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MARCH 2017:

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Not quite a repeat of last month, but still the unbeaten run continues. We despatched Viktoria Plzen with ease in Europe and seal our place in the quarter finals. That wasn't the only knockout competition we played in, as we also move into the semi finals of the Scottish Cup. The big success this month was, winning the League Cup beating Hearts by a goal to nil, as I lift my second trophy for Rangers.
In the league we won both our games, but they did come at a cost which I'll discuss later.


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A massive blow, as leading scorer Jason Cummings is ruled out for under two months, after picking up an ankle injury against Motherwell.


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Our reward for knocking out Viktoria Plzen, is a quarter final match up with Liverpool. If we overcome the English giants, we'll face either Man Utd or Marseille in the semi final.


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It looks like a three way fight for the title, as we look to battle it out with Celtic and Hearts. We have a game in hand on Celtic, which I hope we can take advantage off, especially before the league gets split and we play the top five teams once.
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APRIL 2017:

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In the league this month we did OK. Three wins against Inverness twice and Hamilton, were followed by a frustrating loss to Hibs, in a game that saw the returning Jason Cummings miss two penalties! We went out of Europe, losing both legs against a very good Liverpool side and an inform Roberto Firming, who was unplayable in both legs.
The biggest disappointment for me, was losing to Dundee in the semi final of the Scottish Cup. Despite dominating 120 minutes of football, we were knocked out on penalties.


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Top of the league still, with only a point separating us from Celtic and our rivals are up next for us to play. Though it looks close, if I'm honest we've dominated in every game we've played this season and I hope we go on to clinch the title.
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MAY 2017:

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Not the ending I was hoping for. We began with a fantastic win over Celtic, which stretched our lead over them to four points. This meant that all I needed was a win in my final two games to seal the title.
Losing to Aberdeen was hard to take, as we were the better team, but we found Adam Rooney in unstoppable form. With Celtic winning their penultimate game, it meant it would go to the final game of the season. We could only manage a draw, but Hibernian scored two late goals to beat Celtic and mean we lift the league title.


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We win the league and in all honesty it never was in doubt, except for a couple of slip ups early on in the season. We finish with the best defensive record and also outscored everyone on our way to being crowned champions.


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At the end of the season, I was awarded the Players' Manager of the Month award. It's always nice to be recognised for the work you do and to be thought of so highly by the players in Scotland is a very nice honour.
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Looking back, I think Jason will be little disappointed he didn't have more goals to end the season with. Especially as he missed three penalties on his return from injury. Having said that, he was outstanding for us and I'm sure it won't be long until he gets an international call up.

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Josh thoroughly deserves his award, he was superb for us and I'm sure he'll go on to be a big star in the future. Patrick was also very good and adapted to the Scottish game with ease.

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Another Manager award, this time from the football writers. It was a good challenge to go up against some really experienced managers this season and all the hard work put in, clearly paid off.
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Sky Sports News caught up with Glasgow Rangers manager Teddy Sheringham this morning, following the Scottish giants title celebrations. And in an exclusive interview, the Rangers boss told Sky Sports News that he was considering his future after winning every competition during his short spell in Scotland.

" I'm delighted with how my first full season with Rangers has gone. When I joined just over a year ago, we won the Scottish Cup as a Championship side and though we couldn't win it again, we did win the League Cup beating Hearts in the final.
To bring the Premiership title back to the fans, after so many years out of the top flight is a great achievement and to do it on the last day and prevent Celtic from winning it, will go down very well with our fans. Europe was where I found the big challenge and reaching the quarter finals of the Europa League was above my expectations, but a journey I enjoyed and learnt a lot from. "

With all the major domestic titles won in a year, the former Manchester United, Tottenham and England star was remaining coy when pushed on what the future holds.

" I'm not sure if I'll be here next season. The chairman has offered me an extension to my current deal and I've told him, I'll go away and weigh up my options. With respect to Scottish football, I was hoping for more of a challenge when I arrived and I think my record speaks volumes to how well I've done here. Apart from the challenge of Champions League football next season, I'm not sure if there's anything to get me excited about staying.
I've had a taste of English football and now in Scotland, so it could be a possibility that I look at managing abroad. I know David Moyes has tried and it didn't work out in Spain, but that's not to say I couldn't be a success somewhere in Europe. There's been a couple of interesting offers that have come in now the season has come to a close, so I'll discuss the possibilities and decide what will be the next step to help me develop as a manager. "

With the uncertainty surrounding his future, all eyes will be on the Rangers boss over the next few days, to see if he'll stay at Ibrox or if an opportunity arises abroad, that tempts the ex-England international to move to one of Europe's leading leagues.
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Great season mate! I'm sure Teddy will have success no matter where he ends up managing next season.
Great season mate! I'm sure Teddy will have success no matter where he ends up managing next season.

Thanks mate, appreciate your continued support. Teddys future has been decided and will be revealed soon. :D
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Wolfsburg have appointed Englishman Teddy Sheringham as their new manager. The former Rangers boss has penned a two and half year deal at the Volkswagen Arena, replacing the sacked Dieter Hecking who had been in charge since 2013.

Following the clubs disappointing 9th place position in the First Division and despite coming runner up in the German Cup, chairman Francisco Garcia has decided a change is needed and will be hoping Sheringham can bring much needed success like he has done at Stevenage and Glasgow Rangers.

" I want to th
ank Dieter for everything he has done during his time at the club and wish him the best for the future. Teddy has been very successful in his career, both as a player and now a manager. He has a proven track record of working with young players and building a competitive team that can challenge for major honours. " explained Garcia.

Unconfirmed reports believe that the former Tottenham and Manchester United player has received a huge pay increase from the £2,000 per week he was getting in Scotland, to a mammoth £20,000 per week in Germany. Sheringham though isn't getting carried away with his big salary boost and is more determined to prove that he can be a success abroad.

" ​It was a big decision to leave Rangers, especially as I built a talented young side and we were set up for success in every domestic competition for the future. Unfortunately I felt there wouldn't be much of a challenge left for me after winning all the domestic titles.
Once I sat down with Mr Garcia and discussed his vision for the club, it was a challenge that I was extremely interested in and I believe I can bring some success here and look to get the club back competing with Bayern and Dortmund. "

One of the first tasks that the new manager will be keen to look at, is rebuilding the relationship between the players and the fans which has broken down in the last year. But with talents like Andre Schurrle, Maximilian Meyer, Sven Bender and Julian Draxler in the ranks, Sheringham already has some top talents to work with and with a hefty transfer budget at his disposal and with the right additions, the Die Wolfe fans will be hoping for some success in the future.
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I'd experienced pre-season at big clubs before, as a player and more recently as a manager at Rangers, but on my first day at Wolfsburg, the atmosphere was different to those times. There were a number of players who had been upset by the previous managers reluctance to play them and with no European football this season, a couple other player were keen to leave the club. So I was faced with numerous discussions with the various players and also, I needed to sit down and chat with my new backroom team, which included my new assistant manager Rafael Van Der Vaart and plan how we'd look to change the recent slump the club has been in over the past couple years.

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Most of the players that I decided to let go, would be nowhere near my squad and it was nice to bring in extra money on top of the 65 million pounds I've been given to strengthen the team. The biggest sale was Max Kruse to Derby County. Max was the clubs leading scorer last season, but having seen him in a couple of pre-season games, I was convinced he wouldn't fit into the system I was looking to play. Robin Knoche was the next big departure and a surprise to the fans. Though our supporters aren't happy I've sold him, I'm confident over time, once I've brought in the right players to replace him, they'll understand why I let Robin leave. I'd heard lots of positive scout reports about Davie Selke and was looking forward to working with him, but on my first day he came to me complaining of a lack of football. Despite many attempts over the past week to convince him he'd get an opportunity, he never seemed happy, so I decided to cash in on him. With both Koen Casteels and Diego Bengali leaving, it meant we had no recognised goalkeeper, which meant that was my biggest priority when I went to speak to my scouts.

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Before I began the search to bring in new additions, I had a meeting with key player Luiz Gustavo. Following a twenty minute chat, he made it clear he wants to be playing in Europe and wanted to leave the club. Upon hearing that, I reluctantly accepted his wish and said I'd allow him to leave once we've received a bid that meets our demands.
We needed to bring in a couple of goalkeepers and I moved quickly to secure the signature of Asmir Begovic, who was followed by exciting young German keeper Ruif Husic. With money to spend for the first time in my managerial career and with my small squad due to the departures, I felt a complete overhaul was needed.
​Alexsander Kolarov and Gregory Van Der Wiel were brought in to fill both full back positions. Then I splashed the cash on 22 year old centre back Niklas Stark, who will replace Robin Knoche at the heart of our defence and will play alongside Dante. With Andre Schurrle and Julian Draxler at the club, I wanted another exciting player to really get the crowd off their feet and Riyad Mahrez was the ideal signing to help complement one of the attacking three positions behind our lone forward. The advanced forward role would be the most important area for me to fill now that Kruse and Selke have left. After a few days scouting and various discussions with my coaching team, we decided to spend just under 20 million pounds to bring in Mattia Destro, with young talented Argentinian Maximiliano Romero joining as back up.


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Not the best pre-season by a long way. I have to take into account the fact we are taking a while to adapt to my 4231 formation, that has proved so successful for me at my previous clubs. That along with the new players joining, I always knew it will take a little time for everyone to be accustomed to how I want my team to play.

Wow! That was an overhaul and a half!! Squad looks gun though!
Wow! That was an overhaul and a half!! Squad looks gun though!

Yeah I know!! But having played a few pre season games, I wasn't impressed with a number of players, so decided to have a clear out. I'm pleased with squad I've got and once they've got used to how I want to play I think we'll do well. Though a job offer has been presented to me that has really got me in two minds what do!!!
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​Two quick goals in either half, were enough for the reigning champions to ease to victory against us today. In all honesty I had to look at this game as a free hit. Bayern are far superior to ourselves at the moment and my new look side were no match for them. We were outplayed in all areas of the pitch and I'll need to get the players gelling quickly if we want any sort of success this season.
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I could understand our fans' frustrations at the full time whistle. These are games we should be winning and that's no disrespect to our visitors, who in all fairness, had a game plan and stuck to it and we couldn't figure out how to break them down. It's still early days and I'm sure we'll have a few more ups and downs, until my side begins to reach it's potential.
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Following our disappointing draw at the weekend, some rumours began circulating that I was being linked to the vacant Dortmund position. With Joachim Low leaving the Dortmund hot seat to join Real Madrid, my agent informed me that the hierarchy at Dortmund would be keen for me to express an interest in joining them.

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After some discussions with my agent, I decided to apply for the job, as I'm a believer in that you don't know when an opportunity like this will come up again.
Having applied for the position, I was then invited for an interview a couple days later. I spent a good few hours with the chairman, discussing his views for the club and also, about why I felt I needed to move so quick after being appointed at Wolfsburg. Just walking around the stadium and seeing the pictures of how passionate the fans are and seeing the quality of players they still have here, who under Jurgen Klopp became top players due to his playing style and turning Dortmund into the big force in Germany and throughout Europe they are today, gave me enough reason to seriously consider the possibility of taking over.
I felt the interview went well and that feeling was confirmed, as a day later I was offered the job to take over and become Borrusia Dortmund manager.
I now have to sit down and think hard about what to do next. I've started to build what I feel is an entertaining side at Wolfsburg and given time, I feel they can become a top side. Plus, I don't want to be seen to jump from role to role, whenever an opportunity arises. Though, as I said early, big job offers don't come around often and with the majority of their star players still at the club, Dortmund could be the place where I could immediately start to challenge for some major trophies........

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Nice - Dortmund would be huge. Can't hold it against Teddy if he decides to move.
Nice - Dortmund would be huge. Can't hold it against Teddy if he decides to move.

Thanks mate. It's very hard to decide, as I've spent a lot looking to transform Wolfsburg into a side capable of challenging. But it's Dortmund and they are huge like you say! The game is saved at the point where I need to decide, so am taking my time over it. 8-|
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This was such a hard decision to make. And I know it has upset some of the Wolfsburg supporters, but it's such a fantastic opportunity for me that I couldn't turn it down. I hope the Wolfsburg fans will see I was genuinely planning to build a squad there, that is capable of challenging the likes of Dortmund and Bayern and despite me leaving after a couple months, that the team is in a much better shape than when I joined.

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This has to be the main reason for joining Dortmund. The squad is full of unbelievable talent and is already capable of challenging for the league title and in the Champions League. Though there is an abundance of quality at my disposal, most of the players are reaching their thirties, so the big challenge will be starting the search for their replacements to help keep us consistently competing for trophies.
What a top class squad that looks! Also great to see you join the mighty BVB, as much as I like Wolfsburg, I love Dortmund more! <3