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So many people die of smoke related illnesses who have never touched 1 in there life yet my aunt who smoked an insane amount a day due to bein a chain smoker and insomniac died of natural causes, she had been like that for 20 years. Smoking does NOT give you illnesses, it CAN contribute to it, it's been proven time and again.

Going onto the charity thing, I wouldn't waste a penny on giving to charity unless they can 100% guarantee MY money was staying in MY country, we got enough problems of our own and if we stopped givin all this money to other countries for just 5-10 years we would be sorted.

I smoke, have done for 11 years and the only "Smoking Illness" I've got is getting out of breath easily, small price to pay for a £10 a week habit

not addicted though, only smoke it every couple months.

The hookah tobbaco I have contains 0% Nicotine and 0% Tar. It is normally the Nicotine that gets people addicted. Better alternative than smoking normal cigarettes if you want to smoke.
I've tried it and didn't like it but i have a few friends i know who smoke. I really can't stand the smell it's absolutely horrible, though stale smoke on clothes is the worst! I hate it when customers who come into my shop to return items and it smells really bad of stale smoke. yuck. There's nothing i can do with that except write that off! sigh.
especially your hair after a night out as well, especially if you just had it washed, blow dryed and straightened etc, its a kak smell, I used to smoke just under a pack a day about 2 years ago, i quit for 1.5 years, I have a couple when I have a few lagers, which is pretty much every weekend, but i dont touch it otherwise, i will say i have on average about 4 a week! i go weeks without having one and when i party i may have as many as 10, just depends how ****** i am.... ;)

but i am no longer a smoker... i have one when i feel like one!
I dont smoke and dont think I ever will. I hate it, none of my friends smoke and thats mostly because I generally dont hang around with smokers, and I find it massively unattractive when girls smoke aswell. Not saying smokers are 'bad people' or anything but I just hate it and stay away from it as much as possible. I find it quite funny though when you've got the chavs who think they're hard and 'badmen' when they're smoking, they deserve a massive slap.

but i am no longer a smoker... i have one when i feel like one!​

But any health care proffesional will still class you as a smoker because you say you have one when you feel like it. I have had smoking cessation therapy and they say there is no such thing as a non-smoker if you still have one every now and again.
I started smoking in 1985 and continued for 14 years with on average about 15 a day. I decided to quit on New Years eve, 1999 while I was working as a DJ. I just crumpled up the pack after I finished my last smoke and announced over the mic that I was a non smoker.

I never looked back.
I started smoking in 1985 and continued for 14 years with on average about 15 a day. I decided to quit on New Years eve, 1999 while I was working as a DJ. I just crumpled up the pack after I finished my last smoke and announced over the mic that I was a non smoker.

I never looked back.

I respect that. Good on you mate.
So many people die of smoke related illnesses who have never touched 1 in there life yet my aunt who smoked an insane amount a day due to bein a chain smoker and insomniac died of natural causes, she had been like that for 20 years. Smoking does NOT give you illnesses, it CAN contribute to it, it's been proven time and again.

Going onto the charity thing, I wouldn't waste a penny on giving to charity unless they can 100% guarantee MY money was staying in MY country, we got enough problems of our own and if we stopped givin all this money to other countries for just 5-10 years we would be sorted.

I smoke, have done for 11 years and the only "Smoking Illness" I've got is getting out of breath easily, small price to pay for a £10 a week habit

So, even if I don't smoke, I could still get lung cancer anyway? I could but it is far less likely.

There is much more chance of lung cancer if you smoke so, if you ask me, it is one of the causes of lung cancer.
I started smoking in 1985 and continued for 14 years with on average about 15 a day. I decided to quit on New Years eve, 1999 while I was working as a DJ. I just crumpled up the pack after I finished my last smoke and announced over the mic that I was a non smoker.

I never looked back.

I envy you. Well done there
My Great Nan smoked 15 a day since her late teens and never died until she was 95. Not saying it doesn't have an affect on your health but it doesn't affect everyone.
I get through a 20 pack in two weeks unless ive been at a house party, so you do the maths.

However, I get looked down on for smoking menthol, yet it hardly leaves a smell. I know someone who I tend to go for a *** with at college who will have a normal ***, they can be asked if they've just had one, and no one will be able to tell on me, I can only ever smell it on my breathe for like 5 mins after i've had one, if that and my hand so im not sat there all day reeking of it.
I get through a 20 pack in two weeks unless ive been at a house party, so you do the maths.

However, I get looked down on for smoking menthol, yet it hardly leaves a smell. I know someone who I tend to go for a *** with at college who will have a normal ***, they can be asked if they've just had one, and no one will be able to tell on me, I can only ever smell it on my breathe for like 5 mins after i've had one, if that and my hand so im not sat there all day reeking of it.
I would suggest cryo freezing your "little Michael Phelps" now pal, Menthol makes you sterile...;)
I smoke the rolled cigarettes (stoner thing I guess), the Amber Leaf brand (Taste of any other rolled tobacco bleugh, normal cigarettes arent AS nice but preferable to any other tobacco) but I only smoke 5 perhaps 7/8 a day

I'm nto saying 'only' in a 'i wont get cancer' way I just mean compared to the common 20/40 a day some people can smoke, im not a particularly heavy smoker
My mum, dad and sister smoke and most of the rest of my family do too. Me, my fiance and our 3 year old son do not smoke. (thought i'd give my son a mention as i just seen the clip of that indonesian kid)

All of my mates when i was a teenager smoked, i never tried it although they did try to convince me when i was young teen, by the time i was 15/16ish my mates considered me the 'sensible' one and respected my decision not to smoke.

When i was 19 i had my first drag, it was a joint tho that a couple of my mates were smoking - it was my choice and i certainly wasn't pressured into doing so. Whether you agree with drugs or not, i saw a point to doing this because it would have some effect on how i felt. The first time wasn't great, coughed a lot and got laughed at. On rare occassions if somebody has a joint on the go i've had a couple of drags but its definately recreational and not habitual - i'm 28 now and have probably smoked 9 joints in the last 9 years and i haven't smoked any this year.

As for straight ****/cigarettes, i have never ever had a single drag and it will stay that way
I started when I was about 14/15 and to be honest it was just something to try. Didn't particularly like or dislike it but when I was offered I would either take one or I wouldn't depending on whether or not I fancied one. If you try it because you feel pressured then you're a mug. When I started in my first job, we had a smoking area and I liked going out for the banter so I was probably on 4-5 a day which is probably the most I've smoked regularly. I've changed jobs now though and I don't go out anymore so I don't smoke at all during the week. I normally find myself going for a smoke if I'm drunk though which I don't mind because I still enjoy it from time to time. I also enjoy the odd cigar but that's another story. I was lucky because I was never really properly addicted and changing my habits meant that I didn't actually have to 'give up'. Id say if you do want to smoke then try not to make a routine of it. But it's probably better if you don't do it at all. Same as eating junk food really. I don't see it as being much worse. Theres a lot of people slating smokers but hey it's their lives, leave them to it? It does do my head in when I see people smoking in other's faces or smoking next to a pram or toddler or whatever.
I started when I was about 14/15 and to be honest it was just something to try. Didn't particularly like or dislike it but when I was offered I would either take one or I wouldn't depending on whether or not I fancied one. If you try it because you feel pressured then you're a mug. When I started in my first job, we had a smoking area and I liked going out for the banter so I was probably on 4-5 a day which is probably the most I've smoked regularly. I've changed jobs now though and I don't go out anymore so I don't smoke at all during the week. I normally find myself going for a smoke if I'm drunk though which I don't mind because I still enjoy it from time to time. I also enjoy the odd cigar but that's another story. I was lucky because I was never really properly addicted and changing my habits meant that I didn't actually have to 'give up'. Id say if you do want to smoke then try not to make a routine of it. But it's probably better if you don't do it at all. Same as eating junk food really. I don't see it as being much worse. Theres a lot of people slating smokers but hey it's their lives, leave them to it? It does do my head in when I see people smoking in other's faces or smoking next to a pram or toddler or whatever.

That me ****** me off so bad, just shows they shouldnt be a parent, in my opinion
My Great Nan smoked 15 a day since her late teens and never died until she was 95. Not saying it doesn't have an affect on your health but it doesn't affect everyone.

I think it effects everyone, but to differing degrees. Your nan might've lost, what, one week of her life perhaps, whereas someone else who had done that might've died aged 73.

That me ****** me off so bad, just shows they shouldnt be a parent, in my opinion

I know, it really really angers me. If the kid grows up and decides to smoke, fine, that's their choice, but no way should a parent actively harm their child like that.
I have never smoked, and never will smoke. I find it awful and a terrible hait to have, and I intend for it to stay that way tbh.
I would suggest cryo freezing your "little Michael Phelps" now pal, Menthol makes you sterile...;)

Myth.. There have been no studies to date on menthol cigarettes to prove this. You are just as likely to become sterile smoking normal cigarettes or have a low sperm count.
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