The Arsenal Thread

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There is literally no difference between the three players. None. If you're happy with signing them fine, but don't pretend the scenarios are different. Let's make no mistake, if VVD didn't get his move, he would have carried on. Ozil and Sanchez are like it because the problems at Arsenal have lasted longer. Once they've left they will both be different.
This is tricky to answer as I clearly stated I'd walked away from alc and if I do it just invites him back in.

If anyone wants to add anything on van Dijk at Southampton this year, do it a separate conversation the L'pool thread or in private hey guys? Or better yet just leave it there with differing views to save the peace between the pair of us that is crossing over into way too many threads.
Thats a nice face-saving gesture but this is a football forum which is built solely for the purposes of debate and discussion so I don’t see any problem with a constantly flowing discussion.

But if it makes you happy Scouse, I won’t add further to the topic. Go and reply to Mike and try to explain how the situations are different. Would love to see Mike’s thoughts on this.
Oh don't indulge him for Petes sake Mike. There was enough of that B/S with your lads the Utd thread this week.

'Face saving?' To a sometime poster, oft trol, who's club I've probably seen live not far off the posts he pontificates on from behind a screen. That isome deluded sense of self worth/ importance and then some.

Moving on, as you asked Mike .....

Neither Coutinho, van Dijk nor Sanchez have covered themselves in glory. (Ozil as noted is a luxury player period. Which is sound if you like that payoff of his top class talent over a fella' that disappears from way too many games. I personally don't like that lazy attitude and wouldn't want it anywhere near my club but it's a personal preference.).

But just like we disagreed the summer when to you van Dijk had behaved no differently to Coutinho. Where to me there was a WORLD of difference in someone dropping it on his club the very eve of the season that he wanted out, leaving them no time to replace him, and then flat out lying to jib out of playing. To someone who's club knew he wanted out from last spring and then had an official request in the summer when he had his dream move lined up. (Which Southampton have admitted they probably handled wrong in keeping him this past week but yer know?).

We doubtless won't agree, but there's a World of difference in the context of what's being compared between Sanchez and van Dihk IMHO.

As far as I'm aware, as per Wenger this very season and everyone at Arsenal, Sanchez has never asked to leave. For someone apparently wantimg away, he's not done anything official about it. We can speculate to the ninth degree but that's on him if he's 'so unhappy.' Yet it's now beiing claimed that he's only started downing tools and not being interested the last 4 months. (Forget there's been numerous times he's taken his bat and ball home and sulked the pitch at Arsenal the last few years. Arguably, as much as anyone, costing them the CL this season when he took key games 'off' last year, around the time his benching at Anfield. They missed out by a point the final reckoning. If only their key difference maker hadn't been sulking ..... ).

Converse that to van Dijk. Let's it be known to his club he wanted out well before last season had finished. Dropped on his dream move to L'pool. Put in a transfer request. And a very strong resignation letter. Yeah, it got very unsavoury the summer. Not least with L'pool placing him in a bad situation by F-ing up what would have been a summer move. But he clearly wanted out and did everything possible to bring that around. Whilst still training at Southampton and making himself available for selection when it seemed to all intents and purposes he was going to go on strike .....

So now the analogy is he's no different from Sanchez in the fact he's half-arsed it at Southampton. Maybe he has? Maybe he hasn't? Only seen them once this season and he was the best player Southampton had the park at Anfield. He certainly been there best defender sratiscally through 12 games this season. Southampton fans never wanted him dropped and reading their forums to the reaction of the move this week, as much as they hate him going to us, and don't particularly like him through all this, many are lamenting losing there best player. Even if his form has dipped this year.

It seems to me the crux of that dip, when he's again been their best defender and one of the teams best performers statiscally, is a combination of being kept in an untenable situation, regaining his fitness after the ankle injury January that kept him out until late September, and a real poor Southampton side at odds with its manager. Side note- Utd should wallop them this teatime.

So yeah, there's a big difference to me in character from that to Sanchez at Arsenal at various points through his duration there.

Neither have covered themselves in glory. And a lot of the van Dijk mess the summer never has sat great with me. But I know which one I'd personally be happy with bringing into my group when the context of it al, not least those isolated 12 career games, is added.
I would say van Dijk situation is even more serious than Ozil or Sanchez. Arsenal two at least tried their best to play for the club. Van Dijk simply gave up and was playing half arsed. It thats not unprofessional, dunno what is.
You say Sanchez did nothing to make it be known he wanted to leave but if Lemar had joined Arsenal then Sanchez would be playing for City right now. So maybe the reason he never did anything public about it was because he had been told that the move was going to happen and progress was being made on it so he had no need to come out and say anything as it was all going well and it seemed he would be getting his move. If you think it is all going well why make everything public you want out?
You say Sanchez did nothing to make it be known he wanted to leave but if Lemar had joined Arsenal then Sanchez would be playing for City right now. So maybe the reason he never did anything public about it was because he had been told that the move was going to happen and progress was being made on it so he had no need to come out and say anything as it was all going well and it seemed he would be getting his move. If you think it is all going well why make everything public you want out?

I would say van Dijk situation is even more serious than Ozil or Sanchez. Arsenal two at least tried their best to play for the club. Van Dijk simply gave up and was playing half arsed. It thats not unprofessional, dunno what is.

Exactly. There is not difference here. People are splitting hairs to back their players. But they are all as bad as each other. I'd rather people just owned up to backing their players
Exactly. There is not difference here. People are splitting hairs to back their players. But they are all as bad as each other. I'd rather people just owned up to backing their players

Bang on the money. Every football fan is a hypocrite to some degree. Some people just cannot own up to it.
Exactly. There is not difference here. .....

..... in my opinion.

Then you give said opinion. Not what you followed it with. Come on man. You're normally FAR better than that. I expect what followed from the likes of the post below yours. Not you.

I'd of said exactly the same thing if he'd gone to City and you'd of asked me. The same way I clearly stated a lot of how he acted the summer didn't sit great with me. Nor was I condoning any of them as none of the three has come away in a shining light.

If you don't want my opinion. Sound. Don't ask for it.

But if you do, then please don't try infer I'm just flippantly backing a L'pool player. We see this differently. Nottin' more.
..... in my opinion.

Then you give said opinion. Not what you followed it with. Come on man. You're normally FAR better than that. I expect what followed from the likes of the post below yours. Not you.

I'd of said exactly the same thing if he'd gone to City and you'd of asked me. The same way I clearly stated a lot of how he acted the summer didn't sit great with me. Nor was I condoning any of them as none of the three has come away in a shining light.

If you don't want my opinion. Sound. Don't ask for it.

But if you do, then please don't try infer I'm just flippantly backing a L'pool player. We see this differently. Nottin' more.

If you say what he did is different from Ozil and Co it's double standards
Sound. No problem if you think I'm a hypocrite/ have double standards. Term it how you will. I can see the reasoning behind that even if I don't agree.

Just don't try speak for me hey on the reason why? I see it differently regardless of who he now will be playing for.
**** me, Mike Dean should just be taken out back and shot. Even the West Brom players don't think it's a pen because you don't see them raising hands and waving at the ref. Smh.
******* **** Ozil wants his move. Haven't seen big game performances like this since Madrid days