
Well its finally happened Semi-Pro here we go. After 3 victorious seasons, an overall of over £250k and improvements to the facilities I now have a wage budget of £328 p/w. Apart from the coaching staff and my 3 top players, Sila, Raea-Rongo and Agyei the rest of the lads are going to have to prove their worth before they start earning anything. I've worked hard for this to happen and I'm not willing to **** the money away on players that aren't going to take the team forward.

Its that time of year again, when we set off on our journeys to far fields to earn some money for the upcoming campaign. Instead of my general Opium dealing, were stopping off shortly to play the Army of Bhutan and then to Europe for a 3 game tour of San Marino. Exciting times for Nikao Football. Should see us clear £68k all in all, that at least is the wage budget covered for the season, and with our ticket prices hiking up to £2.60 from 40p last year we should be keeping afloat nicely.

Away to Army Bhutan (Friendly)
After last seasons performance in the O-League I can see this being a major problem for the lads to overcome in truth. A couple of goals and I'll be happy.
Army 1 – 5 Nikao
Destruction of the Bhutan Army, and rightly so, never have I been so disgusted by a football strip in my life... Shocking Pink!!! What type of Army wear Shocking Pink. A great hat-trick from the boy Sila, showing everyone why he is commanding such a high (£7 p/w) wage.

Away to Pennarossa
Its our first game of our European holiday in the small Principality of San Marino. Their team doesn't look up to it to me, so I think it should be another easy one... Grab the cash and go.
Pennarossa 1 – 6 Nikao
Pennarossa could have made a game of it today, but I'm not sure what their manager was thinking, not one of his players was more than 60% fit. They played the ball nicely in the first half but then fell to bits after the break due to poor fitness.

Away to Murata
I cant see this lot being much better than the last.
Murata 0 – 6 Nikao
And I thought the standard of Pacific football was poor, these lads from San Marino are sure showing us different.

Away to Tre Penne
The final of my European tour. Another reputedly “Much Larger” team for us to humiliate. So be it.
Tre Penne 0 – 8 Nikao
Not a match that Tre Penne will look back on with much pride. Found out a few things on my travels, teams from San Marino are ***** and my lads cant control a ball to save their lives when it is wet... handy thing to know that.

Well the pre-season over and done with, nothing gained really apart from enough cash to keep us going. This year is the one for us, we will defend both of out titles and try to bring in a couple more overseas players on part time contracts to bolster the roster, cant see much chance of us getting anything out of the Club World Cup at Christmas time, so just normal service, maybe cutting that one loss out.

---------- Post added at 06:40 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 09:55 PM ----------

Away to Matavera (Cup)
The first match of the Cup a prestigious event and one I feel the lads are well set for, we are playing a bit wide than we did last year and with a lot more creativity than we usually do. Win this comfortably against a team which should just try and shut up shop and we make a bold statement of intent for the rest of the tournament.
Matavera 0 – 4 Nikao
Good to start off in emphatic style. Matavera went 4 down in 30mins and werent coming back from that. The only real complaint I can have is the team got very complacent in the second half and ended up looking rather lacklustre.

Away to Arorangi (Cup)
We've won our last five meetings with this pack of clowns and today is going to be an even bigger result. It'll be a travesty if we cant but at least 4 or 5 past them.
Arorangi 1 – 2 Nikao
A disappointing result, although we dominated the match from start to finish, we still let the box get far too congested and that was detrimental to our final ball in. Maybe I should start letting Rongo hold the ball up so as to create more room for his through balls?

Home to Tupapa (Cup)
Our first home game of the season, great stuff, the perfect time for the Colombian striker to arrive, I can see him picking up a goal today thats for sure.
Nikao 5 – 0 Tupapa
Well Lopez certainly left his mark on his debut. He set up the second goal, although he was one on one with the keeper he stopped and side footed it to Sila creating an easy goal and show how unselfish he is... However in the second half when he turned round and elbowed their left back, I was not so happy, giving him and instant red in his first ever game. Three match ban the little ****.

Away to Lotoha'apai (O-League Prelim Semi)
I would have thought I'd have been seeded higher than this after the last couple of seasons, but it wasnt to be, another game against these, I could really do without the pressure of the prelims but thats the way it'll have to be until I prove Nikao and the league are better than this.
Lotoha'apai 0 – 7 Nikao
Thats the type of result we're after 5 goals from the lad Sila and a good all-round performance, thats 10 he's got in only 4 games so far this season considering he only got 13 all last year I'm expecting big things this season. Thats more than I can say for Lopez, since he wasnt suspended for this one I thought I'd give him another shot... injured in 20 mins, what have I signed here?
Great again.

Please post screen shots of the club information page and a few of the squad (contracts and then general info would be great!) and maybe even your overseas player stats?

Also whilst you were amateur did any team buy any of your players? (I believe that you can just offer amateur players a contract and the club cant do anything about it? Now that you are semi pro I guess you can reject bids for players on these contracts? Also can you still offer players amateur contracts? If not it might actually be harder with such a low wage budget to attract players?
Great again.

Please post screen shots of the club information page and a few of the squad (contracts and then general info would be great!) and maybe even your overseas player stats?

Also whilst you were amateur did any team buy any of your players? (I believe that you can just offer amateur players a contract and the club cant do anything about it? Now that you are semi pro I guess you can reject bids for players on these contracts? Also can you still offer players amateur contracts? If not it might actually be harder with such a low wage budget to attract players?

Will do. They arent the best like.

I the first couple of seasons it was a ******* nightmare trying to keep hold of players. All 7 teams in the Cup are able to ****** players from each other at any time, the only way to combat this is when your players are offered a contract from another club, offer one at the same time and hope he signs yours.

Semi-Pro contract are different, yes I can reject offers, but i'm only putting players I deem good enough to keep the team evolving contracts. One lad was offered a contract from a rival (amateur like) so I thought I'd see how much he wanted, bearing in mind my top boys earn less than a tenner a week, he wanted £3,000 and he was a reserve.

At the moment the low budget isnt a issue with attracting players, its that no one want to play for me, I'm scouring the worlds small countries for young players that have been released and may come to me.

Money shouldnt be a problem in the future as long as I can keep winning the O-League. Although there's not a great deal of cash in that, I've just got over £580,000 in gates from the World Club Championship. Divide that money up and without the rest I earn in a season thats £10k a week. Even if the board give me £5kp/w for a couple of years that should be more than enough to improve the team locally and bring in overseas players to bolster the line up.

---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------

Home to Titikaveka (Cup)
Should have the beating of these, thank god Lopez is unavailable, he looks to me like a man who can ****** a loss out of the jaws of victory.
Nikao 3 – 0 Titikaveka
A sloppy game we didnt play as well as we could have, but still came away with 3 goals and all 3 points.

Away to Tafea (O-League Premlim Final)
Get this one out of the way and then its proper Champions League again, question is do I play Lopez??? Yes I bought the daft ******* for the first team so thats where he's going to play.
Tafea 0 – 2 Nikao
Another clean sheet, we really seem to have our defence sorted this year. A good win that puts me in the money end of the competition. Lopez once again looked a little out of his depth, he doesnt speak English, he's not use to playing a high tempo game, he's not use to closing down so much, hopefully this will all be sorted within a couple of months or I'll have to let the lad go.

Home to AS Manu Ura (O-League)
Well I dare say I've pulled the easy group here with this Tahitian side, dread Ba and Utulei Youth we have a blinding chance of getting to the final, just to see what the pitch brings.
Nikao 1 – 0 AS Manu Ura
A very good and close fought match, I'm going to make some tactical changes for the next one though as I had an epiphany while watching the team kick the ball about, we'll see if it works next match.

Home to Ba (O-League)
Well, the old enemy, but a new tactic, lets see how this goes, I think we can afford a draw in all honesty and after the was we dicked this lot last year I think that might be pushing it. Its the same formation just different roles for the lads, we'll see how they cope with it.
Nikao 5 – 0 Ba
******* ****... 23 shots 11 of them on target and 5 of them in the back of the net, there were chances everywhere, the new tactic seems to have worked, although poor John Lopez still can seem to break his duck yet. Another fine win against Ba, I cant understand how we weren't favourites after the last couple of matches against them. Thas 6 games on the bounce without conceeding a goal, we're looking good for the money.

Away to Utulei Youth (O-League)
By far the worst team on paper in the group, I'd be surprised if they actually win a game. With the new tactic tweaked slightly I see no problem whatsoever with us tonking the American Samoans for at least half a dosen goals today. Lopez doesnt have the chance to break his duck as one again he's in the stands after 2 yellows in 2 games.
Utulei 0 – 4 Nikao
Well it wasnt exactly the 6 I wanted, but considering we didnt even let them have a shot let alone one on target, you can thoroughly say we trounced them.

Away to Ba (O-League)
After our last match, winning so easily against them I unfortunately have to consider resting a couple of players, or maybe giving them half a game, we have the World Club Cup coming up in 4 days time and I'd like to make a good show again Kotoko in the playoff as its Agyei's old club. Ba happen to be in second too, so a win would all but see me to the final of the O-League, decisions, decisions...
Ba 0 – 4 Nikao
That puts us 6 points clear with 2 to play and a goal difference of 20 better than Ba... Yes I think we are through, I hope I haven't done it at the expense of humiliating us in the Club World Cup though, I'd really like to get through the play off then when we get beat we still play in the 5th place match.

Away to Kotoko (World Club Champ)
I'd be really surprised if we walk away with anything here, mind we do have an Kotoko player on our books. If we win it would be amazing, but as it is a share of the 51,000 gate is enough for us this year. And will be for the next decade or so. Unless I find a blinder of a player... and sell the ******.
Kotoko 3 – 1 Nikao
We were out gunned from the start, that was to be expected, however the lads played really well and I'm happy with the result. The difference between them and us was like it is between us and our normal opposition, their passing and movement was so much sharper than ours. Lopez broke his duck when we were 3-0 down and we played much better football after that. We had more shots and the same amount on target, but that makes it sound closer than it was. I'm just happy to go home with over £580k to the good from the whole experience. Kotoka came in 6th of the 6 teams in the competition, it shows how far we have to go.

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

Here's my highest earner, and in my opinion worth every penny of that £20 a week.

The legendary waste of space John Lopez...

If he doesnt settle soon, he's going to go into the reserves and then mutual termination.

The Ghana player doesent look bad. Im amased anyone joins for 7 or 20 a week! Have you had a decentish regen yet and as the best Oceanic team cant you steal the best players from those nations for almost no money?
the are only on P/T contracts at the moment, that why they are cheaps.

No regens out of the ordinary for this standard of football yet, but i'm hoping that I might get one at the end of this year.

We arent classes as the best team in Oceania by a long shot, our reputation is no where near that of most of the other teams.
Very good story mate, could you check mine out please ?
Away to Avatiu (Cup)
Dirty little ******* turned us over in the last match against them. This WILL NOT happen again; otherwise heads will roll, people will be released, I may get upset! Oh ****, 10 players out on International duty and 2 suspended, I dont like how this is going. The majority of my team are under 19's well I suppose thats the bonus of having a very young team, the ones that have been called up for U19 duty are already in my first team squad.
Avatiu 1 - 1 Nikao
I'll settle for that result, the 2nd/3rd team didnt do too bad of a job there. If it wasnt for the woodwork saving Avatiu a number of times we could have walked away with a comfortable win. 6 players made their first team debut out of the starting 11, so all in all not a bad result against the 2nd placed team.

Home to Takuvaine (Cup)
Even with a second string side out against Takuvaine, I cant see any other result except 3 points for us. Since my first season where they finished level on points with me, they have not been able to compete, and have only picked up 2 wins in the last 2 seasons.
Nikao 2 – 0 Takuvaine
A good result by the young lads, I was thoroughly impressed by a lad called Jimmy Johns on his debut in midfield, he might have a future in the first team after this. The result however is not the issue here... After having a meeting with the chairman I cheekily asked since we have almost £1m in the bank if he would consider us going Full-Time after much deliberation and me claiming it was the only way for Nikao to go forward as a club he acquiesced to my request. Next season he said we would go PRO!

Home to Arorangi (Cup)
I'm glad for the first time this season that I signed Lopez, with the team badly hit with internation call ups he is sorely needed after his suspension. Lets hope the young lads can keep it going and that Lopez will bring his World Club Cup form in t to Cup.
Nikao 1 – 2 Arorangi
**** poor performance, the lads were terrible. This isnt the type of football the fans have come to expect, and rightly so. The team looked like what they were... a bunch of school boys.

Home to Utulei Youth (O-League)
The lads are finally back from the Oceanic Nations Cup, played 4, lost 4 manager resigned, and ******* once again I didn't get the job. Well at least I've got my team back and can get on with winning the double again this year... *******.
Nikao 9 – 0 Utulei Youth
It really is a different team with the internationals back, that all I can say. Destruction of the American Samoan defence and even Lopez got himself a hat-trick, they must be ****.

Away to Titikaveka (Cup)
After last match's performance I ddemand another one like it from the players, we have the ability to play like that every match, but some times the lads get too complacent... more goals thats what I want!
Titikaveka 0 – 1 Nikao
That was not a good result for us, maybe I consistently underestimate the quality of Cook Island Cup football, or maybe my players

Away to Tupapa (Cup)
4th in the Cup Tupapa should not be underestimated, but in truth should be easy fodder for my lads, as long as they keep their heads down and try hard.
Tupapa 1 – 1 Nikao
I can't understand whats going on at the moment, it must be a lack of motivation, the lads dont seem to be bothered with domestic results at the moment, I know there is a lot of things going on behind the scenes but if they want professional contract they have to start acting like professionals.

Away to AS Manu Ura (O-League)

Circumstances have forced me to go back to my tactics from last season, its still the same formation, just different roles for the players. This is after what is in my opinion a couple of bad results in the last half a dozen games. If this doesnt start to bring things round then its the players not getting motivated for the matches. That'll be a harder issue to cope with.
Manu 0 – 7 Nikao
Fine match loads of chances loads of goals, but i'm not going to get too camrried away until we can do it domestically.

Home to Matavera (Cup)
This game will see if its me monkeying around with the tactics and ******* them up or if in fact the players themselves are just a pack of lazy twats.
Nikao 2 – 0 Matavera
Not a good result, the only thing that saved us dropping yet more points was the late brace of goals in injury time that kept us from loosing face.

Neutral - As Magenta (O-League Final 1st Leg)
Another fixture against the New Caledonians. We've met 4 times before in this competion over the past 3 years and we have won 3 and drawn 1. I'm still not happy with the tactics, I can say what I want about the team being lazy, but I've never been a fan of a formation without wide men, so I always have the fear that is the problem. 4 more competitive matches this season until I can change things around.
Magenta 1 – 7 Nikao
Its not a surprising result considering our form in Oceania. I think we have it in us to defend this lead in the second leg.

Home to Avatiu (Cup)
A must win for us, its getting mighty close at the top of the table, and with only one point in it I'd like to go into the final game ahead.
Nikao 0 – 1 Avatiu
What the **** was that? ***** thats what it was, we're now 2 points behind with one game to play and the league is out of our hands. Bollocks!

Neutral- AS Magenta (O-League Final 2nd Leg)
The lads can go out and do whatever they ******* want after last games performance, I dont give a toss. Sod it I'm going on holiday.
Nikao 1 – 0 Magenta
Well I'm glad the assistant didnt **** that up.

Away to Takuvaine (Cup)
Must win match, and hope that Arorangi dont win theirs... its as simple as that.
Takuvaine 1 – 4 Nikao
Thank god for an easy victory there, all we need to do now is wait for the result to come in...
3-2 to Titikaveka, you beauties! Another Cup and continental football again next year.

Well I can tell you, I thought we had gotten past the stage of finishes like that in domestic football. I'm not happy at all about the was the lads finished the season. Changes are going to come in think and fast next season. A completely up and down year, absolute domination of the O-League and abysmal capitulation at the **** end of the season in the Cup. New faces are needed I think, time to get rid of some of the players who are getting too big for their boots.
Although the majority of this thread has been written as a narrative, a good manager knows when to ask for advice from his peers.

Having predominantly played a 4-4-2 (or variants of) throughout my CM then FM careers, it was a struggle for me to change to the Narrow Diamond that I've played as Nikao. Now the team although far superior in skill and physical prowess seem to be getting in each others way too much, i'm going to open the game up more and I'm contemplating a 4-2-3-1 deep formation.

I set a couple of wingers from the U19's team training to play on opposite sides to their feet (left footed on right and vice versa) last season when I began to think of the change, as I dont use wingers at the moment, I was not loosing anything. This formation would also leave Agyei open as more of a playmaker.

The advice I desire is; would a lone striker work at this standard of football, bearing in mind my obvious superiority?

How useful have others found it to use inside forwards on the wrong side to cut inside and leave space outside them for an attacking fullback/wingback?

Would this type of formation in your opinion result in my team taking long range shots? because they really dont have the ability to make that work yet?

The role for my lone Striker? T-Man Support? Deep Lying Forward?
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try Target man support or Complete forward for your striker and it should increase long shots unless you higher creative freedom. just set your players to long shots rarely
try Target man support or Complete forward for your striker and it should increase long shots unless you higher creative freedom. just set your players to long shots rarely

Yes I have put the creative freedom high, the long shots are generally from just outside the box... I can deal with that, Its the 40 yarders that **** me off, some of them cant kick the ball 40 and keep it in the stadium let alone shoot from that far.

Target Man Support is doing fine at the moment too, although Ive changed my AMC from advanced playmaker to inside forward and he's running nicely behind the defence at angles now.

---------- Post added at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 07:04 AM ----------


Away to Tiraspol (Friendly)
The new tactic is coming into play in this game, for the first time in over 3 years I'm once again playing with wide midfielders, or in this case wide attackers. I cant really predict how this will go, all I want do is figure out where we are strong with this formation and where we are weak and look for ways to change that for the better.
Tiraspol 0 – 3 Nikao
A good solid performance against the Moldavians. The extra DMC stopped them from really getting going. Still not too sure about the tactic yet in truth, although we dominated 64% of the possesion, its just a matter of getting the lads to know where to put it.

Away to Aberystwyth (Friendly)
Should be a fine test of our steel. Looking at the Welsh team they seem a handy outfit, the only real issue I have is once again the match has happened at international time, and that means a lot of my lads are out for it.
Aberystwyth 1 – 1 Nikao
Belter of a result considering the team I was forced to put out. I have to admit that for prolonged periods the Welsh team were all over us, but we kept our shape and managed to sneak a cheeky scramble from a corner to share the game. Agyei was man of the match looking well founded in his new more liberal role, as for the rest of the B team I put out, some good performances, some mediocre ones, that was always going to be the case with this match.

Away to Tarxien Rainbows (Friendly)
The first team are back involved so this makes it a final test of the tactic before we go into the Cup. I would like to say I'm confident with how the team are performing, and I am, yet not completely, this tactical change is a risk in such a short season, one that needs to pay off.
Tarxien 2 – 7 Nikao
A beautiful game of football, playing with the 3 AM's as inside forwards behind the lone Target man seem to be creating loads of space for killer through balls, this matched with the use of the wingbacks how they played in the narrow diamond means that on occasion we have 4 strikers and a wingback to cross the ball and on others we have lads playing off the sholders of 3 or defenders for the ball through. Its a great improvement on the very one dimensional play that we have been churning out over the last couple of years. It seems we now no longer have to rely on the strikers to get on the end of crosses in a packed box.

Away to Tupapa (Cup)
The season finally gets under way and the lads have a chance to show off our new tactic to the fans, a win by 3-4 goals is the minimum of what I want.
Tupapa 0 – 4 Nikao
We did exactly what I said we needed to do in this match, we made a statement of intent towards the rest of the league and played some flamboyant football. The test of playing a longer ball was stopped early in the first half, I didnt like the speed with which we were attacking, back to short passes and let the lads get themselves onto the shoulders of the defenders and fire away.

Home to Arorangi (Cup)
Time to set the record straight here. Especially considering their complete lack of team moral, it should be a walkover. Might even go a bit more balls out and widen our playing style since we're at home. One of my signings from 2 years ago has arrived on his 18th birthday from Columbia, as it happens I've also picked an injury up at AML so it looks like he's getting a game straight off.
Nikao 2 – 1 Arorangi
Not the best result in the world, but the correct one at the end of the day. We were all over them for most of the match but our finishing let us down and a well worked set piece brought them back into the game, at the end though we had enough quality to see them off.

Home to Kossa FC (O-League Premlin Semi)
The Prelims again? Is my reputation still so low in the footballing world that I have to put up with this ****? Considering my form over the past couple of years in Oceania, it shouldnt be a problem, expect goals... lots of them.
Nikao 6 – 2 Kossa
That truly was one of the worst games of football I have ever witnessed. A sending off for both sides, and goalkeepers that couldnt catch a cold. It's a good thing we had more shots than them, it looked like everything on target was destined for the back of the net.

Away to Avatiu (Cup)
Avatiu are 1-1-1 for the season so far, so a mixed bag for them this season, as mid-table as can be. Only scoring twice in 3 games could be a major problem for them as our defence is keeps the opposition away and only seems to be broken by set pieces and silly mistakes.
Avatiu 1 – 2 Nikao
I rested a few players for this match due to a Continental match in 4 days time, the lads did a good job considering a sending off early in the first half. Played 3 won 3, so a good start to the year. I do think the quality of Cook Islands Cup football is after 5 seasons now the best in Oceania, all I need now is the international job which I keep getting overlooked for.

Home to AS Pireá (O-League Premil Final)
Playing against a right bunch of minnows in this match, should be an easy one in truth. Got the players rested for the match, first team out. Hopefully our last game in the Preliminaries ever.
Nikao 2 – 0 Pireá
A game we dominated, but because of terrible weather conditions were unable to really stand out in. A good result all the same, no shots for the other teams and 18 for us, I just wish we could make them count a bit more.

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 AM ----------

Home to Takuvaine (Cup)
Mid table Takuvaine shouldnt not be a problem for my boys the way they have been defending recently, well except the match against Kossa. Although not as many goals as normal, we look really tight at the back. A good sign for when I get the national job.
Nikao 4 – 0 Takuvaine
An easy win again in truth, Takuvaine never looked in it and a couple of lads that have been brought in for suspensions and injuries scored their first ever goals for the first team, I am a happy manager.

Away to Lotoha'apai (O-League)
Played against these twice, won twice scoring 10 goals and conceding none. It should therefore be a good test of our new tactics, 5 goals would be par.
Lotoha'apai 1 – 3 Nikao
A good win Lopez playing upfront on his own netted a hat-trick, he's starting to hit a little bit of form now, which is nice after his drought at the start of his Nikao career. 60% possession and 16 shot at goal, means we are still not converting our chances too well.

Home to AS Magenta (O-League)
Magenta this old chestnut again, won 5 drawn 1 in the last 6 meetings with the New Caledonia's, this is not going to be any different.
Nikao 5 – 1 Magenta
The team were really fired up for this one, perhaps a little too aggressive, but that how I like to play football. 21 shots, 7 on target, 5 goals and 6 yellow cards. What more could a manager ask for?

Away to Hekari United (O-League)
Back to PNG head hunters everywhere rubbing their bellies in the crowd. I hope I dont get a touch line ban, I might get eaten if I'm forced to watch from the stands.
Hekari 0 – 2 Nikao
74% possession, that statement really says it all.

The Rose Bowl to New York Red Bulls (CWC Playoff)
Well we are once again in the playoff of our money earner against Theirry Henry's side, he may be 37, but he still looks loads better than my lads. If the cheating ******* handballs though, I'm going to run onto the pitch and lay the nut on him... Prediction 6-1 to the Red Bulls.
New York 4 – 0 Nikao
Totally outclassed and the cheating **** got on the score sheet twice. We looked solid for our level of football only conceding 2 in the first 80 mins, but their fitness told in the end.
well done nice updates
unlucky on losing to the cheating frog
(yes i am irish)
Just read through this for the first time. A great read and something very unique. Can't be long before that national job is yours.
well done nice updates
unlucky on losing to the cheating frog
(yes i am irish)

Letting the opposition have space 25-30 yards out works well in Oceania, mainly because the players cant shoot, but it turns out even though he is 37 in game he can still fire them in from distance. I got £250k in gates and £303k for my final position, so its not all too bad.

Just read through this for the first time. A great read and something very unique. Can't be long before that national job is yours.

There have been 3 different managers of the national team whilst I've been winning everything at Nikao. The Cook Islands have only won 1 match in all that time, God knows what they are doing. If can win the O-League with a mainly domestic side surely they can get a result once in a while against the national sides f the teams I thump continentally?

One of my scouts has just requested he be sent to Spain? Like anyone from Spain would play for me!... So I sent him to see...
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enjoying the story and always looking out for the next update!
Great updates as usual.

How are your finances looking now?
Great updates as usual.

How are your finances looking now?

Cheers mate.

I've got about £1.8m in the kitty. The Board are buying my stadium as I'm filling the 1,500 ground.

I've checked on FMRTE to see how the Reputations have changed:

Club has gone from 100 to 1428 (Still less than almost all teams in the O-League)
Domestically the rest of the clubs have doubled in Rep

League Importance has gone from 1 to 3

Training 1 to 6
Youth 1 to 6
Academy 0 to 10
Recruitment 1 to 5

Things are certainly changing for the club and Cook Islands Football, but ever so slowly.

My only real worry is I may have turned Pro too early. Youth players are given £100 p/w as standard and some of the first team players are demanding astronomical amounts of monies. Only playing 23 competitive matches in a season 3 of those at neutral grounds, that only leaves 10 home games a season. 1,500 x 10 @ £4.30 = £64,500 at full capacity. I'm going to start relying heavily on the World Club Cup and O-League Finals TV rights to stay above water.
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Loving this story boozemonster keep up the good updates :)