Im new to forums about fm and such but having just signed an unbelievable Goalkeeper in January I have decided to suitably show him off!
And whilst doing so probably should include my Midfield General.. and tbh my entire team since it is virtually all regens bar Phil Jones, Jack Wilshire, and Yaya Sanogo.. But your just getting my Box 2 Box midfield general Claudia Nocera and my record breaking signing Arnaud Bako at £13.750.000 (yes I am a tight wad with my cash and prefer to buy young

, with Nocera setting me back £10 mil at age of 17..)
(please excuse me if I show the pictures wrong..)
Arnaud Bako, bought January 2019 for £13,750,000
Claudio Nocera, bought January 2014 for £10,000,000 (aged 17, he promptly played the next 14 league games.. I first won the Premiership in 2014/15)
---------- Post added at 06:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------
Oh and now I feel really bad on my Left Back I have got to show him off too, who joined for £10,000,000 in the summer of 2014 to replace Maynor Figuora...
and if I show him... I must also show James Bradley, bought for £5.5 million in the summer of 2016....
These are my four best players, I've already won everything a club can win! ....Can't wait until Bradley, Nocera and Flahaut reach their peak...