Great improvements. The youth team players on 100 a week is really annoying and ruined one of my saves as small nations like Nicuraguay cant affodr it. Hope you find a way around. I tried to find a way around it in the data editor but couldnt.
Home to Titikaveka (Cup)
The second place team, win this one and go 5 points clear. Without the ONC being played this year, I wont have my Internationals missing for 3 or 4 games, so winning this could mean an easy run in for the Cup.
Nikao 4 – 0 Titikaveka
Starting to play like we should, the team is finally starting to gel into this new formation, although I was happy defensively, the players are starting to know where to be in the other teams half now.

Away to Matavera (Cup)
Matavera are languishing in 6th place in the Cup. I can see anything less than a win from the lads... I shall tell them so in the dressing room before the match.
Matavera 1 – 1 Nikao
What a ***** result, I'm angered by the way the team played today, completely without heart, yes a couple of lads were out with injuries, but we never looked like getting into the Matavera box... disappointing.

Home to Tupapa (Cup)
With Tukatara Tangi on the verge of needing to sing on the dole, Tupapa are going to have to come at us for him to keep his job, this should play nicely into our hands. A certain victory for the lads, saying that it is Olympic qualifying time and a good few lads are in the U23's team... In that case I'll settle for a draw.
Nikao 1 – 1 Tupapa
A game we dominated once again, until the 86th min that was when Tupapa scored a cheeky equalizer. Not happy at the time, but I said I would take the result before the match, so not too many complaints.

Away to Arorangi (Cup)
We need this win after the past couple of draws, we need all 3 points to keep nicely ahead of Tupapa. With all the boys back from U23 duty this shouldnt be an problem though.
Arorangi 0 – 2 Nikao
Its good to get back into winning ways. That leave me and the lads with a 4 point lead and 4 games to play, hopefully an unassailable position.

Home to Lotoha'apai (O-League)
More than 3 goals this time, thats what I want from the lads. Win this and its 5 clear with 2 to play, not that its a massive issue considering we havent lost a Continental match for since Feb 2012.
Nikao 5 – 1 Lotoha'apai
Cracker of a match, we ****** all over them. The result was made even better because we went a man down in the first half.

Away to AS Magenta (O-League)
My time in charge of Nikao Sokattack is starting to get rather tedious. I want a new challenge, I was the National Job, Give Me The National Job!
Magenta 0 – 0 Nikao
Well that was a rather boring result. Anyway, qualification for the final.

Home to Avatiu (Cup)
Decided to go back to a 442 since my more play making players are out injured or suspended. A good result here and it 4 clear with 4 left and an almost certainty to claim my 4th Cup on the trot.
Nikao 2 – 0 Avatiu
Our football was outstanding today, until the ball got into the box the lads were heroic. Once again poor finishing let us down, 20 attempts and only 2 goals, a terrible conversion rate.

Home to Hekari United (O-League)

A nothing match for us really. We're already in the final. Maybe its the time to give my new 18 year old Lebanese right back a run out to see how he performs.
Nikao 3 – 0 Hekari
20 more attempts on goal but at least 3 in the back of the net this time, all from the main man Romano Sila, that takes his tally to 17 for this season.

Away to Takuvaine (Cup)
We have been playing some really crazy football of late, more chances than you can shake a stick at, unfortunately we cant finish as many of them as I would have liked. I hope we can keep playing in the same style in a couple of years time, with the improvements being made to the facilities its only a matter of time before our youth players far out skill those that I can buy in.
Takuvaine 0 – 5 Nikao
That was a joy to watch, the passing was superb even when through on goal the players seemed happy to lay it off to a team mate for an easier chance. And there it is another victory in the Cup. Thats 5 in a row now, surely the Chairman of the FA needs to be taking note.

Waitakere (O-League Final 1st Leg) N
We last played against these New Zealand part timers two and a half years ago, beat them twice too. The amount of chances that we have been creating leads me to believe that we are really going to be far too strong for this lot.
Waitakere 0 – 2 Nikao
A good win that puts us in fine standing for the 2nd leg. The question has to be asked though... how did we not win by more?
Surely you should be more than qualified to take on the international job now, your knowledge of the league must be quite vast now.
looks ****** brilliant, I'm going to try this lol :p
Surely you should be more than qualified to take on the international job now, your knowledge of the league must be quite vast now.

I've got the U21's Job. Its not what I wanted, but its a step in the right direction.
Home to Matavera (Cup)
The Cup is already won, yet if the lads manage to get a win in the last 2 matches then this will be our most successful season yet, so there is no chance of us letting up just yet.
Nikao 4 – 1 Matavera
Not so many chances, but far better finishing today. Destruction of Matavera, much to the lamentation of the away fans.

Waitakere (O-League final 2nd Leg) N
With a 2 goal lead coming into this leg I'm overwhelmingly confident that the lads can add to that and win our 3rd O-League on the bounce.
Nikao 3 – 0 Waitakere
Well we've done it again. Another Double for me, I'm easily the best manager in the eastern hemisphere. Thats the truth of the matter, I've been told as much by the fans.

Away to Titikaveka (Cup)
A win is all we need to make this the most successful Cup campaign yet. It should happen too, I'm confident of this. Only one game lost all season so far, and that was against the Red Bulls, so not too bad a year I would say.
Titikaveka 0 – 4 Nikao
20 shots 7 on target 4 in the net, what a fine way to bring up my 100th match in charge of Nikao Sokkattack and won 75 of them, cracking result.


Well having bought the stadium the board are now looking to bankrupt me by taking a loan and spending a further £1.6m on youth training, nice of them but I could have waited a while. A result a ******* result! I am the new Cook Islands U21's Manager, not the main job, but i'm only a cats whisker away from getting the big one! One downer though, Agyei has decided to **** off, its a good thing there's a lad just come through to the U19's that looks up to the job.

Away to Oldham (Friendly)
Decided to go up in the world for the start of my pre-season, let hope we dont make fools of ourselves here.
Oldham 0 – 2 Nikao
A belter of a victory, loads of chances yet again, I have turned Nikao into a poor man's Barcelona. That's how good I think we are playing. Bring on the World Club Cup... I might win a match.

Away to Partizarni (Friendly)
Two matches in Albania now before we head back to the Cooks, should be nice this time of year...
Partizani 0 – 3 Nikao
We cruised to victory really, nothing too special from the boys, we let the play build up and controlled possession throughout.

Away to A Team I Cannot Read, Say or Write. (Friendly)
The last of our pre-season matches against an unpronounceable team.
??? 0 -7 Nikao
Well a nice easy build up for the lads to get ready for the start of the campaign. Lets hope we continue our form from the end of last year at the beginning of this one.
Brilliant update mate, chuffed for you getting the Under 21's job, their the future of your first team so atleast you'll know the jems when you get the full internationl job.

Keep the great updates coming man :)
Home to Solomon Islands (U21's)
I'm so excited, my first game in charge of an international side (albeit a junior one) I've tried to pick as many 18 and 19 year olds as I could and mixing them with the young players from my team that have not been called up for senior duty. This should get them to bond nicely over the next couple of years and hopefully by the time they are promoted for their full caps, I'll be the Senior Manager.
Cooks 3 – 4 Solomons
We we're expected a right flogging against the Solomon Islands in this one, I'm happy to say that it didnt happen and on another day, with tighter defending we may have walked away with at least a draw. Nevermind not a bad start to my new career.

Away to Avatiu (Cup)

The season is finally underway and fingers crossed this new 4-2-4 Possession tactic as some would call it is going to get a seasons try out after it walked all over the opposition in the back nine of last season.
Avatiu 2 – 8 Nikao
A goal bonanza. I'm a little upset at conceding 2, but getting 8 on the board in the first match is a signal of intent, I cant really believe that John Lopez who usually is so poor in front of goal managed to grab himself a hat-trick too. He made 18 appearances last season and only scored 7 so this hopefully is a sign for the future, at only 19 he has a long way to go.

Home to Matavera (Cup)
Having played no pre-season and being the only team in the cup not to have played, this is going to be a really easy match... Simples.
Nikao 4 -1 Matavera
An easy match were I rotated the squad and got some over the less experienced lads so pitch time.

Away to New Caledonia (U21's)
Well here's a game I'm not overly confident of, on paper we should be getting dicked, hopefully I can use my masterly skills to get a result from the situation though.
N.C. 4 – 2 Cooks
I cant really hide my disappointment at this one, we dominated the game, had more shots had far more possession, yet still due to some really dubious goalkeeping, we loose by quite some way. I need a new tactic for these lads, they really haven't got the quality at the back that Nkao have, and the mental attributes of the rest of the team aren't high enough to play the controlling football that I've got the club side playing. I think I'll have to amend it to a bit of a Kick and Rush strategy.

Home to Tuvalu (U21's)
I may be right in thinking that this is the worst ranked nation in FIFA, if we dont get at least a draw here I'll be rather upset.
Cooks 2 – 1 Tuvalu
Well a win is a win, and that was my first one in charge of the Under 21's. Moral of the team is really low, and they struggle to pick out passes constantly, I think I might have to make some squad changes. But then again most of them do have 3 more years in the U21's so maybe I wont change things to prematurely.

Having won the Cup 5 times now and 13,000 words later, as I've started my International career I'm going to stick mainly to writing about that now. Apart from continental matches and games I deem important, there is going to be less detail about the Cup, Its difficult to write about something that you expect to win by a long way every season.

Tupapa 0 – 1 Nikao (Cup)

Nikao 4 – 1 Takuvaine (Cup)

Home to American Samoa (U21's)
A bit of a change round of staff for this game, I've hopefully brought in a couple more ball players into the squad, with any luck this should cut down on the failing transition between the defence and our attackers.
Cooks 6 – 0 A. Samoa
Thats more like it, the lads played well and as a team, the side the turned out today would not have looked amiss playing in the Cup.

Kaiser Chiefs (CWC Playoff) N
Right, for once I think we might have and outside chance here. After all a team from South Africa cant be too much better than Oldham Athletic can they? As long as we can keep the ball like I know the lads are capable of doing I believe we can sneak this one.
Nikao 2 – 4 Kaiser Chiefs
We went a goal down very early and then one of my strikers placed the ball past his own keeper at a corner which didnt help matters. A decent result though, at least we are starting to look like we deserve to be there, there was no humiliation in this game.

Takuvaine 0 – 0 Nikao
22 players on International duty for the ONC, its a bit of a ***** every two years.

Nikao 1 – 0 Arorangi

Its finally happened, after only 3 matches in charge of the U21's Benjamin Panniani resigned after a ONC where the Cooks lost every match, what a 'erbert. Thats me sorted out with my original goal, now to get the Cooks Islands to be a force in international football. Although I have just noticed something, I've not been entered into the O-League this year, that means no CWC next year and a high possibility that Nikao will go bankrupt, I wonder why this has happened? Is it something to do with me winning it 3 times in a row?

Nikao 4 – 1 Tupapa

Away to Fiji (Int.)
My first game in charge of the National team against 75th in the world Fiji. The Cooks are currently in 205th so a long way to go to bring it back. I've had quite a lot of criticism from the media for my selection in my inaugural game, picking no less than 12 Nikao players in the 24 man squad... I dont see this as a great issue, the lads have won the league 5 times on the bounce and the O-League 3 times, they deserve their place in the team. I have dropped the captain who in truth is my 2nd choice right back, and pick some lads I like the look of from other teams, one I've signed already as a left back and can see him being in the starting 11 by next season.
Fiji 4 – 1 Cooks
A shocking match in all fairness, the team were rubbish. It will take the team time to settle into the new formation that I'm placing upon them though. After the ONC moral is at an all time low and I'm going to have to pick my matches well to improve this.

Matavera 1 – 3 Nikao
Well thats another Cup for me 6 in a row now and things should be moving forward at a pace now. This has been hampered by my lack of attendance in the O-League which in turn has robbed me of half a million in gates and prize money for the CWC next season. Also my reputation and that of the league wont improve this year because of said problem. I wonder if it was the amount of cards I received last season in the competition?

Titikaveka 1 – 6 Nikao

Nikao 4 – 2 Takuvaine

Arorangi 1 – 2 Nikao

And that ends another successful season for me at Nikao 6 Cups now, dont know what happened with the O-League, hopefully we'll be back in it next season. I've got the National Job and its harder than it looks

Home to the British Virgin Islands (Int.)
A game that could go either way depending on how well either team plays. I sorted this fixture out shortly after our drubbing by Fiji. The BVI's are 1 spot ahead of us in the rankings, so it we are very level pegging teams, it all depends how the lads play today.
Cooks 1 – 3 BVI
That was shocking, my second game in charge and second defeat, that brings the Cook Islands upto 18 games lost in a row. The players who play so well for me cant even string passes together when they put a green shirt on. My keeper who is the best in the league cant even catch the ball when playing international football. We were beaten by a team that in all honest would struggle in the domestic Cup.

My new signing from Brazil...
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congratulations on getting the job! great update, hope you'll get some money even without playing in O league
I only make £100k in gates and no prize money in the O-League, but you qualify for the Club World Cup and thats £500k for dropping out in the playoff.

I've been saved though in the off season Clive Robertson after 5 years of trying to flog the club had finally got rid of it and the new Chairman has pumped a couple of million into the club. So I'm going to improve facilities and blow the rest on wages.

Two more new faces.

And this guy is on his way in when he turns 18
firstly very well done on getting the national job, it's about time it came your way.

and secondly have you tried putting all your transfer budget to wage budget so you gain abit more interest. i can't imagine it will have too much of an effect at your level but in the long run it tends to stabilise teh club a bit better. and then if you need to make any signings you can always readjust when the message comes through.
could you post your best players please? and those with the highest wages? thank you!
could you post your best players please? and those with the highest wages? thank you!

Will do, I'm just working on how to stop the National Side from loosing their 20th match in a row at the moment.
This is epic mate. Someone mentioned your story in my thread so I gave a look and it's just brilliant!

I'm doing a similar thing with San Marino club/country and I know how hard it can be. I have to say that right now your local talent for NT look much better than mine mind you XD ... though at least for the club I can pick international class players (once we're in serie A of course)

Here's a selection of the crème-de-la-crème of Cook Island Football...

My Stalwart Defender...

My midfield Maestro...

My Monster Upfront...

My Poacher...

These are the back bone of my team the rest are poor at best

---------- Post added at 05:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 AM ----------


Avatiu 0 – 4 Nikao
Hinostroza started in his first senior game for us, and bagged a hat-trick. Good stuff.

Matavera 0 - 2 Nikao

Away to Moldova
This should be a good test of our mettle. I think we may play overly defensive in this one and try and steal a goal at the other end. With moral how it is I dont fancy trying to play our way out of this problem.
Moldova 3 – 1 Cooks
My lesson in the importance of moral continues. Almost every player has poor moral, no one has average or above, this is leading to players who I know can compete standing stationary when the opposition has the ball, not running into space when we have it, and when the ball is at their feet not bothering to pass only jogging slowly towards goal waiting to be tackled.

Home to Dominican Republic (Int.)
This should be another close one, but the way that moral is at the moment I really would settle for a draw to get some form of boost going.
Cooks 1 – 3 DOM
Its like I'm watching 2 sets of players both with the same names playing the same tactics at both ends of the spectrum, one set passes the ball around, defends well and creates chances... the other dribbles the ball into touch.

Nikao 3 – 0 Tupapa

Lotoha'apai 0 – 3 Nikao (O-League Prelim Semi)

Thankfully we are back in the O-League and are going to absolutely **** it this year. Well I have the feeling with not being in the CWC we will win every match this year with the team I've put together.

Nikao 3 – 3 Takuvaine
As soon as I ******* say it look what happens?

Kiwi 0 – 7 Nikao (O-League Prelim Final)

Doing well this year in the O-League.

Titikaveka 0 – 2 Nikao
Thats 30 games unbeaten in the Cup.

Away to Aruba (Int.)

I'm thinking of registering all of my International players for the Paralympics because they act disabled when they pull on the dark green jersey. I think we have a chance here, even though the media expect us to get dicked and on recent performances I cant blame them. All we need is a spark, just a moment of magic to calm the nerves and get the lads playing football like adults not like five year olds.
Aruba 3 – 1 Cooks
The lads actually played better in this match believe it or not, I just wish we could get something going, getting dicked every match is getting as boring as winning ever match with Nikao.

This is the main problem...
Keep it up Boozemonster, the results will come just making slight progress is good... for example you scored v Aruba :)
In the hope of establishing a link with the mighty team of Nikao I thought maybe we could visit the glorious Cook Islands to talk about details and play some football just for fun

View attachment 124057

Best part is your club was glad to pay 190K euros to invite us there! Typical cook islands billionaires...

Just a joke mate, and I guess you can do something similar against San Marino NT like you did with their local clubs...

congrats on getting the NT job you deserved that like nobody else!
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£190k!!! the 6-0 I can understand, but god knows how you can get that much. Admittedly I could most afford that now after 7 unstoppable years but at the start that's around 10 years normal revenue. Even with a full stadium with the ticket price I used to get Nikao would only recoup £450. When the league isn't loaded, we must be rich as kings.

Its a little unfair you get this £190k an astronomical amount of money for both our leagues (mine more) I only get around £20k for playing teams in San Marino... its an inverted North/South divide obviously.

More to the point I'm not going to let this 6-0 go, I foresee a friendly coming up myself.
There must be something going on in Oceania because many teams from Australia, New Zealand and Cook Islands (and probably all the others mysterious countries over there) seem happy to pay 190-210K euros to host a friendly against european clubs. Wonder what terrible secrets they're hiding to you...

Looking forward to your next friendly against San Marino, though I'm sure it won't be that "friendly" :)