The Great San Marino Challenge

Yeah looks like the site is down again for pictures. give it a day or two and it will be fine.

site seems to work fine actually. Sometimes there are issues when you upload multiple screenshots, esp the archived ones. I'm quite sure if Scotty can upload those two screenshots in two different posts it should work :)
he looks quality, think he should score a little more with the NT though ;)

Haha yeah he should! It's funny, when I play him up front with D'Aniello for the club he scores all the goals but when I play them for the national side it's D'Aniello who scores all the goals. In two seasons I should have 3 dual nationality strikers to add tomy national team squad aswell, so I'm very well off for strikers :D
I started this but didnt do the NT manager thing. When I try to add a manager to get the job, it wont let me select San Marino. Any help apprieciated.
Haha yeah he should! It's funny, when I play him up front with D'Aniello for the club he scores all the goals but when I play them for the national side it's D'Aniello who scores all the goals. In two seasons I should have 3 dual nationality strikers to add tomy national team squad aswell, so I'm very well off for strikers :D

Take a look at my striker Paolone in latest update of my story :p

@kevpolley: make sure you have loaded all players of San Marino nationality in the database before starting the game otherwise the NT won't be available.
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@Kandersson Thanks mate, im only about 5/6 games in anyway, i'l start again :'(
Fifth Season - More frustration!!

My fourth season in C1/B and the say result. A nice run in the league,again a very good defence but had impotent strikers all season (only the three teams relegated scored less than me!)
Lost in the playoffs for a third season in a row!!!!
Major financial problems,got put into receivership and had all my debt reconstructed intomonthly payments of 43k for one year. I was 2.3mil in the red but now at the end of my current season 700k in the red. Screenies below. If anyone has any tips for me please pass them on,heading for my fifth season in C1/B and i want this to be my last!!!



Sixth Season - Success!!!

Finally made it out of C1/B with a play-off final victory (my fourth attempt in the play-off's!) Board as still the original ones and the bank is now 1.3 mil in the red but with the new tv rights and hopefully bigger crowds I might make some money. I have no wage budget for the new season. Got given 25k p/w but with my promotion clauses im already 2.9k p/w over :(

Screeie below

Alex best of luck in the next season. Only thing to strive for is to stay up. Hopefully you have a defend/counter tactic cause that will help to stay up.
Why do Sanmarinese players reject call ups to the national team? I tried to call up the youngster I posted above and he rejected?????

Also how long does it take foreign players to be elligable for San Marino national team? or to convert?
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Alex best of luck in the next season. Only thing to strive for is to stay up. Hopefully you have a defend/counter tactic cause that will help to stay up.

Finding it very very hard mate. Got dicked 6-0 at home and not picking up many points at all. Got the same squad as i had last year as i couldnt add to it. Going to be to the wire i think this year, fingers crossed
If it's any consolation to the new recruits, I'm having a mare in Serie A atm. Only 37 pts and 26 matches played, in 12th, there's just something not right!

No consistency, despite having a ST who has scored 16 in all competitions, they'll all come in the same games! He'll get 2 or 3 in a match, then do nothing for another 4 except make me want to punch him in the face.
He also refuses to learn places shots.
He may be moved on at the end of the season, but as I got him for free, and he's valued at £4m (sold at 6m-ish I'm thinking), it would be a tidy profit!

Got an absolute bargain to replace him too, my screenshots aren't working so here's a quick run down: £600k transfer fee, rated 4.5 star PA by my (excellent) scouts, 16 finishing, 17 acceleration, 18 pace, needs work on his composure, off the ball and dribbling, but at 18 he's got plenty of time for it. Has dreadful stat distribution otherwise, but I don't really care! Places shots and likes to beat offside trap, currently learning to knock ball past opponent, then round keeper, and we're laughing after that! Labelled the next Christian Vieri!