Hi everyone, on the forum of fmkorea there is a new tactic but I can't download it if someone could find the link it would be good to try

[17.3.2] 첫시즌 노영입 왓포드 3관왕///바르셀로나 137득 리그 전승 우승 4관왕 - FM2017 전술자료실 - 에펨코리아

View attachment 1128871

Stuck this in for a preseason friendly. id recommend taking off "get stuck in" - some great attacking play though. I'm seria B, they are Seria A

View attachment 82362

Screenshot info
Tactic used : Post #2263
Skin used : My Own
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It would be much more easier bro if u just share it XD

After every, and i mean it, every SS you they ask you for skin 8-|

Its not a full skin, just a few screens, the player/club/match.. thats pretty much it. if i dont use the screen i didnt skin it.