The Better Half - Plug & Shout Tactics


Patient Moderator
Mar 6, 2009
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The Better Half

Plug & Shout Tactics

This thread contain the following

The normal formations
- the formations
the players
- the shouts

The asymmetric formations
- the formations
- the players
- the shouts

The framework of the tactics

As different as the tactics may be when it come to the actually flow of the game, all using different formations, a variation in focus passing etc, they all have one thing in common and its that they use the same positioning strategy. I have chosen to combine a Control strategy within a rigid philosophy. When using this philosophy, providing the team with staggered mentality settings, I find it crucial to tweak the default closing down settings provided by the Wizard. I think - and have always though - of the 3 different Closing Down descriptions not as Own area, Own half or Whole pitch but as Stand off from their defensive position, Close down at their defensive position and finally Close down in front of their defensive position. This means that if giving a defensive Central Defender with a "defensive" mentality setting a closing down setting set to bang in the middle, or even slightly higher, he will still not close down too high up in the pitch, getting dragged out of position, but instead just slightly higher up than his positioning in the field( mentality + d-line). The same goes if he has a extremely high mentality setting, like when using Overload, then a closing down setting of bang in the middle, or slightly higher, will still see him close down rather high but without getting dragged away and this is why the closing down settings of all players are tweaked in all tactics, to make they close down their opponents in a more balanced way, just in front of their defensive position. The attackers will track back after loosing possession high up in the field and the defenders will not take their place in the d-line, only to back off, creating a gap between the stratas but instead actually close down the players and close out the gaps where we want them to.

When it comes to the flow of the game, we are trying to play a possession based approach with lots of t-balls when the players see it fit to do so. The tempo and width are set to "Normal" and a few free roles have been handed out. So in short, we mostly use Rigid as a positioning bases rather than actually playing Rigid. The fullbacks on the other hand are acting more like..fullbacks within a rigid system and if you feel that you want them bombing forward, supporting the midfield and perhaps provide more width in the wingless formations when in possession, then just set their roles to Wingbacks instead....


To save space for further screenshots in each and very post, these are the settings that applies to all formations



The first post contains the complete tactics. The 2nd post contains tactics that are still in their Beta stage

These formations/tactics have been uploaded an download links are provided further down in the thread. Notice that you might not be able to switch between the formation during a match as players might end up in a highly incorrect position.


The shouts and tactical tweaks

Yes, I use shouts and although many players have tweaked instructions - some settings therfor not being altered by them - mentality, tempo, width are
In some matches, I have started with a different strategy( counter) instead of making ingame shouts, but use the tactics as they are and only make pregame tweaks if you really see it fit( i did play more defensive because of injuries).

To go more Attacking

* Strategy - Attack – increases mentality, tempo and width , adds bombing fullback
* Shout - Exploit the flanks or overlaps
* Shout - Pass ball into space

To go more defensive
* Tweak - Focus passing - Through the middle
* Strategy - Counter, reduces mentality, tempo and with
* Shout - Retain possession-. Reduces the tempo
* Shout- Take a breather – Reduces runs from deep

To counter the opponent

* Tweak - Focus passing - Through the middle
* Tweak - Target man supply, if using one - Set to MIXED
* Strategy - Counter - reduces mentality, tempo and with
* Shout- Pass ball into space – adds more t-balls

Apart from these shouts, all being applied when changing strategy, I have also had success making defensive shouts using the default Control strategy. Retain possession and play more narrow have been my favourites

The players

Here you will find some hints about what kind of players that will suit the tactics. Just remember that every team has to be a balanced one and that some stats, like that all MCs needs to be able to carry out defensive duties, are left out as they are obvious.

Deep and Wide 4231

Fullbacks – Normal fullbacks
Central defenders – Pace is needed
DMCs – Creative and Intelligent( for the level playing at)
Wingers – Pace, dribbling
AMC – Scoring machine
FC – Quick poacher. If he has aerial ability its a huge plus

Wide 4231

Fullbacks – Normal fullbacks
Central defenders – Pace is needed
MCleft – Creative and Intelligent( for the level playing at) Can be used as a playmaker
MCright Defensive minded and hardworking DMC/MC
Wingers – Pace, dribbling
AMC – Scoring machine
FC – Quick poacher


Fullbacks – Normal fullbacks
Central defenders – Pace is needed
MCleft – Creative and Intelligent( for the level playing at) Can be used as a playmaker
MCright Defensive minded and hardworking DMC/MC
Wingers – Pace, dribbling
AMC – Scoring machine
FC – Quick poacher

Flat 442

Fullbacks – Normal fullbacks
Central defenders – Pace is needed
MCleft – Creative and Intelligent( for the level playing at) Can be used as a playmaker
MCright Defensive minded and hardworking Ballwinner
Wingers - Should be able to carry out both attacking and defensive duties
FCleft – Trequartista
FCright – Quick poacher with ariel ability

Wide Diamond

Fullbacks – Normal fullbacks
Central defenders – Pace is needed
DMC – Creative and Intelligent( for the level playing at) Can be used as a playmaker
Wingers - Should be able to carry out both attacking and defensive duties
AMC – Scoring machine
FCleft – Strong Target Man
FCright – Quick poacher with Aeriel ability

Narrow Diamond

Fullbacks – Normal fullbacks
Central defenders – Pace is needed
DMC – Creative and Intelligent( for the level playing at) Can be used as a playmaker
MCleft - Moves into channels, ends up in the box and links up with the TM
MCright - Arrives later and often seeks space out wide. Best using a right footed player
AMC – Scoring machine
FCleft – Strong Target Man
FCright – Quick poacher with Aeriel ability


DEEP AND WIDE 4231 - Filefront Zhare

WIDE 4231 - Filefront Zshare

4411 - Filefront Zshare

WIDE DIAMOND - FilefrontZshare

NARROW DIAMOND - FilefrontZShare

Flat 442 - Filefront ZShare

Some results

Narrow Diamond by TBH

Deep 4231 by Baroslfc5

Assymetric by TBH

4411 by TBH



Great results with Fulham, mostly using the Counter shouts when playing away from home


Undefeated after 15 matches, top of the table. Mostly used the main Control strategy


Top of the table after 15 matches. Mostly used the main Control strategy but have started some away matches with the Counter strategy. David Villa managed to score 1 goal each game and Silva 1.2 assist per game ( no corners ;D )

Part Two, The Asymmetric Formations

This 2nd part contains

  • - The Formations
    - The Download Links
    - The player roles
    - The Shouts
    - The Tweaks
    - Other Settings and options

    The Players & The formations

    In this text, I will present some of the players that you will find in the formations below. In the screenshots, the players will be addressed as the shortening of their Role. Riot FC will be RiotF and the Riot Winger as RiotW etc. Have a look at the requirements for each and every role. When constructing or tweaking these formations your self, also have a look what they actually do with these instructions and pay extra attention to the preferred foot
    As you also will see, only the roles that I my self have created are described in here as along with these, I use the roles setup by the wizard and their required stats can easily be viewed, as usual, in the Wizard whee they are highlighted

    ........Asymmetric Nr 1...........Asymmetric Nr 3...........Asymmetric NR 6


    Download Links

    Download Link Nr 1
    Download Link Nr 3
    Download Link Nr 6

    The TBH Roles

    Role: Riot FC ( RiotF)

    Position: FCr, FCl

    Mission: Score Goal

    Often seen: At the end off the moves, beating the last defender with his pace. Moving into channels or drifting away form his defender seeking free space. Wining the golden boot

    Footednessss: Right foot on right, left on left

    PPMsMs: Move into channels, Gets inside the box

    Important stats: Pace, Off the ball, Finishing, Composure

    Preferred teammates: A Target man, Wide roaming MR/L on same flank

    Role: Riot Winger(RiotW)

    Position: AMR, AML

    Mission: Score goals and setup goals

    Often seen: Running up and down the flank, Actively seeking space between the FB and DC. Getting inside the box, with or without the ball, taking the shortest way to the goal

    Footednessss: Right on right, left on left. This is important as he otherwise will not take the shortest way to the goal in between the FB and DC but instead dribbling sideways with the DC and FB cutting all angels for a pass or breakthrough.

    PPMs: Moves into channels, Cuts inside, gets inside the area

    Important stats: Off the ball, Acceleration( with pace), Dribbling, Finishing

    Preferred teammates: Single central FC, Deep lying PLM on same side, SupportinWingback

    Role: Link Winger (LW)

    Position: AMR, AML

    Mission: Link up attacks and setup goals, supporting the FC

    Often seen: Connecting with an more advancelinkplayerer such as a Target man or TQ on same flank. Moving in centrally, playing a short passing game, not dwelling on the ball or dribbling too much. Creating space for a drifting box2box MC and/or Wingbackck. Crossing or making t-balls at the far post/opposite flank

    Footednessss: Left on Right, Right on Left

    PPMs Moves into channels, Gets inside the area, Huge touchline. NOT cuts inside and this is important as he otherwise will not take the shortest way to the goal in between the FB and DC and/or make a quick pass but instead dribble sideways with the DC and FB cutting all angels for a pass or breakthrough.

    Important stats: Passing, Creativity, Agility, First touch, Anticipation

    Preferred teammates: A link Player on the same flank, TQ or TM. SupportinWingbackck on same flank, Covering DMC, a box2box

    Role: Scoring AMC (SAMC)

    Position: AMC, AMCl, AMCr

    Mission: Score goals and setup the FC.

    Often seen : Running through the center with or without the ball. At the end of the moves. Seeking space between thDCsCs. Staying central

    Footednessss: right on AMCr, left oAMCl

    PPMs: Gets inside the box, Runs with the ball through the center, Makes t-balls

    Important stats: Passing, Creativity, first touch, Acceleration, Off the ball, Long shots

    Preferred teammates: A TQ, A Riot Winger, 2 driftinFCsCs

    Role: Roaming Wide Winger (RWW)

    Mission: Setup goals and create space out wide

    Position: MR, ML

    Often seen: Running up and down the flank, staying wide when in possession. Crossing at far post. Seeking free space at the far post. Arriving late in the area. Making overlaps with the Attacking Fullback

    Footednessss: Right on right, Left on left

    PPMs Runs down “correct” flank, Moves into channels, Gets inside the area

    Important stats: Stamina, Crossing, Dribbling, Off the ball, Anticipation

    Preferred teammates. A Riot FC on same flank, playmakerer on same side, an Attacking Fullback

    The Wizard Roles - See the Wizard for most important stats ( they are highlighted)

    Strong Target Man will be referred to as...STM
    Quick Target Man as....QTM
    Complete Target Man as...CTM

    Complete Forward as....CF
    QuicPoacheher as....QP
    Strong Poacher as....SP
    Trequartista as....TQ

    Box to Box as....B2B
    Ballwinning Midfielder as...BWM
    Defensive Midfielder as...DM
    AdvancePlaymakerer as...APLM
    Deep LyinPLaymakeker as...DPLM

    Attacking Fullback as...AFB
    SupportinWingbackck as...SWB
    Quick Defender as.... QD


    Shouts and tweaks for the asymmetric

    To go more Attacking

    - Strategy - Attack – increases mentality, tempo and width , adds bombing fullback if having tweaked those to support
    - Shout - Exploit the flanks or overlaps
    - Shout - Pass ball into space
    - Shout Work Ball into Box

    Defensive Shout
    - Tweak - Passing focus - Through the middle
    - Tweak - The fullbacks = let them have HUb and change the wide play to "huge touchline" ( also let both be Fullbacks on support)
    -Shout - Strategy =Balanced
    - Shout - Retain possession
    - Shout - Take a breather

    Counter Shouts

    - Tweak - Passing focus - Through the middle
    - Tweak - The fullbacks = let them have HUb and change the wide play to "huge touchline" ( also let both be Fullbacks on support)
    -Shout - Strategy =Counter
    - Shout - Pass ball into space

    Overload Tweak

    - Screen to come

    The Tweaks, settings and other options

    Fullbacks and Wingbacks:
    - Feel free to make them more cautious

    Actually Using a Target Man and/or Playmaker
    - Most tactics don’t actually use one , but feel free to untick" the box where I have selected "none", or is there are more options than one, chose one your self

    Set Pieces:
    Corners - I have been using a poor corner setting to avoid any Me Flaw. Against poor teams, we do seem to score some lurker goals and dont know how to get rid of it as no-one is actually set to lurk.
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This has the German national team written all over it in my eyes, it would fit perfect for that or Valencia with no transfer updates. I'm sure there will be tons of interest considering your previous work, looking forward to giving this a good bash :)
This has the German national team written all over it in my eyes, it would fit perfect for that or Valencia with no transfer updates. I'm sure there will be tons of interest considering your previous work, looking forward to giving this a good bash :)

That was the main idéa :D
I shall give it a bash as always Mrs.
I shall give it a bash as always Mrs.

Thanks. If you have a team that would prefer 2 Mcs instead of 2 DMcs, then just wait until tonight when that tactic will be uploaded
a question - why is dikagcoi in your 1st XI XD?

I will try as always :)
Always been a fan of your tactics TBH. Loved your Plug and Play for 09, will the "Box" formation be returning? Was great for me in 09.

That said, ive always been a sucker for the 4-2-3-1 deep. I will try it ;)
Thanks for this one TBH,been on the lookout for a tactic which will work with Valencia,any signings you reccomend?
Always been a fan of your tactics TBH. Loved your Plug and Play for 09, will the "Box" formation be returning? Was great for me in 09.

That said, ive always been a sucker for the 4-2-3-1 deep. I will try it ;)

I can make one for you that will work but I wont have time to test it enough to release it here at the forum

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

Thanks for this one TBH,been on the lookout for a tactic which will work with Valencia,any signings you reccomend?

Not really. When I betatst tactics, I never make any major signings( only rotation players if needed). If I did, then the result would be missleading as coming 4th with Fulham+singnings would not be the same as coming 4th with Fulham
TBH did u use any Touchline shouts for your control strategy...
Has anyone tried this with lower league players such as BSN, BSS or BSP?
will be using this with england, they cant handle the fluid 4-2-3-1 that i use with united...
This tactic (4-2-3-1) = BEAST

Just taken apart Chelsea 2-0 and Manchester United 3-0 (Although United put Rooney in goal after like 75 mins, even though they had Foster on the bench. It was 2-0 at that stage) with Aston Villa.

Im noticing that my team is getting alot of cards, even though my team's average aggression is not that high. Although my opponents are getting cards too against us (3 red cards in 5 games).

What I like most about the tactic is that its not exploiting anything in the ME, more and more goals are coming from crosses (Although it does help having John Carew up top.)
I will test these. I heard very good things about your earlier tactics.
This tactic (4-2-3-1) = BEAST

Just taken apart Chelsea 2-0 and Manchester United 3-0 (Although United put Rooney in goal after like 75 mins, even though they had Foster on the bench. It was 2-0 at that stage) with Aston Villa.

Im noticing that my team is getting alot of cards, even though my team's average aggression is not that high. Although my opponents are getting cards too against us (3 red cards in 5 games).

What I like most about the tactic is that its not exploiting anything in the ME, more and more goals are coming from crosses (Although it does help having John Carew up top.)

Sounds really good. Another user at SI has also reported about doing very well with Aston Villa, 15 matches unbeaten streak. Icant say that I have had this problem with that many yellow cards but my opponets seem - just like in your save - to get lots of red cards

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 10:39 PM ----------

Played a few matches with Burnley. Seems to work for them as well and the last 2 results where really unlucky results( when we beat Pool at Anfield it was the other way around though)

Hey mate just had a go with this with Hull City

I had a good run of results and I find myself 10th in January and I have high hopes for the remainder of the season after a couple of signings,

Thanks for these great tactics mate