State of Liverpool FC - MUST READ!!!

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Jul 31, 2009
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Sorry if this has already been posted before but this deserves its own thread. Anyway, as some of you may or may not know, Liverpool is in severe financial crisis and is in unofficial administration. I've got an article for all you Reds fans to read, and I stress that you must read it. I know it's long but if you really do care about the club you'll read it and help spread the truth.

The State of Liverpool FC – An Idiots Guide

While "senior sources" at the club (Christan Purslow) try to facilitate a smear campaign against the manager, pretend everything is rosy at the club and briefs the press to headline the Rick Parry pay off on the day the club's financials are tactically released on election results day; here's what's really going on at Liverpool Football Club:

The figures released on Friday 8th May 2010 indicate that Liverpool FC is in net debt to the tune of £351m; an increase of £52m from last year’s figure.

A total of £233.996m is owed to RBS, in addition to an inter-company loan of £144.441m owed to “Kop Cayman”; a company owned by Gillett and Hicks based in the Cayman Island for tax reasons; a company that have loaned Liverpool FC £144.441m at an interest rate of 10%. This is the “own money” that Gillett and Hicks claim to have put into the club. In reality, they’re just charging the club 10% interest for lending that money through an offshore limited liability company that they aren’t even personally liable for – Liverpool FC are.

Liverpool FC are not paying the interest off on that £144.4m however. It is being charged as a “compound interest”, meaning the interest isn’t paid, but is instead “rolled up” to the grand total. For example, this year (if I’ve got this right):

£144.4m @ 10% interest = £14.44m payable this year.

Instead of paying that £14.44m, it is rolled onto the total making the outstanding debt owed to Kop Cayman £158.88m. The following year this is then charged at a further 10% interest:

£158.88m @ 10% interest = £15.88m payable next year.

Instead of paying that £15.88m, it is rolled onto the total making the outstanding debt owed to Kop Cayman £174.76m. The following year this is then charged at a further 10% interest:

£174.76m @ 10% interest = £17.76m payable next year.

Instead of paying that £17.76m, it is rolled onto the total making the outstanding debt owed to Kop Cayman £192.52m etc etc etc...

The debt soon spirals out of control, as you can see; and don’t forget, this only concerns the £144.4m owed to Gillett and Hick’s Cayman Islands company – it doesn’t concern the huge £234m owed to RBS.

The financial figures released last week are for the 2008/09 season.

Those figures declare the club made a loss of around £52m for that year, due to the interest repayments on the loans and another £22m spent on the new ground; on what that was spent on we have no idea. There’s nothing to show for it anyway – and the total spend on the new ground now exceeds £50m. To put that into perspective – Sunderland managed to build the 48,000 seat Stadium of Light for a lot less than that. We have a few fences up at the back of the Anfield Road End!

Anyway – we made a loss of £52m that year despite finishing 2nd in the league and reaching the latter stages of the Champions League. The accounts also declared a profit made on player transfers (despite Purslow telling us we don’t need to sell players to balance the books and service debt, and Rafa being accused of wasting millions on players – the accounts prove otherwise).

What are next year’s figures (which will reflect the financial state we’re in today) going to look like with a 7th place league finish and an early elimination from the Champions League? We will also have an increased debt to service as explained above.

Then what about the figures for the next financial year when there’s no Champions League money at all coming in?

While the current owners are in place, we are going to continue to fall further and further into debt. We cannot meet the repayments on the loan as it stands now, and with our revenue due to fall with the lack of Champions League football, we’re on the brink of going into administration.

Anyone with hopes of making any signings in the summer or any future transfer windows needs a reality check. We are going to be very lucky to be hold onto the players we’ve got, never mind being able to bring anybody else in.

Gerrard and Torres don’t want to leave because they don’t like the manager (Purslow is feeding this story to the media to whip up the “Rafa Out campaign”); they want to leave as they know there is zero chance of any new players of any quality arriving at the club in its current state. They also know there’s zero chance of any top class manager coming to the club if Benitez decides to walk or is pushed; no manager worth his salt would come to work at the club under these conditions. They know the club is only going one way.

Until Gillett and Hicks are removed from the club, we’re only going to decline. It really is as simple as that. Nothing else matters.

And remember – these debts haven’t been accumulated through overspending in trying to buy success and compete like was the case at Portsmouth, Leeds and various other clubs – they are entirely generated through debt loaded onto the club just so Gillett and Hicks can own us and bleed us dry with expense claims, management fees, arrangement fees for every refinance deal and wasting over £50m of the club’s money on a non-existent new stadium.

This isn’t the result of bad individual club management as Richard Scudamore of The Premier League claims; it is the result of a leveraged buyout that has loaded the cost of buying the club onto the club to repay. Something The Premier League, The FA, UEFA and FIFA should be doing everything in their power to prevent ever happening again.

2007: £44m debt (£3m per year to service)
2008: £350m debt (£36.5m per year to service)
2009: £378m debt (£40m per year to service)
2010: ???

Those are the levels of debt on the club, with it being only £44m before Gillett and Hicks bought the club. Therefore the club’s profits were able to be invested back into the squad, allowing us to compete on the pitch. We’re now crippled by debts we cannot service, when that £40m leaving the club each year in interest repayments should be being spent on new players.

£76.5m has left the club in interest repayments alone in the past 2 years – and in that time – the manager has not spent a single penny on new players. It’s been a sell to buy policy, with profits being made on transfers in the past few transfer windows as the books needed to be balanced; all while the clubs around us are spending to strengthen. How can we be expected to compete under those conditions?

The debt is growing with every passing day. As a result of the lack of investment in the squad (as well as bad luck with injuries / poor decisions / players out of form etc), we’re paying the price on the field with declining performances which will therefore reduce the club’s revenue even further – giving us even less money to service increasing debts. A vicious circle. It’s unsustainable.

Liverpool FC is paying £110,000 every single day in interest repayments to service a debt we should never have in the first place. That’s £110,000 a day of the club’s money that me and you generate, that we should be seeing spent on new players or developing the club; instead – we are standing back and watching the club being raped in front of our very eyes.


If you've read that, well done. Now you're probably thinking that you can't do anything but that's false, you CAN do something to help get these lying conmen out of our club. Spread the truth and boycott Liverpool. Don't go to the games, don't buy the new kit, don't buy any merchandise. All we need is 3-4 home games with no one turning up and it'll really hurt the Yanks' position and hit them in the pocket even more. One person themselves can't do anything to get them out but that's why the club needs you to tell every Liverpool supporter who's oblivious. Spread the truth and help save our great club.
John Aldridge mentioned in an interview the other day that Liverpool will go into adminstration. Whilst this is only speculation at this point, Aldridge is usually bang on and well informed when it comes to Liverpool.
You will survive, calm down. Adminstration could and perhaps will happen, but you have a club that too many people care too much about to let it go bust. Similar to Rangers (H). And, I hope you guys don't do a Leeds, as I like your players and manager :P.
I actually feel any potential investors are waiting till the club are on the brink of administration to make a bid to buy us, as the club will be so much cheaper for them then as i think the club is massively over-valued at £500 Million.

Thats £500 million to buy the club, then having to pay off something like £300 million debt, thats them paying like £800 million for a club that atm, isn't even one of the best in England. However if we're on the brink of administration, i think RBS would force Hicks and Gillet to lower their estimation of the club or else.
You will survive, calm down. Adminstration could and perhaps will happen, but you have a club that too many people care too much about to let it go bust. Similar to Rangers (H). And, I hope you guys don't do a Leeds, as I like your players and manager :P.

Close to 600m debt with an asking price of 800m, no one will buy the club. As it stands proper investment is the only way we will survive and that looks as likely as winning the title next season. It won't be long before valuable assets such as Torres, Gerrard, Mascherano, Reina etc have to be sold just to service the debt.

You're right that the clubs supporters care too much but the time is now to see if they act and stop the club going bust. If we don't act now then it might be too late.

Also RBS have given the scum another year extension on the loan so I don't think RBS are in any hurry to have them pay up.
liverpool and man u should both be put into administration
I thought everyone knew Liverpool were in debt. Although administration is a little bit far. We are one of biggest clubs and if there are billionaires who invest in ****** clubs like Chelsea and Man City then there is always going to be people willing to buy us, although they are just waiting for the right time :) i.e When those Yanks lower their retarded demands.
I thought everyone knew Liverpool were in debt. Although administration is a little bit far. We are one of biggest clubs and if there are billionaires who invest in ****** clubs like Chelsea and Man City then there is always going to be people willing to buy us, although they are just waiting for the right time :) i.e When those Yanks lower their retarded demands.

Admin is very possible and realistic. Who in their right mind would buy out Liverpool now? Yes Liverpool is a bigger name than Chelsea or Man City but investors don't care about that. They'll see 600m of debt with an 800m price tag and just laugh all the way back to their plane. Why spend 800m on Liverpool when for an extra 200m you can buy the whole package with United, including a superior name (let's be honest, United are by far and away a bigger name in football currently than Liverpool), a huge stadium and massive marketability in Asia.

The Yanks are in absolutely no rush to lower their asking price. They've gotten an extension from RBS so there's no need for them to sell. In fact the longer this goes on and the longer debt is charged to Kop Caymen the more profit the scum will make, that's why the fans have to step in and do whatever they can.
I thought everyone knew Liverpool were in debt. Although administration is a little bit far. We are one of biggest clubs and if there are billionaires who invest in ****** clubs like Chelsea and Man City then there is always going to be people willing to buy us, although they are just waiting for the right time :) i.e When those Yanks lower their retarded demands.

yer because chelsea are a ****** club arnt they, come back when you know somthing about football mate.
yer because chelsea are a ****** club arnt they, come back when you know somthing about football mate.
Come back when you can spell (6) And yeah, Aaaandy speaks the truth Tbh.
Administration couldbe a good thing, deducted a few points, but would knock 100's of Millions off our debt and a future sale. Honestly, that post isn't on a trust worthy site
yer because chelsea are a ****** club arnt they, come back when you know somthing about football mate.

I'm talking about Chelsea before Abramovic took over, when they were horrendous.
No they shouldn't.

Thick as a fridge door comes to mind.

off topic.. im robbing that fabulous saying that i haven't heard previously

on topic... shocking!! that amount of money is just overwhelming to think about
Come back when you can spell (6) And yeah, Aaaandy speaks the truth Tbh.
Administration couldbe a good thing, deducted a few points, but would knock 100's of Millions off our debt and a future sale. Honestly, that post isn't on a trust worthy site

Not on a trust worthy site? Everything posted on that site is true and 100% factual. There's a financial expert that used to work for Sky who's saying Liverpool are on their way to admin.

Admin really isn't a good thing. It'll be years upon years before Liverpool are built up again. Though I spose it'll get rid of the massive amounts of glory hunting whoppers.
Honestly, people who buy a football club just to make a profit are dickheads. They've taken what once was the best club in England and Europe, and ****** it all up through their greed. **** yank ****** should go buy an NFL team if that's what they want to do, instead of ruining a club that actually means something. And now that they've ****** it all up, they're stopping someone from coming in and fixing it with a ridiculous asking price. Who wants to pay that stupid price, then pay to fix up what these stupid yanks have done? Seriously, and Americans wonder why everyone thinks of them as stupid, greedy ******? These are some perfect examples right here.
Well if L'Pool are going into admin, the yanks will back out and hopefully some Arab beast who owns half the world will get a bargain sack Rafa gove us some money and we all live happily ever after.
Well if L'Pool are going into admin, the yanks will back out and hopefully some Arab beast who owns half the world will get a bargain sack Rafa gove us some money and we all live happily ever after.

Honestly, Rafa is a good manager. I mean, yeh, he makes some stupid decisions sometimes, but who doesn't? Utd would have won the league if a) Ferguson didn't rest 3/4 of their team and drawn with Burnley, and b) If he didn't overplay Rooney through injuries and make his injuries worse. Two major mistakes, and he is supposedly the 'best manager in the world'. Rafa has had little to no money given to him for transfers, he had to fund them through player sales. And, ok, Aquliani hasn't paid off by any means, but if he can get over ssome of his injuries over the summer, he was a class player for Roma, and can be a class player for us. But I mean, with City spending whatever they want on players, and other clubs like Chelsea, Utd, Arsenal, Tottenham also spending money, how is it possible to compete having none? Utd have a huge debt also, but they still manage to give millions for Ferguson to spend each season. I say keep Rafa, he is a top manager, and can bring Liverpool back to the top, as long as the yanks **** off, and soon.