Suicide Squad didnt work for me at all, getting 30% win ratio to October with Manchester United.
Had quite a few get to 90% in October then fall away harshly.

Knap Raw Sienna 4231 springs to mind. 91% start of October falling to 75% at the start of January.

Best three so far for end of January are:
Goodbye 3430 86% so 26 wins out of 30 games.
2320 83% so 24 wins out of 30 games.
Jessaustralian 4312 narrow 80% so 23 wins out of 30 games.

I actually prefer the last one there as its a standard formation and can fit players in. Strikers also score a goal a game almost.
However tried the last one with Leverkusen and almost got the sack first season. Chico had about 15 goals in 10 games at the start but hit a patch of bad form (EA Scripting, even though game is made by SEGA)
Didnt win any of the last 8 games, losing some by over 7 goals...
Tempted to try that one again with the team talk guide i found on SI forums. Posted by Knap on one of his tactics pages.
Tempted to try that one again with the team talk guide i found on SI forums. Posted by Knap on one of his tactics pages.

That guide is from here, Its in the tactic discussion section in the pinned threads.
Anyone got a link to a Good 442 please that works on the latest patch , For top team ??
hey guys, I didnt visit forum last time.
Does any tactic beat 'perfect 352' in results, usability and universality?
[FONT=&quot]Does anyone have a link to the tactics here ?

I'm testing these OIs for the Total Football tactic right now

And that's how the first match did end like using them
So I tried some other roles/duties pressing high up the pitch style of football at home against RM and this happened

What tactics does Stephenk have besides Perfect 352?
just got the Man city job ! after winning prem and champs league with Liverpool so was looking for a new challenge can anyone recommend a 442 or 4231 please , also i know all the strikerless tactics and have used them all , so would now like to try something different ?