.

The next turn, the Tokugawa came with a large, fresh army. I was ****** in the ****.

Think I'll go with the Shimazu or Chosokabe to begin with as their start is much less hostile.
The demo doesn't do the game justice mate and I couldn't recommend the game more but its up to you. Maybe wait a month for dx 11 to be added and then get it (some bugs may have been fixed by then)
I probably will end up getting it, but I will wait until there has been a patch or two and it has come down in price. Knowing TW games, the release version is always pretty buggy anyway.
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****** me off a bit that the maximum amount of time you can have is up to 1600AD, although you might think that's plenty of time from first glance the years go by pretty quickly when you're not in a mad rush to take every territory in quick succession. Also doesn't make much sense they chose 1600 as Japan was unified under the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1615.

Still, been enjoying the game so far.
man the **** really does hit the fan when the shogunate declares you an enemy. Every clan goes to war with you, your protectorates even betray you! If you rely on trade and protectorates then you are screwed when you cap around 15-20 provinces.
Made an Oda save, managed to fend off my enemies before destroying them (Low upkeep and costs for Ashigaru ftw) and then began concentrating on infrastructure which was going well. I thought I had plenty of time to complete my objectives before 1600, turns out though that by accident I chose short campaign. **** sake.
How big is the campaign map in relation to Empire?

I love having lots of room to roam, it makes military strategy relevant when compared to older TW games, ie Move 5 armies through mountain pass then attack city.
Made an Oda save, managed to fend off my enemies before destroying them (Low upkeep and costs for Ashigaru ftw) and then began concentrating on infrastructure which was going well. I thought I had plenty of time to complete my objectives before 1600, turns out though that by accident I chose short campaign. **** sake.

what difficulty you been playing on? Enjoying the game?

How big is the campaign map in relation to Empire?

I love having lots of room to roam, it makes military strategy relevant when compared to older TW games, ie Move 5 armies through mountain pass then attack city.
The campaign map is just Japan but is obviously scaled accordingly. There are lots of provinces, maybe 50-75
Hows the game thinking of getting it demo was okay but didn't grab my attention much I still miss my Rome total war is it as good as that? Empire disappointed me a bit and I stopped playing soon after I bought it.
Haven't posted in this thread in a while, what is everyone's opinion on the game now that it has been out for a while? I do really like it, the graphics are very nice, there's a variety of units. It is a bit annoying when the shogun declares you an enemy and everyone betrays u immediately and then eventually your protectorates do as well which means you are financially screwed for a bit due to no trade. But its a nice challenge.