Swansea Treble First Season (Sumthin's 4-2-3-1)

  • Thread starter Thread starter akash777
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Hey there,

I just finished my FC Utrecht testing game. I got good results mixed with some bad results. After all it is a good position for a club like FC Utrecht and the selection i got. Unfortunatly the AMC is not always in front. A lot of matches the guy is struggling with himself to get the ball. Even if you put him on the MC to avoid the DMC.

Check my pictures. I enjoyed testing. But i like the other tactic more with the 2 MC's and no AMC. just more solid defence and more goals.

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my team lokomotiv moskow
but in the save game file you gave me your tavria simferopol. :S
dude you are confusing:
Anyway,quick guide on what you need to do to make the tactic work with any team with appropriate players:
2.IF theres something in there you don't understand,ask.
3.Use the team talks I suggested or your own which you believe are good but don't leave it to ***-man(the only game I played your players were demotivated,seemed confused)
4.DO NOT LEAVE MATCH PREP to assistant.Use defensive positioning very high till ur bars are full then,shift to low or average.
5.Play ur quickest forward with best finishing upfront(i played leo).Play your best dribbler,passer,creativity and flair and off the ball and work rate in amc(i played pereyra first but he doesn't know how to play a free role--he was not doing that well,then subbed on hauche and he assisted in 4th goal),on the wings play left foot left wing and right foot right wing if they are deadly speedy,i.e. 18 acc n 18 pace.or above 16. otherwise best to play IF(i played ciro or something on the left,cut in and scored 2),though wingers will work too.
6.Play your best defenders and goalkeeper.
7.In dm,play your midfielders with best tackling work rate and determination and anticipation in dm,if their main position is mc,TRAIN them to become dmc.
8.Put in the amc tweak at least and if you feel defence is weak,also dm tweak.(AMC tweak is a must,DM tweak is upto situations-use against huge teams or when opposition is dominating)
9.For more info about the tweaks,look in a few pages back,i mentioned it in red ink.
10.Give the tactic time,this tactic plays the OT,any tactic that plays the offside trap and a h-line,its defence would get better with time.
If you have any more queries go ahead and ask,but don't call my tactic ****.
Cuz clearly it wasn't the tactic that was the problem,it was the user not following the guidelines.

all right I get it now,will wake up tomorrow and play a game with your team and post here,good night.Its 630 in the morning here.Cheers.
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Hey there,

I just finished my FC Utrecht testing game. I got good results mixed with some bad results. After all it is a good position for a club like FC Utrecht and the selection i got. Unfortunatly the AMC is not always in front. A lot of matches the guy is struggling with himself to get the ball. Even if you put him on the MC to avoid the DMC.

Check my pictures. I enjoyed testing. But i like the other tactic more with the 2 MC's and no AMC. just more solid defence and more goals.

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i have been looking for you,look a few pages back and you will notice in red ink how the new amc tweaks have been mentioned.I looked into the amc matter as you said they weren't playing well and did them.Look at them,and I also made a dm tweak,implement that if you find defence problem.And you will get good results,hopefully and find this better :P
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i have been looking for you,look a few pages back and you will notice in red ink how the new amc tweaks have been mentioned.I looked into the amc matter as you said they weren't playing well and did them.Look at them,and I also made a dm tweak,implement that if you find defence problem.And you will get good results,hopefully and find this better :P

Thnx akash777 But i will go try the new Mr. Hough tactic. It looks like a il Devasto. But I have seen good screens. Good luck with your tactic. It whas fun to test it.
I'm playing in Belgium with Club Brugge. In my first year I concurred the double (championship and belgian cup) and in Europe i became 3th in EL poules. As you can conclude, my tactic was working very solid.

In my second year, I did a nice (free) transfer (Coutinho from inter) and I wanted to switch to a system that suits this AMC/playmaker. I've switched to your tactic after 1 won my first game of the season (0-1 win at rival gent).

After that game I've switched to your tactic and my team started to play on a whole new level. They look unstopable and are playing lovely football. I've only played 3 games with your tactic.

Club Brugge - Kv Mechelen (4-0 win, belgian championship)
Beerschot AC - Club Brugge (0-4 win, belgian championship)
Club Brugge - Shaktar Donetsk (6-2 win, last round CL qualification round, 1st game)

My target player (Yaya Sanogo) did not score the whole pre-season + in 1ste competion game. With your tactic he scores 9 goals in 3 games. I'll keep you posted on my progress and maybe post some screenshots. Thank you for this (so far) lovely tactic!
any chance someone could upload the latest version of this tactic on here for me?the original links wont work for me.

im wanting to start a game with a bsn team and lead them to glory

I'm playing in Belgium with Club Brugge. In my first year I concurred the double (championship and belgian cup) and in Europe i became 3th in EL poules. As you can conclude, my tactic was working very solid.

After that game I've switched to your tactic and my team started to play on a whole new level. They look unstopable and are playing lovely football. I've only played 3 games with your tactic.

Club Brugge - Kv Mechelen (4-0 win, belgian championship)
Beerschot AC - Club Brugge (0-4 win, belgian championship)
Club Brugge - Shaktar Donetsk (6-2 win, last round CL qualification round, 1st game)
I'll keep you posted on my progress and maybe post some screenshots. Thank you for this (so far) lovely tactic!

good going mate!
try the new amc and dm tweaks!They seem to be doing well.Try it and ill also be uploading a new tweak if the new tweaks work,and since there are so many new tweaks.

I might release a new version.Or ill just say the tweaks and you guys can do them.cheers.

ALSO,I'm planning on releasing a 3-3-3-1.Its still work in progress.
Its basically a 3 cb,2 wb,1 dm.2 wingers and an amc,and 1 striker.
Also a 2 striker formation might be released soon.
These are my new aims,ill let you know as soon as something is up.

any chance someone could upload the latest version of this tactic on here for me?the original links wont work for me.

im wanting to start a game with a bsn team and lead them to glory



Please use the new amc and dm tweaks mentioned a page or two back in red ink.lol.
And good luck.

akash777, are the AMC tweak like in the picture below?
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Just to ensure.

thanks for ur amazing tactic

yes thats how it is,try it combined with the dm tweaks if you feel defence is a bit leaky.And post feedback if you have already used it and if you use this about that as well..Cheers.

omg mate,thats fantastic,even I never scored that many,my highest was a 10-0 against inter,though I sub off good players around 60m,lol.
but great job!
is it with the amc and dm tweak I mentioned a few pages back?Try them,make it more superb.

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good job on the tactic mate, nice to see a quality tactic! keep it up!
good job on the tactic mate, nice to see a quality tactic! keep it up!

thanks mate!and I'm sorry by the outburst on the thread by someone else.
I know this is not your type of tactic and I took your advice and am developing a new 3-3-3-1.lol.
nothing like what the world has seen before,haha.
It's just that I spend so less time playing the game,that its very tough to make something from scratch.
Total seasons played for me in fm is 7.5 or 6.5,lol.
in all my saves.
I bought the game in Feb.lol.
I have played all the versions and would've bought it in October but I turned 18 last year and dint have a Credit Card till Feb.And I used to live in Bangladesh back then so needed one to buy the game.lol.It used to be my dad buying before that,haha.But now that I live alone I gotta buy my own game,lol.
good going mate!
try the new amc and dm tweaks!They seem to be doing well.Try it and ill also be uploading a new tweak if the new tweaks work,and since there are so many new tweaks.

Since the whole point of changing to this tactic was to make more use of my new "star" AMC, I executed your proposed changes. Also, my new AMC wasn't the star of the team before I made these changes. He gained a 7.0, 7.8 and 7.8. But one of my DM's (Vadis Odjidja), who has some good feet too, got 9.2, 7.4 and 9.0 . So I took his mentality only 1 notch down, other DM 2 down. I'll keep you posted how thing will evolve.
Since the whole point of changing to this tactic was to make more use of my new "star" AMC, I executed your proposed changes. Also, my new AMC wasn't the star of the team before I made these changes. He gained a 7.0, 7.8 and 7.8. But one of my DM's (Vadis Odjidja), who has some good feet too, got 9.2, 7.4 and 9.0 . So I took his mentality only 1 notch down, other DM 2 down. I'll keep you posted how thing will evolve.

I usually play now with both dm down by just the one notch instead of the two.So yes it works that way.
And are the amc ratings better then before?is he making assists?is he scoring?is he creating havoc with good off the ball runs?

I resigned from Gangneung City due to my Champions League sucess, so I'm just the manager of Nigeria for the time being, currently in the African Cup of Nations. Qualified from my group which wasn't easy (Senegal, Togo and South Africa) and I have Mali in the quarter final. Expect more screen shots from me at the end of the tournament ;)
quality tactic this is, im sitting 5th in the prem with swansea, got to final of league cup and in semi final of fa cup, This is just one of my great results.
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a lot of them since i sent u my first tweaks
would love it if you pm me with the tweaks you have done,since I'm also further tweaking the tactic.I could look into it and maybe incorporate some of them into the new version.