Hey. I´m currently using TheWibes Combo. And its somewhat great.
However. My strikers doesn´t score. 1 goal here or there but not as aspected. I´ve got Giroud and Jackson Martinez (managing Arsenal).

Any suggestions?

Don't ask me why, but I find that when using Def.Pos as Match training, my strikers and amc score alot more..
I've found out that its sorted like this

Attacking movement = Wingers with most goals

Tactics Only = Best overall ( Wingers, Striker, AMC....... )

Defensive Positioning ( Striker with most goals )

At least this is how it is for me...

Here's some screens too show you..

Using OP Tactic!

View attachment 339583View attachment 339582

This is while using

View attachment 339580

Balanced ( Normal ) - Def.Pos ( 50% ) - Rest after
Don't ask me why, but I find that when using Def.Pos as Match training, my strikers and amc score alot more..
I've found out that its sorted like this

Attacking movement = Wingers with most goals

Tactics Only = Best overall ( Wingers, Striker, AMC....... )

Defensive Positioning ( Striker with most goals )

At least this is how it is for me...

Here's some screens too show you..

Using OP Tactic!

View attachment 680664View attachment 680665

This is while using

View attachment 680666

Balanced ( Normal ) - Def.Pos ( 50% ) - Rest after

i use def pos.. And my striker is the topscorer..
What van u do with my defense? They score Manu goals Against me..
Honestly, this tactic is really horrendous. Sir Concedealot is what it really is.
Honestly, this tactic is really horrendous. Sir Concedealot is what it really is.

Nice constructive post, can't explain why or give reason, can't ask for tips or any ideas, just jump to a conclusion. You not using this is your loss friend :p
Incredible tactic. I know I was Manchester United but still.

My best season was my 4th where a treble was looming large but my players just couldn't handle the fixture congestion during the end of the season which resulted in a 0-3 thrashing from City in the FA Cup final and losing to Stoke and Palace at home which ruined my almost invincible season.

Best player was by far James Rodriguez who played left wing.

Here's a link to some pictures.
Sir Goalalot - Imgur

EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/66b7Ziz.png [James' biography]
EDIT2: He was named CL player of the tournament, again.
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I find the Assymetric version of this tactic best. :) A bit too "bad" at the defence, but does get the job done with the offence. 6 matches: 5 wins, 1 draw, 19-5 :)
I find the Assymetric version of this tactic best. :) A bit too "bad" at the defence, but does get the job done with the offence. 6 matches: 5 wins, 1 draw, 19-5 :)
tks u , you can try change BBM to BWM ( D ) to have a better defence :D
I find the Assymetric version of this tactic best. :) A bit too "bad" at the defence, but does get the job done with the offence. 6 matches: 5 wins, 1 draw, 19-5 :)

How many tweaks are there of this tactic? Which is best?

I'm currently using the one in the op, with succes, but would it be possible to put alle the tactics in one post. I'm lazy and won't look through all these pages.

But great job, great tactic. I thought FM 14 was dead for me, but this tactic has brought me back to the game :)
hahahahaa, you using op tactic and managed to lose 0-2 to freiburg and stuttgart???

Im CONFIDENT that you have done some cookup with morale or something, becasue thats just not possible unles syou was REALY unlucky with their goalie beeing inase whilst you got 3 red cards each match :p
hahahahaa, you using op tactic and managed to lose 0-2 to freiburg and stuttgart???

Im CONFIDENT that you have done some cookup with morale or something, becasue thats just not possible unles syou was REALY unlucky with their goalie beeing inase whilst you got 3 red cards each match :p
Agreed. I've had to tinker with making my own (crappy) tactics and have this saved for big tams/competitions, just to make it fair. I mean yeah, it's not 100% win percentage, but it's high 90%s imo.

Your CMs don't even necessarily have to have great marking/tackling. I've found that someone with decent aggression/workrate will do a decent job (i've been using Wilshere and Ramsey in these positions and they're fine if not great. And id they're inclined to go further up (which these two are) they'll bang in a few goals for you too.
i play home very good against strong teams with underdog tactic,, but away i play really bad(
Sorry guys, going to be cheeky as I haven't read all 15 pages, but quick question - I've been using Steatons Invincible 4231 but was wondering if this is better from peoples experience?

There are quite a few 4231's out there now with the Monstrous one also released recently!
monstrous and chicken run are better than this Laker9

most of the people giving this one props are biased or just don't know how to use the others, this attack is too leaky at the back, fact, not up for debate
monstrous and chicken run are better than this Laker9

most of the people giving this one props are biased or just don't know how to use the others, this attack is too leaky at the back, fact, not up for debate
Nice generalisation bro.
it's not a generalisation, this tactic is overly attacking and extremely leaking at the back

you are upset and wrong cause you are fan boying the tactic

monstrous and chicken run both would say maybe have 5-10% less potency in attack while having 30-40% more potency in defense, which makes it a better tactic

if you're too blind or possibly slow to understand what i'm saying i'm not going to bother responding to you anymore
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its an attacking tactic. tweak it to be more defensive and you will concede less goals. it's not rocket science.

for tougher away games change the cwm to fb(a) and a bwm to defend mode.

i have 3 versions of this. the standard tactic in op, a tweaked version for tougher away games, and an even more attacking version with counter changed to attacking. that should be all you need!
i know it's not rocket science

but the other 2 tactics i mentioned are already better overall/more consistent

so i don't feel a need to use this tactic in it's current state/version unless there's an overhaul