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i usually smoke when I am drinking. Although when I am sober, I can't stand the smell of tobacco...:S
it's the additives in the cigs that get you. When chemicals and such damage lung tissue it scars it (and for whatever reason, the human body hasn't developed enough to replace large tracks of damaged lung tissue with lung tissue) It's a similar issue as asbestos, but you don't see people smoking that stuff.

As I said before shisha/hookah=good alternative but probably won't give an avid cig smoker their fix. But I have no real problem with smokers, most of my friends don't smoke but I have some that do, and I dont mind as long as they aren't blowing it in my face.
I beg to differ. Alcohol makes my friends shoulders comfy and makes me talk about constellations and Venice with complete abandon. :D

Bollocks to that. Sure you pay taxes on your ****, but nowhere near enough to compensate for the health complications smoking causes. And I pay taxes on my wages, too, part of which goes to help smokers get back on their feet after health issues. Well, that, and adverts telling them to stop smoking. You're entitled to free healthcare, but don't be under the illusion you're putting as much in as you're getting out.

Which I then have to subsidise, you selfish little man.

Oh, there's a reasoned argument. See, thing is, if I and every other person who didn't smoke and didn't want to pay for other people's addictions "****** off", you realise you'd end up paying far, far more taxes, right? Resulting in less money for you to fund your addiction. Possibly, shock horror, you might have to quit smoking to feed yourself. Think about it next time you say something like that.

All this coming from someone who smokes pot? hypocrite is the word I'm looking for
How do you know he smokes pot?

If i remember correctly, there was a thread a little while back on cannabis and legalising drugs, where GodCubed supported legalising drugs and said he was a pot smoker.
If i remember correctly, there was a thread a little while back on cannabis and legalising drugs, where GodCubed supported legalising drugs and said he was a pot smoker.

Looks like my taxes will be used on him then when he starts having mental health issues from smoking too much cannabis yet he dont like it when smokers get treatment from the N.H.S.
Disgusting Habit?

It is a horrible habit, but some people see differently.

I think that chain smoking is disgusting, I don't see how anyone can smoke more than maybe 4 or 5 a day. I just had one and it made me feel ****.

So I've thrown my pack in the bin, had enough of them.
Yeahhh guys we all smoke because we want your NHS to miraculously heal our cancers, when we acquire them. Even me, living in portugal, i'm plotting to dominate the world through your National Health System. Geez, when you don't have nothing to say, don't do it.

put simple you have 3 kinds of people smoking:

1. for pleasure
2. for obligation (addiction)
3. for stupidity (looking cool)

If you don't smoke, and can' event stand being close to a shredded pack of cigs on the floor, just go to the smoke-free environments.

And btw, you have no freaking idea of what you are "smoking" every time you breathe. Pollution is more harmful than cigs.

I've said it earlier, smoke a joint and just chill, you don't know untill you try it. One day it will be legal, and all ya'll hypocritical slobs will understand OUR point of view. Mine at least.
So many people die of smoke related illnesses who have never touched 1 in there life yet my aunt who smoked an insane amount a day due to bein a chain smoker and insomniac died of natural causes, she had been like that for 20 years. Smoking does NOT give you illnesses, it CAN contribute to it, it's been proven time and again.

Going onto the charity thing, I wouldn't waste a penny on giving to charity unless they can 100% guarantee MY money was staying in MY country, we got enough problems of our own and if we stopped givin all this money to other countries for just 5-10 years we would be sorted.

I smoke, have done for 11 years and the only "Smoking Illness" I've got is getting out of breath easily, small price to pay for a £10 a week habit
A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide or radiation, that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer.

Smoking has over 4,000 carcinogens in them, so yes it does give you illness.
So you think continuing to smoke consistently for the rest of your life the only symptom you'll get is shortness of breath? So if in the next 5 years you get cancer caused by smoking, it'll just be "a small price to pay"?


And pollution and smoking are completely different. You make a choice if you want to smoke, everyone experiences pollution regardless of their choice. And people complain about the NHS because it's an extra burden on the NHS, that non-smokers will also have to subsidise. If the NHS has to treat a smoker too, someone else WILL have to suffer because of that, why should that person suffer when they did nothing to risk their health, and then a smoker gets the treatment when they voluntarily risked their health.
A carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide or radiation, that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer.

Smoking has over 4,000 carcinogens in them, so yes it does give you illness.
So you think continuing to smoke consistently for the rest of your life the only symptom you'll get is shortness of breath? So if in the next 5 years you get cancer caused by smoking, it'll just be "a small price to pay"?


And pollution and smoking are completely different. You make a choice if you want to smoke, everyone experiences pollution regardless of their choice. And people complain about the NHS because it's an extra burden on the NHS, that non-smokers will also have to subsidise. If the NHS has to treat a smoker too, someone else WILL have to suffer because of that, why should that person suffer when they did nothing to risk their health, and then a smoker gets the treatment when they voluntarily risked their health.

Same can be said about obese people. Why should they get treatment on the NHS when they are putting themselves at risk by munching junk food.
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I agree with that too, unless there's an actual medical reason why they're obese.
Looks like my taxes will be used on him then when he starts having mental health issues from smoking too much cannabis yet he dont like it when smokers get treatment from the N.H.S.

my point exactly mate ;)
Looks like my taxes will be used on him then when he starts having mental health issues from smoking too much cannabis yet he dont like it when smokers get treatment from the N.H.S.
No he said he is an occasional smoker, which has no proof to support that he's going to get mental health issues. The odd spliff is harmless.