Yo, people! I got several small questions:
1) How important is Decisions attribute and in what kind of team mentality is it crucial? I can guess that midfielders need it if they are playing in a high tempo and are unable to hold up ball in order to borrow time to take the right decision? Same question for Balance attribute - what exactly does it mean? Controll over the ball?
2) In the Opposing Team Instructions how do you decide whom to give Tight Marking, Closing Down, Hard Tackling and Attack weaker foot? My guess is Tight marking for creative and technically skilled enemy players, Closing Down for enemy players with low Concentration and low technial skills, Hard Tackling for enemy dribblers and Attack weaker foot for enemy players with high technique? Is this right?
what role would suite these two?
what role would suite these two?
Yo, people! I got several small questions:
1) How important is Decisions attribute and in what kind of team mentality is it crucial? I can guess that midfielders need it if they are playing in a high tempo and are unable to hold up ball in order to borrow time to take the right decision? Same question for Balance attribute - what exactly does it mean? Controll over the ball?
2) In the Opposing Team Instructions how do you decide whom to give Tight Marking, Closing Down, Hard Tackling and Attack weaker foot? My guess is Tight marking for creative and technically skilled enemy players, Closing Down for enemy players with low Concentration and low technial skills, Hard Tackling for enemy dribblers and Attack weaker foot for enemy players with high technique? Is this right?
Hello all
i have just installed new patch on FM 2011 and i just need to know were can i put the downloaded tactics ??
So i can try them out since in tactics folder doesnt seems to be working?
Please help me out
i assume this has been asked before, but when you get a next oppo report do you ever change your style to suit like if they have a narrow pitch or to counter the oppo's playing style (like if they play a direct style)
Hey guys!
I'm doing well in the Prem, and CL.
Using http://www.fm-base.co.uk/forum/f103/onox-4-3-3-total-football-v3-everything-won-as-t51565.html (tactic).
I'm wondering about selling Arshavin (soon 30 years old), but he is doing very good. But... Should I buy Javier Pastore or Marek Hamsik or keep Arshavin?
i read somewhere on the forum about the nike defense, where could i read about that system and other systems like that?
How do I set a player to have the free role? Is it more than just selecting roam from position?
Is there any point in this thread? It's just question after question with no answers.