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I suppose at the end of the day everyone has different tastes. I may like apples and another may despise them, it's the same with cigarettes, you either like them or hate them. Simple as that, so don't blame the smokers who enjoy it and tell them that they are wasting their lives away.
I smoke. Got hooked 2 years ago, and i won't deny it probably came down to peer pressure or something related to that in the end. Since then i've smoked between 5-10 cigarettes depending on my mood.

Don't get me wrong, i know there's way more downsides than positives when it comes to smoking, but in my experience it's impossible to quit. So i can only advice people not to start.

Oh, and i smoke Prince Light. Dunno if it's sold in the UK though.
yeah i smoke usually about 20 a day sometimes more, started at about age 13, now 25. To be honest while i know most ppl are against it, and i understand why, i actually enjoy it. sorry to break the usual "i tried really hard to give up but cant do it" cycle but thats just me, i pay for it, i enjoy it so dont judge!!!
Jeez! 12? That's bad, man. If people want to smoke, I can see them starting, but not at such a young age, that'll do more damage then starting ten years later, and doing double the amount you do. :S

Did you actually read his post?
I have smoked the odd one here and there on a night out, along with Shisha/Hookah etc occasionally.
I suppose at the end of the day everyone has different tastes. I may like apples and another may despise them, it's the same with cigarettes, you either like them or hate them. Simple as that, so don't blame the smokers who enjoy it and tell them that they are wasting their lives away.

Makes me think of this:
And I felt like this:

View attachment 109476

But, back to the point; I mean, my cousin and her boyfriend smoke and I worry about their general health. I have never asked them to stop because I thought that they would be trying to quit anyway. But I respect their decision and fully aware that they understand the risks that smoking has.
All in all, I'm secretly glad I started smoking. It isn't good for your health, but it really has brought me closer to a lot of people and I've made a number of new friends. If I had to go back and choose, it'd be a tough decision.
All in all, I'm secretly glad I started smoking. It isn't good for your health, but it really has brought me closer to a lot of people and I've made a number of new friends. If I had to go back and choose, it'd be a tough decision.

Well, as long as you're happy at the positives of making new friends through smoking, the consequences are generally overturned.
Well, as long as you're happy at the positives of making new friends through smoking, the consequences are generally overturned.

Not necessarily. I don't know what will happen in the future, and therefore don't know which will overturn which.
I dont smoke myself, never tried it either. my parents smoke and ive been on at them for years to quit, but no joy so far. i dont agree with it, but id never judge someone because of it. one of my best friends is quite a heavy smoker.
Smoke the odd few here and there. Used to smash them but I've cut it down now, I don't smoke very often. Trying to stop completely. When I do smoke, I usually have B&H Silvers if it's of any interest to anyone.

I like shisha pipes too, but only the malasas (flavoured stuff, not tobacco).