Worst tactic ever, this is really ****! Can't score and keep losing. Give up tactics mate your wank at them. Make a decent one ya ****** wally.
Are you kidding me mate??? I just wanted to reply to you after reading this!!!
Before starting, I believe Raikan is big enough to defend himself, so know it's not my first intention to defend anybody.
I'm not a big "tactics downloader" but I actually learned A LOT by reading his posts and his replies to people. You can at least be constructive and give your impression about what's wrong with this tactic (like you did in the post before this one (except the "**** and **** tactic" part)).
Just know that other people can have success, as I did with my PSG side. I respected what had been said in the OP: not an AWAY tactic, and I prepare games before every match (so I don't play a 4231 even a possession one at home if I see in my opponent's history it smashed teams playing this formation, what are its last results? against which side? which formation? which reputation? how many goals (for and against) agaisnt 4231 tactic? which players are fit to play against me?...
After having great success with MY formations (mostly 4222) and win by killing other teams by 2, 3 or more goals than the other side, I felt like changing since I had a new AMC (Pastore) and find another kind of pleasure by watching pleasant 3D matchs and analyzing my stats, possession, CCC, number of passes, interceptions, main position on the field, from where the shots were made, which players were more involved in the game than other... And from this, TWEAK the formation to adapt it to YOUR team. For this, I know you've to be patient my friend, and I don't believe there's plug and play downloadable tactic which will fit to every team and make you win every games by 5 more goals and have an impressive stats sheet in addition to control the game when you watch it on 3D and feel like having 11 Messi (even the GK!!!).
I agree with you about not scoring for fun with this tactic, and sometimes the AMC pass the ball at the back instead of giving it upfront when there's clearly an opportunity to attack, but what's his creativity, decision... stats? what's his creativity you allowed him to have? what's his PPM? you've got to look at all of this before making judgement on people's work buddy?
And you know what? I'm undefeated with "Raikan's short and sweet" based (tweaked to fit MY team) on almost 3 seasons... Unbelievable? Of course, I often change tactics (4231, 433, 451, 4222) according to the next game, the competition, the player's rotation, and adapt IN game as well. I often prefer to win 1-0 or 2-1 and watch how my team play with 80% possession in the OPPOSITE side, analyse the game stats in real time, and get at the press conference "you're a tactical genius", or Guardiola saying about the way we play "PSG passes where a pleasure to watch, we didn't touch the ball, blablabla...". Some other people would prefer to win 6-2 with 40% possession, 45 shots with half of them off target, take advantage of the corner glitch... And it's respectable as well, everyone's free to play the way he wants, it's just a game
To conclude, I just wanted you to understand you can't attack work's people, or even the guy himself ("Give up tactics mate your wank at them. Make a decent one ya ****** wally") when other people have great succes with his work like I do. Or if it's the way you like it, start a thread with YOUR work and let's see how people would react if it doesn't work well for them (even if you're on a 30 winning strike...). I hope you'll get my point and won't be offended. Be constructive and help us (and yourself) to improve in this game.
Take care buddy