I can see people desperate to find wingbacks with the Inga särskilda preferred move![]()
WTF is Inga sarskilda?
Do you think your tactics are suitable for the BSS? (I'm dartford)
My Approach
Basically, I use the TC in a slightly different way, a way that I intent to for the coming time and this is how..
In my opinion, the more defensive and Attacking approaches brought by the TC comes with a flaw and its that the Strategy change has a double impact and I want to avoid this.
Example – Defensive
When we use this strategy, we sit deeper, the players look for t-balls and fwruns forward much more seldom and as the players mentality is also lower, it means that they will play even more cautious and are less likely to look for these t-balls. Movement into channels etc.
Example: Attacking Strategy
Same thing here, only now we are playing too attacking. We look for more t-balls and forward runs but as the mentality setting are much higher, they are doing this at every coast and in combination with the low time wasting that make the players make rasher decisions, the attacks are too often made in haste.
Therefor, I tweak the menatlity so that this variable is fixed and dont change with the strategy changes
Step one
- Use the formation that suits the current squad
Step Two
- .Use the roles that suits the players and the player Duties. Use a Philosophy and Strategy that suit the current ability and status of the club but stay away from the more attacking and defensive versions. I consider Counter, Balanced and Control to be the only 3 that works in this approach that I am to explain
Step Three
- Save the tactic
Step Four
- Make the mentality of all the players “fixed” so that they don’t change when changing strategy. i.e, tick their mentality and set it just as it was before ticking it
Step Five
- Do the same with the Closing Down only this time, set it on a slightly higher notch than in the middle
Step Six
- Save the Tactic as “ Normal Tactic”
Step Seven
- Change the strategy to a more defensive one and save it as “Defensive Tactic”
Step Eight
- Once again change the Strategy to a more attacking one and save it as “Attacking tactic”
Step Nine
- Use these 3 Tactics in the Match Preparation
Before each game, I now choose what strategy I want to use, either by loading up the correct version or by just tweaking the Strategy of the Normal Tactic ( I prefer this option).
As I explained, I use either Counter, Balanced or Control in this Framework and therefore, we never get too Defensive or Attacking when switching to these Strategies in-game or when making Shouts but instead only get the good benefit of these sideline instructions
Time for the Match
Now, I can either start the match with a different strategy, a strategy change that does not effect the mentality of the players, The effect that is has is the settings of the players, their tendency to make fwruns, hit t-balls or hold on to the ball and make safer passers etc, without having this double effect that the normal strategy change brings.
I play as Birmingham, 2ND season and whilst having a pretty strong team that should finish top 8, we are no way near teams like City, Chelsea, Utd, Arsenal, Pool and Spurs. I have chosen the Standard/Control as my Framework but against these teams, I have played mostly with Defensive sideline instructions ( Defensive or Counter Strategy and more cautious shouts). Against lesser teams at home, I ten to start with the Tactic as it is and make shouts depending on what I See in the game. Perhaps play Wider, Exploit the flanks or try Overlaps to bring out the bombing fullbacks.
This approach has brought me much more joy to the game
Post 62 is the definitive narrow Diamond formation then? I've been using the one from your first post for my San Marino team and have had fairly good results. It seems very good at dominating home games, but seems to have a tendency to wobble away from home. I'll try the new update, and also dabble with the wide diamond![]()
Ahh I'll see, I'll certainly be watching this for future updates
1. ) Been using the 11.1 version of the narrow diamond and I've seen much better results. My team pass the ball very smoothly and the two strikers seem to work very well as a pair. Not yet done any tinkering, but the one thing I was thinking about is trying to get the DM more into the game? It seems to me he is often passed by as the defence pass it to one of the CMs rather than the DM?
2. ) Also do the same shouts hold in the 11.1 version? Being new to FM11 and not having played FM 10 shouts are a bit above my head![]()
Yet more genius I assume TBH?
Are you using OI on the plug & play ? I'm looking for a 4231, albeit not a deep one, but I might have a play around with the deep & narrow and see what I can do.
Great work as per usual...
The 4231 ( called TBH - Deep & Narrow 4231)
The Wingbacks: This is probably the only tweak I make depending on who I am facing.( defend, support or Attack)
The DMCr - Holding Playmaker moving into channels
The DMCleft - Keeps it simple
The Outer AMCs - Making runs form deep, dragging the defence apart
The Central AMC - Acts like a linkman and arrives late in the area
The Central FC - Our main poacher
Great to see you back TBH. I speak for the whole community when I say we have missed you!!!!
TBH if you don´t mind me asking - would david villa fit in the role of riot FC?
Hi! TBH, why the central midfielders in your 4-4-2 flat tactics are zonal marking? Somehow I came to the conclusion that in flat 4-4-2 central midfielders must be man-marking, while in 4-5-1(where an Anchorman is present to fill the gap between defenders and midfielders) they are better with zonal marking. Am I wrong and why is that? oO)
Also got another small question. Isn't your wide diamond tactic too "uncreative" for a team for example like Marseille since like none of the players has high creativity allowed? I let my players use their creativity as much as they got(not to the maximum allowed 20 unless they are Xavi-like) since I prefer controlled attacking. What impact on the tactics would it have if I let the AMC(Lucho) have higher creativity allowed? Also how would your wide diamond look like if only one of the wide midfielders is defensive winger(and thus making overlaps with the fullback) and the other is attacking winger(Valbuena) not making overlaps with his fullback?