The Great San Marino Challenge

So this has never happened to me before but my San Marino team got taken over by a tycoon in 2021.

Its my first season where im topping the table I just got taken over by a Latvian Tycoon who wants to pump the money in!

Take that money and start building up your facilities. Then you can achieve the only Sammarines players in Serie A. That's how I did mine. It looks as if your's is not the same type of tycoon as mine. Looks as if he will cover any debts you go into, so build up facilities and then with the rest by as many people as you can.
Take that money and start building up your facilities. Then you can achieve the only Sammarines players in Serie A. That's how I did mine. It looks as if your's is not the same type of tycoon as mine. Looks as if he will cover any debts you go into, so build up facilities and then with the rest by as many people as you can.

Great minds think alike! I immediately asked for the youth and training facilities to be upgraded. I also asked him to build a new stadium because San Marino needs to be a forward thinking club and he agreed!
Its still being planned as all this only just happened in the last 15 minutes. I will only find out in February the following season.
Just a little forwarning though with a tycoon. Not as all as sweet as everyone makes it. For me it made the game very easy. Which is why I went to just using Sammarines players and dual nationally players only. I hope you enjoy it. My save is about to come to an end I think.
Just a little forwarning though with a tycoon. Not as all as sweet as everyone makes it. For me it made the game very easy. Which is why I went to just using Sammarines players and dual nationally players only. I hope you enjoy it. My save is about to come to an end I think.

Yeah I do understand the problems that come with it, but I mean its something random that happens in the game so I just gotta roll with it. It certainly gives me an advantage over others, its never happened to me before so we shall see if it loses appeal.
Yeah I do understand the problems that come with it, but I mean its something random that happens in the game so I just gotta roll with it. It certainly gives me an advantage over others, its never happened to me before so we shall see if it loses appeal.

Mine was a little different since the past like ten years I have had a transfer budget of 862M dollars. Plus the whole can't break 2 billion and over 1 billion in my balance cause my owner pockets all the money lol. Only good thing that came out of it is that I get some really great San Marino players now.
in summer 2022 I had a takover too though it was a "quiet" one, as former director Germano De Biagi (who is also a legend for the club from the start) became new chairman. No money pumped in and no changes of any sort, anyway I'm glad new owner is Sammarinese :)

@choices: Serie A has become world's best league in my save as well, still dominating like crazy though... ;)
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in summer 2022 I had a takover too though it was a "quiet" one, as former director Germano De Biagi (who is also a legend for the club from the start) became new chairman. No money pumped in and no changes of any sort, anyway I'm glad new owner is Sammarinese :)

@choices: Serie A has become world's best league in my save as well, still dominating like crazy though... ;)

Was this the fan takeover you were talking about earlier?
in summer 2022 I had a takover too though it was a "quiet" one, as former director Germano De Biagi (who is also a legend for the club from the start) became new chairman. No money pumped in and no changes of any sort, anyway I'm glad new owner is Sammarinese :)

@choices: Serie A has become world's best league in my save as well, still dominating like crazy though... ;)

Yeah I always get those type of takeovers, I mean I was shocked when I read that first message because I didnt even know the previous chairman wanted to stepdown!
Has anyone ever had this before? He was a new signing, only played 2 matches for me! I don't even know what to say to him!

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Also, I lost in my Europa League Qualifier. 2-3 aggregate against Grasshoppers, who the f**k are Grasshoppers?
Has anyone ever had this before? He was a new signing, only played 2 matches for me! I don't even know what to say to him!

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Also, I lost in my Europa League Qualifier. 2-3 aggregate against Grasshoppers, who the f**k are Grasshoppers?

Have you been disciplining players for getting redcards? If not you are bound to get messages like this as the players feel that a red carded person should be punished for letting the team down.
Have you been disciplining players for getting redcards? If not you are bound to get messages like this as the players feel that a red carded person should be punished for letting the team down.

Yeah I have, 2 weeks for a straight red, 1 week for 2 yellows, warnings for continued bad performances and 1 week fines for very bad single performances (sub-5).

I assume what the player is referring to is that I appealed against a ban last match, the appeal was overruled and he was given a further 2 match ban.

I eventually put him back in his place and didn't back down.

EDIT: The bar on my profile for squad discipline is 90% full though...
Yeah I have, 2 weeks for a straight red, 1 week for 2 yellows, warnings for continued bad performances and 1 week fines for very bad single performances (sub-5).

I assume what the player is referring to is that I appealed against a ban last match, the appeal was overruled and he was given a further 2 match ban.

I eventually put him back in his place and didn't back down.

EDIT: The bar on my profile for squad discipline is 90% full though...

So we can conclude that he just a whiny *****?
Gonna give this a blast, getting bored of Football Manager recently, will put some fun back into it!
Yeah I have, 2 weeks for a straight red, 1 week for 2 yellows, warnings for continued bad performances and 1 week fines for very bad single performances (sub-5).

I assume what the player is referring to is that I appealed against a ban last match, the appeal was overruled and he was given a further 2 match ban.

I eventually put him back in his place and didn't back down.

EDIT: The bar on my profile for squad discipline is 90% full though...

I always just give warnings to people. From that I never gotten that with my San Marino club. Sometimes at other teams (Celtic, A.D. Alcorcon) if some people are unhappy they will complain and the next time someone does I just automatically just give them 2 weeks fine. Then all in the world is right. I use to appeal, but never seen one overturned. If you could I probably would start doing it, but never works so why even try?
2033-2034 Season (20th in Serie A, 6th with only Sammarines)

Forewarning this is going to be lengthy and I apologize. With that here we go as we start from the beginning of the fall...

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First was the Super Cup Final against Novara. Wait, really Novara. Even with 3 starters out (and one being my GK), there is no possible way for me to lose this right to them. Think again as a PK would seal the tie to end regulation and then the goal in extra would seal our fate.

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This game I already chalked it up for a loss since our GK was still unable to go, and our backup is decent but not really for this type of team, or was it? We would lead at half, and then we would give up a goal and lose our third midfielder to an injury. The result would be worst than the injury as we would give up two goals this time in extra.


Then the season started and without our GK and some tough games at the beginning we started 1-2-2 and sitting in 14th place. Surely this was a fluke and we can turn it around with our starters healthy? Well our GK would come back, but we would drop like flies in the midfield and attacking midfield as the injury bug would strike.

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Would make it to the finals of the Club World Championship. Could this be our first hardware of the year? Luckily Matteo Casadei would be the man that we love and even with his hat trick almost wasn't good enough as we just squeaked out the victory. At the beginning of the new year we climbed back to almost normal, and was sitting in third place in the league.

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Again the league for the second straight year would come down to the final game. We would actually be in sitting in second place behind Florentina (who was in first by a point). We lost in the first round of the League Cup, and with winning the last four years of Serie A we didn't want our streak to break. Again Casadei would come up huge as we would win 2-1 as he would score both goals. He also would miss a PK in the game, but we can't be too mad. Again he decided to come home with a lot of awards.

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If you are not looking at the pictures he scored 51 of my teams 81 goals on the year. Yes that is how many injuries I had throughout my midfield. Like four years ago that was my weakest link, and now I made it one of my strongest. Surprising my weakest link is now a pure striker since I only have Casadei.

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Again for the second straight year Casadei would get injured before this game, but at least he would be 75 percent. And 75 percent is better than most people at 100 percent. He almost had the goal to win it, but Serra would tap it the deflected shot from Casadei to give us our third trophy of the year. Also most people probably won't look at it close enough (usually don't put the picture of the final of the champs league) but this I had to since we were playing it in our own stadium. Wahoo!!!

In Champs league we had some close games. Especially against Florentina in the Quarters who almost knocked us out. Still we would make it to the finals.
