PPMs What do u mean?
players Preferred moves.
PPMs What do u mean?
players Preferred moves.
Thank you so much for uploading to another link buy my computer is not allowing me to connect to your ip address (This has never happened before?).
Is there another user out there that would be kind enough to upload?
Thank you so much for uploading to another link buy my computer is not allowing me to connect to your ip address (This has never happened before?).
Is there another user out there that would be kind enough to upload?
Hi Ruud, try this link, I've uploaded the tactic with the tweaks I mentioned in post #81:
3-1-5-1 Amem (13.3.2-13.3.3) tweak1.tac
Cheers Galego25,
Are we using OI's or not?
By the way Fanteceleandre, someone already posted a link to your tactic on the SI Games community forums, it's a thread called "by VERY VERY FAR the BEST tactic for FM2013!" . Perhaps you should start your own thread there so more people can try you tactic.
Tactics Sharing Centre (Upload/Download)
Caprari dov'è?
View attachment 331292
Caprari è in primavera, avevo dimenticato di metterlo in prima squadra quindi gli undici titolari sono questi?devo prendere soltanto 2 difensori centrali veloci? i terzini dici di venderli?tanto sono inutili giusto?
devi comprare al meno 2 difensori...
Hi fanteceleandre
Could you upload player filter for you tactic please?
allora la difesa credo di averla sistemata, e in mezzo al campo ho preso fabinho a parametro zeroE terzini sicuro gli devi vendere..
se puoi comprare un Centrocampista meglio di quelli che ce l'hai.. ti fara proprio bene..
per gli altri, al primo anno provi cosi..
allora la difesa credo di averla sistemata, e in mezzo al campo ho preso fabinho a parametro zero
ma quando rimango in dieci che modifiche devo fare?