Slaying The Dragons -- The English Youth Academy

I've decided that despite my FM not working I will finish off this story. One update tonight and one next weekend, which will finish it.

What sort of length do people want? Happy to do one slightly longer than usual.
Nice to see a finish to the story, at last :) And it's quality not quantity so make it whatever length is neccessary to go out with a bang!

Looking forward to it.
Nice to see a finish to the story, at last :) And it's quality not quantity so make it whatever length is neccessary to go out with a bang!

Looking forward to it.

What you said. Not quantity but quality. ;)
Just make it the best update EVER! Doesn't matter if it's long or not. :D
Just echoing what those above have already said, just go for it, put everything you've got into making it the best ending to a story ever!
Man, i'm dying to read this, probably my 3rd favourite story of all time.

I beg you to keep it going, mahn its awesome!
Would love to see an update Eds. :)

Of your own discretion, of course. ;)
Only 3rd? Deary me. ;)

Fine, this is the best story ever! I told all my friends about it and recommend it to them. You should write a book about this, i would buy it. You are my hero Eds, when i'm bigger, i want to be just like you!

May 2012. It's been a phenomenal couple of years here at St. George. The double promotion to get us up to the Championship. The controversies. The League Cup win, and more recently, some very shocking news.

The 11/12 season has been very stop start. There's been no dazzling performances and we're very close to not promoting. It all comes down to a last day thriller against West Brom. The winner promotes. The loser gets nothing.

As I sat there; I thought about the team. These allegations were ridiculous. None of them would do such a thing. I knew nothing about it - and neither did any of them. I hope.

The Muniain and Canales transfers had fallen through many months ago due to the players being unable to agree personal terms. But the fact of the matter is they didn't want to come here. Thank god for that. Although, it didn't bode well for our reputation - not at all well.
"PASS THE ******* BALL!"

Delph squared up to the outraged Victor Moses. A small tussle, but it was more than that.

Fabian Delph has always been a great player. A great playmaker. A great midfielder. And a great guy. But he's been off the ball lately. Hardly passing. Selfish play. He just hasn't been himself.

"Do you want to be playing in the Championship or not?"
"Well, no, but we might promote."
"Even if you do, you will be getting thrashed every week by the likes of Arsenal. Join us, or your England chances will be ruined."
"My England chances will be ruined? Okay, I will join."
"Sign here."

"Hush, little man. Hush. No matter how hard you struggle, you will not be released unless you do what I said." A man in a thick Spanish accent whispered to a dispairing David Triesman.
"But that is truly madness. I simply cannot do it. He has been a great friend for many years"
"You must. Or you will die."
"SILENCE. You have seventy-two hours. If the task is not completed, you will die."

The metal object smashed against the side of David Triesman's kneecap and he squealed in pain. He looked at his bandaged left hand, and thought to himself. If they would cut off all my fingers, they would definately kill me.

But he had been asked to perform a task he had never performed before. He had never dreamed he would perform it before. It was his life - or Trevor Brooking's.


Bit of a complex update, but it allows everything open for the final update, which will hopefully be the best update any story has ever had. Tune in next time for the end of the Dragon Slayers story.
Fantastic update Eds, cannot wait for the final update :)
Oh my! I just read through the story, from page 1 - untill now - and I have only one word to say...
AMAZING! this story is the best story on the site, and it'll be hard for anyone to match this story in a long run.

Great update also btw :)
Been waiting a while Ed but it was sure worth it. Give us a great final update :)
When can we expect this to be finished???

Can't wait to see what happens. Got a little idea whats wrong with Delph, keep it to myself though ;)
Feeling very out of sorts atm, but will get it up at the weekend, hopefully.
Get well soon. Looking forward to the ending. Vote cast for..... Slaying The Dragons! :)

Goodbye, lads.

West Bromwich Albion vs St. George FC. Premiership or nothingness. Another year of Championship mediocrity or up to the best league in the world. Potential stardom or a failed project. Most probably the biggest match in the short but illustrious history of the Dragon Slayers.


Those eleven Dragon Slayers take to the Hawthorns today. I've seen them develop from young seventeen year olds into fully fledged England Internationals, like Smithies, Rodwell and Delph. It's phenonemal to see where they are now. They are Premiership quality - for sure - and if we lose today, their loyalty would be tested to the limit.


Everything is set. Everything is ready. I've completed one of the two tasks I've been set. Can I do it? The nerves are bubbling up now. Only ninety minutes away. My life or his - that's what the man said. It's got to be his, hasn't it? I've got so much to live for. But hasn't everyone?


I screamed with joy. Despite only having 10-men, despite going 1-0 down after only seven minutes, we had worked our way back into it and goals from Victor Moses and Tom Cleverley had given us the win, and everything had gone well. Slick passing. Strong headers. Tough challenges. The lot - a terrific team performance.

And that's when I saw him. White, pale, not himself. David Triesman ran down to the pitch, alone, scruffy, tired-looking.

"Trevor, congrats. You need to follow me, quickly."
"Alright then. But why?"

The adrenaline pumped through my veins as I pounded up the stairs at the Hawthorns. Premiership football next season. Fantastic. I didn't question Triesman - although I was hoping for a party of some sort. I deserved something to recognise my acheivements, surely?

As expected, Triesman told me to shut my eyes just before entering a dreary room, which was unexpectantly quiet. He led me through the door, my heart still beating fast. He told me to keep my eyes shut, but started to trail away from me.


I saw him - gun pointed towards my head. I almost fainted with the shock as a balaclaved man spoke in a rough, yet gentle, Spanish accent.

"Well, well, well. Mr Brooking, we meet again."
"Who are you?"
"Congratulations on your recent achievement, but you have not listened to me. I told you to fold the club, you did not listen. I gave you more chances, you did not listen. Now, you must die. Triesman, shoot him."

I shut my eyes, hearing the explosive sound come from the barrel of Triesman's gun. I could not believe he would do this. What could possibly have happened for him to help the Spanish Man? Has he been working with him all along? Everything went into slow motion, and I waited impaitently for the pain. But it never came.

I opened my eyes, and saw the balaclaved man lying on the floor. A bulletwound to his chest. I was amazed. There was too much to take in. But I slowly wondered over to the Spanish Man. I gently lifted up his black balavclava to unveil this tormentor.

And then I saw his face. My god. I could not believe who it was. He wasn't Spanish at all. It was someone I knew all to well. I could not believe it. I had taken him in - with all his donations, and his friendly charm, I thought he had been a real friend. Obviously not.