Player: Shinji Kagawa
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who you're buying from: Dortmund
Offer: his contract is up in 6 months, so im offering a contract
Year: 2012/2013. nearing the winter transfer window
Other Info: i have eriksen, wilshere, ramsey, hamsik, in my midfield for the attacking and the creative side. song and cqueilan (sp) are the defensive people in the midfield. rosicky will be shipped out soon, and i dont know about arteta. thinking of selling him, but every time he plays, he scores goals and does ever so well.

Kagawa was kind a frustrated staying in dortmund for a while, but atm though his mindset is normal and there is no suggestion of him want to really leave like before. and Kagawa wants 48k wages, which is not a problem for me afaik, plus dortmund are also giving him a new contract too.

edit: i worry more that i might make wilshere and ramsey, also eriksen unhappy, since there might be too much competition in the midfield
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Player: Bacary Sagna
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who are buying: Real madrid
Team who are selling: Arsenal
Offer: 20M Pounds
Year: Summer 2011
Info: Start of the game and real madrid just made me this offer, might even be able to get a bit more.
Player: Bacary Sagna
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who are buying: Real madrid
Team who are selling: Arsenal
Offer: 20M Pounds
Year: Summer 2011
Info: Start of the game and real madrid just made me this offer, might even be able to get a bit more.

Player: Shinji Kagawa
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who you're buying from: Dortmund
Offer: his contract is up in 6 months, so im offering a contract
Year: 2012/2013. nearing the winter transfer window
Other Info: i have eriksen, wilshere, ramsey, hamsik, in my midfield for the attacking and the creative side. song and cqueilan (sp) are the defensive people in the midfield. rosicky will be shipped out soon, and i dont know about arteta. thinking of selling him, but every time he plays, he scores goals and does ever so well.

Kagawa was kind a frustrated staying in dortmund for a while, but atm though his mindset is normal and there is no suggestion of him want to really leave like before. and Kagawa wants 48k wages, which is not a problem for me afaik, plus dortmund are also giving him a new contract too.

edit: i worry more that i might make wilshere and ramsey, also eriksen unhappy, since there might be too much competition in the midfield

Depends on the tactic you use, I guess. I think you could play Kagawa on the wing. So no worries about Ramsey and Eriksen as they play in mid. I had a save with Dortmund already, not long, but enough to say Kagawa is worth.
Player: Bacary Sagna
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who are buying: Real madrid
Team who are selling: Arsenal
Offer: 20M Pounds
Year: Summer 2011
Info: Start of the game and real madrid just made me this offer, might even be able to get a bit more.

Not to mention, I think you can buy Sime Vrsaljko or/and Sébastien Corchia with this money. Two of the best wonderkids in the game.
Player: Bacary Sagna
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who are buying: Real madrid
Team who are selling: Arsenal
Offer: 20M Pounds
Year: Summer 2011
Info: Start of the game and real madrid just made me this offer, might even be able to get a bit more.

deal, and ur replacment is either sebastian corchia (13m) for fc shocx, or sime vrjakjo(2m) from zarageb
Depends on the tactic you use, I guess. I think you could play Kagawa on the wing. So no worries about Ramsey and Eriksen as they play in mid. I had a save with Dortmund already, not long, but enough to say Kagawa is worth.

i play a 4-2-3-1, like irl arsenal formation, and my wingers are marko marin, angel di maria (loan, but i have planned a 20m bid to get him in full), walcott (i know he was lol like against fulham recently, but as inside forward, he's great), gervhino (also great as a inside forward like walcott, but has benn rated 2.5 stars recently :O).

and in midfield, its always a combination between erkisen, hamsik, song; wilshere hamsik song; and the same 2 combinations but with ramsey replacing hamsik.

a bit problematic eh. and di maria has been fantastic though, so i will defo, get him.

ps. can u tell me where does shinji work best at in teh Right wing. with attack or support duty, or as an inside forward with attack or support duty. ????
i play a 4-2-3-1, like irl arsenal formation, and my wingers are marko marin, angel di maria (loan, but i have planned a 20m bid to get him in full), walcott (i know he was lol like against fulham recently, but as inside forward, he's great), gervhino (also great as a inside forward like walcott, but has benn rated 2.5 stars recently :O).

and in midfield, its always a combination between erkisen, hamsik, song; wilshere hamsik song; and the same 2 combinations but with ramsey replacing hamsik.

a bit problematic eh. and di maria has been fantastic though, so i will defo, get him.

ps. can u tell me where does shinji work best at in teh Right wing. with attack or support duty, or as an inside forward with attack or support duty. ????

I played Dortmund on a 4-2-3-1, actually raikan's pure perfetion CCC tactic.
Played him in the midle as offensive mid with attack duty.
I just wonder he would do good on both wingers with support or att duty, as inside foward too.
But I really don't think you need him atm with the players you have and even more 'cause they're playing well.

What you can do is propose a contract to kagawa (if I got it right you'll get him for free, right?) and if he fails for your team you loan and then sell for a good price. (but under the circunstances of your squad, I'd only get him on a free transfer)
Damaio or Cavani are brilliant if u play them as poachers
what about if you play cavani complete forward ????? does that help ???? because i normally just copy what my scout reports say and play him as target man but i hear people saying how they got him to score 50 goals a season but haven't said what instructions they use on him so i trying to find out whats the best instructions for him , how many goals has he scored for you as poacher ????
I played Dortmund on a 4-2-3-1, actually raikan's pure perfetion CCC tactic.
Played him in the midle as offensive mid with attack duty.
I just wonder he would do good on both wingers with support or att duty, as inside foward too.
But I really don't think you need him atm with the players you have and even more 'cause they're playing well.

What you can do is propose a contract to kagawa (if I got it right you'll get him for free, right?) and if he fails for your team you loan and then sell for a good price. (but under the circunstances of your squad, I'd only get him on a free transfer)

just realize his crossing is quite poor. might withdraw contract talks. i should he got milso krasic before, but chelsea got him. im a big fan of him, even IRL. :(sigh. might look for other ones, or just make alex chambo play now. time to go wenger style ;)
Player: Thomas Vermaelen
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who are buying: Man City
Offer: city might bid 9.5, but i will love to go with 10m
Year: 2012/13 winter transfer window
Other Info: despite being my 2nd best CB, jan verthogen and Per merts have been always chosen in the line ups, and also have have been impressive. Kosiclney has improved rapidly, and also been good in every match called upon.

and per merts recent got in the World XI too. vermalean is great, but i feel that i have better players than him atm. plus im also in need of cash to over turn my -1m debt. lol.
Player: Rafael
Team you are managing: Man U
Team who are buying: Arsenal
Offer: 20M
Year: 2013/14 summer transfer window
Other Info: I am very reluctant since Rafael is a key player for me. I have Smalling, Fabio, van der Wiel and Vrsaljko...
Player: Thomas Vermaelen
Team you are managing: Arsenal
Team who are buying: Man City
Offer: city might bid 9.5, but i will love to go with 10m
Year: 2012/13 winter transfer window
Other Info: despite being my 2nd best CB, jan verthogen and Per merts have been always chosen in the line ups, and also have have been impressive. Kosiclney has improved rapidly, and also been good in every match called upon.

and per merts recent got in the World XI too. vermalean is great, but i feel that i have better players than him atm. plus im also in need of cash to over turn my -1m debt. lol.
no deal. try to get 20m at least.
Player: Rafael
Team you are managing: Man U
Team who are buying: Arsenal
Offer: 20M
Year: 2013/14 summer transfer window
Other Info: I am very reluctant since Rafael is a key player for me. I have Smalling, Fabio, van der Wiel and Vrsaljko...

no deal. he's still very young and can develop quite a bit.
Player: Leandro Damiao
Team you are managing: Bayern Munchen
Team who are selling: Internaciolan
Offer: 22 million
Year: 2011/2012 winter transfer window
Other Info: Despite the good season for Gomez , he is always injured and i don`t want him no more , Damiao had a better techinique and dribling skills and he is younger .
Player: Leandro Damiao
Team you are managing: Bayern Munchen
Team who are selling: Internaciolan
Offer: 22 million
Year: 2011/2012 winter transfer window
Other Info: Despite the good season for Gomez , he is always injured and i don`t want him no more , Damiao had a better techinique and dribling skills and he is younger .

Player: stevan jovetic
Team you are managing: liverpool
Team who are buying: florentina
Offer: 30m
Year: 2011/12 jan transfer window
Other Info
want to get cavani aswell but cost 25-30m and also dnt knw what instructions to use on him because people say complete forward , some say poacher , and on the scout report it saids target man but herd he can score 50 odd goals if you use him right ?