From China



4-3-3 no Oi's i think but i don't understand chinese
Pampu can you put the link of the original post of the forum? thank you
would love to see the OIs on that 433, i just started using it and am messing around with different OI's, good results so far.
@Scots Cruder can you show the formation?

Nothing complicated bud. I am no tactician. Moved the centre midfielder up and down respectively. AM(support) the DM I am still buggering around with variations.
Chinese tactic is really interesting. I m still trying with my underdog team. Impressed.
I am using that one at the moment as well. team playing the best football i have seen on this game...but sometimes is very leaky at the back. The right OI is crucial i think....
I am using that one at the moment as well. team playing the best football i have seen on this game...but sometimes is very leaky at the back. The right OI is crucial i think....

Can we find those OI somewhere ?
Sorry friends but i come back now from work, the tactic was update for the last patch