The Arsenal Thread

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Still cant wrap my head around why Sanches and Özil was not sold in summer. Okey, they are class player everywhere they go and holding Arsenal high right now. But the money they would have received would have been immense, easily 80-100 mil for both of them. Now they will go for free or suprise jan transfer to get some money. And jet again they can say, they dont have any money...
Small hope would be new contracts, but why should they, nobody can see any desire from Arsenal back office.

Should have taken a hit, bought some good talent for that money. Would bought over some player that changed clubs.
Make some risk: Jean Michael Seri, try to get Reus or Lemar.
he player pool is so big, just be f****** active
Just complete mismanagement time and again not only from wenger but the board as well. We get in this situation every couple of years and it is beyond boring now.
There is something to be said about playing for a contract and ozil/sanchez are producing which is about as much as we can hope for at this point
There is something to be said about playing for a contract and ozil/sanchez are producing which is about as much as we can hope for at this point

That was the first very good performance I saw from Sanchez this season, yesterday. And I have seen a fair few Arsenal games. No coincidence it comes a few days before January
That was the first very good performance I saw from Sanchez this season, yesterday. And I have seen a fair few Arsenal games. No coincidence it comes a few days before January


Same Özil. Looking at him last Friday against ourselves again he was completely anonymous for 99% of that game. If he hadn't scored (thank you Mignolet) you'd have completely forgotten he was on the pitch. Complete luxury player and then some.

Both those lads have mailed it in, and worse with Sanchez at times when he's in a strop, completely downed tools, on WAY too many occasions their time the PL for me.

No matter how talented they may be individual, personally wouldn't bring characters like that into my changies if they offered to play for free.

*Edit* And yeah, van Dijk has been half arsing it for Southampton this year before someone points that out.
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Same Özil. Looking at him last Friday against ourselves again he was completely anonymous for 99% of that game. If he hadn't scored (thank you Mignolet) you'd have completely forgotten he was on the pitch. Complete luxury player and then some.

Both those lads have mailed it in, and worse with Sanchez at times when he's in a strop, completely downed tools, on WAY too many occasions their time the PL for me.

No matter how talented they may be individual, personally wouldn't bring characters like that into my changies if they offered to play for free.

*Edit* And yeah, van Dijk has been half arsing it for Southampton this year before someone points that out.

The last two sentences just completely invalidated all those lengthy paragraphs and nonsensical morale outrage above it.
Point is you can’t go on and on praising the purchase of Van Dijk and then turn around and criticize the attitudes of Sanchez/Ozil and say how you wouldn’t want them in your ‘changies’. Those two things completely contradict each other if you haven’t noticed and unfortuntately, they will continue to contradict each other even if a Villa or Burnley fan makes the point in my place.

I sure hope you understood what I am saying. I don’t think its possible to be any clearer but with you, I never know. You might reply by telling me not be salty over Chamberlain choosing Liverpool next.
How does that even relate to the point I made?

By the same token, without condoning him, how does a fella' who has been below par for 4 months of a career (and even at that he was still Southampton's best performer most weeks reading their forums the last couple of days), when he'd done everything to get out of a club he didn't want to be at to no avail, with them having known that since last February; remotely compare to two players who have consistently taken their bat and ball home their whole time in England?

That's the point. Be a wise **** I'll be a wise **** back. I'm here all night.
By the same token, without condoning him, how does a fella' who has been below par for 4 months of a career (and even at that he was still Southampton's best performer most weeks reading their forums the last couple of days), when he'd done everything to get out of a club he didn't want to be at to no avail, with them having known that since last February; remotely compare to two players who have consistently taken their bat and ball home their whole time in England?

That's the point. Be a wise **** I'll be a wise **** back. I'm here all night.

‘Sanchez and Ozil have consistently taken their bat and ball home the entire time in England?’. How do you say all this rubbish with a straight face? Their performances have only dropped massively and consistently in the last 4 months when they like Van Dijk, have done everything to get out of their club which the club themselves have known for ages. And just like Van Dijk, they have performed well on occassion like against Crystal Palace last week.

So again similar situations. You praise one to the hilt. You criticize the other. What gives?
VVD, Ozil ane Sanchez are all the same tbh. Can't lambast one without doing the same to others
Down tools for a year or 4 months. Lack of professionalism either way. As Mike pointed out ... Same principles apply.
Now I'm 'praising one to the hilt.' Despite criticising his actions the summer before the request went in and saying over the page I wasn't condoning his drop off in play.

Sweet. Normally you wait a good half year before you do a history re-write. Now you've upped it to between posts.

Now you're trying to claim the two Arsenal lads, Sanchez in particular, have only recently stopped playing down to not wanting to be there? And not only that, they have done the same. Official transfer requests. The whole nine yards.

Wow. That sure straightened that up. Ta.

And you still got jibbed for a better club.
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remotely compare to two players who have consistently taken their bat and ball home their whole time in England?

I'm not sure you can accuse them of taking "their bat and ball home their whole time in england" both have put the effort into their earlier years at arsenal especially sanchez. They have both had the odds games with a little temper tantrum (bayern springs to memory) but on most of these occasion we have preformed terribly and i would rightly expect players to be angry at being let down. Arsenal have know for months if not a year now that neither player wants to be at the club just like VVD.
Now I'm 'praising one to the hilt.' Despite criticising his actions the summer before the request went in and saying over the page I wasn't condoning his drop off in play.

Sweet. Normally you wait a good half year before you do a history re-write. Now you've upped it to between posts.

Now you're trying to claim the two Arsenal lads, Sanchez in particular, have only recently stopped playing down to not wanting to be there? And not only that, they have done the same. Official transfer requests. The whole nine yards.

Wow. That sure straightened that up. Ta.

And you still got jibbed for a better club.

Wait wait. You literally said you would not want Sanchez and Ozil in your ‘changies’ and have lambasted them several times now. So why are you not applying the same standards to Van Dijk? Instesd you are going on and on about how great it is that he is in your ‘changies’. Maybe you should read your posts again because the difference is clear to everyone but you.

I guess because Van Dijk behaved like a **** by handing in a transfer request and getting kicked to the U-21s, that somehow makes it better for you as compared to a Ozil or Sanchez who did not try and escalate the situation so much. The whole nine yards as you say. Such a nonsensical point to even make.

The amount of ridiculousness in your brain is genuinely staggering. What do they feed you up there in Scouseland?
Alc, seriously, the fact that you can't distinguish between the context of the two situations, without condoning any of the three involved, renders this null and void.

And I'll leave it here to spare everyone pages and pages of a back and forth. Not that it came as any surprise to anyone, but you more or less openly admitting you disliked me the other week pretty much renders anything null and void you try to pull me on. Your agenda shines through every time you try converse.
Personally don’t really understand the faux morale outrage over any of these players. Most human beings would drop their performance levels if they are tied to an organisation they do not want to be at and one that refuses to let them go.
Alc, seriously, the fact that you can't distinguish between the context of the two situations, without condoning any of the three involved, renders this null and void.

And I'll leave it here to spare everyone pages and pages of a back and forth. Not that it came as any surprise to anyone, but you more or less openly admitting you disliked me the other week pretty much renders anything null and void you try to pull me on. Your agenda shines through every time you try converse.

Scouse what I said the other week was a joke. Apologies if it did not come across that way to you. I have no agenda against you otherwise I would find a way to criticize everything you said.

In terms of the context of the two situations, I personally see very little if any distinction and as you pointed out, based on the way your post is worded, my criticism was fair.