The Liverpool Thread

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Aren't you guys glad that this is a fellow Liverpool fan...

@JonJuwanson @StanCollymore do us a favour Stan and go and hang yourself like Gary Speed did please. Ok Negrito

Vile human being.

All clubs will have stupid fans, you can't tar all clubs supporters with the same brush.
All clubs will have stupid fans, you can't tar all clubs supporters with the same brush.

They do and I've said before, a section of United fans will quite happily bring up Leeds/Turkey or Hillsborough up in arguments BUT this guy in my opinion has gone so far over the top it's unreal.... and all because he worships a player and protests he's innocence despite being found guilty.
They do and I've said before, a section of United fans will quite happily bring up Leeds/Turkey or Hillsborough up in arguments BUT this guy in my opinion has gone so far over the top it's unreal.... and all because he worships a player and protests he's innocence despite being found guilty.

Indeed it is sickening, Collymore should report that to the police, people think they can get away with anything on the internet.
Aren't you guys glad that this is a fellow Liverpool fan...

@JonJuwanson @StanCollymore do us a favour Stan and go and hang yourself like Gary Speed did please. Ok Negrito

Vile human being.

That's no fan, that's a ********. It's got little if anything to do with the club he supports.
This whole thing is just out of hand now. It's beyond ridiculous. Just proves that some people haven't a goddam clue. Thank god for the sensible liverpoo fans out there
SUAREZ: Why it's Liverpool FC's fault if people label him 'RACIST'... | | Liverpool FC News, features, statistics and analysis

Good article on how Liverpool misinterpreted whole FA ruling. FA didn't accuse Suarez of racism, he was charged for using abusive language and bringing color into it. Somehow Liverpool FC, Manager, Players kept on saying Suarez is not racist and what not. But point was FA didn't brand him as racist.

Really like this article, and the two comments from both irish scousers, one from the guardian and our one. because they dont just lap up the ridiculous club statement, and also the one from Alex, they all actually look at it rationally. And the funny thing is, this is what most rational people have been saying. Forget the media, their coverage has been an embarrasment, but plenty of liverpool fans on here need to actually read what he's been charged with, whats he's admitted saying, and not just lap up the club statement. Forget tribalism, use your heads. Sometimes its not just about clubs
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I also find it absolutely disgusting they bring in Gary Speed into it, aswell as Collymore. It's just....sickening.
SUAREZ: Why it's Liverpool FC's fault if people label him 'RACIST'... | | Liverpool FC News, features, statistics and analysis

Good article on how Liverpool misinterpreted whole FA ruling. FA didn't accuse Suarez of racism, he was charged for using abusive language and bringing color into it. Somehow Liverpool FC, Manager, Players kept on saying Suarez is not racist and what not. But point was FA didn't brand him as racist.

Good article, shame about the comments.
Please don't link to anything by Jaimie Kanwar. ಠ_ಠ
All clubs will have stupid fans, you can't tar all clubs supporters with the same brush.

Very true, and the vast majority of Pool fans are nothing like that. But given the very public nature of their comments these idiots risk doing real damage to the reputation of the club they supposedly love
Very true, and the vast majority of Pool fans are nothing like that. But given the very public nature of their comments these idiots risk doing real damage to the reputation of the club they supposedly love

Thing I'm not looking forward to is the next merseyside derby when he's next involved. There's going to be some morons who will go just to wind up the Liverpool fans and Suarez instead of supporting the club. Going to be a very unnecessary distraction and fear it's going to end up very unsavoury
Thing I'm not looking forward to is the next merseyside derby when he's next involved. There's going to be some morons who will go just to wind up the Liverpool fans and Suarez instead of supporting the club. Going to be a very unnecessary distraction and fear it's going to end up very unsavoury

Very worried about the northwest derby, its going to be very very ugly at this rate
Please don't link to anything by Jaimie Kanwar. ಠ_ಠ

Given Kanwar's track record of misunderstanding everything, it's usually proof that the other side of the argument is right if he's banging the drum for something. How anybody can think that the club statement somehow is saying Suarez has been found guilty of being a racist is really beyond me when it clearly states the reverse. Maybe it's the background noise of the headlines proclaiming that he is?

Worth repeating that what Suarez has admitted saying is not known currently - his only public statement mentioning it was that he'd called Evra something all his team mates do; I'd imagine Pat or Evra would be equally likely as anything else. In fact, even those claiming to have an inside track can't agree or decide on which specific word he's supposed to have admitted using. Tells its own story that about most of the guff being put out. The only facts of the case so far known are those in the FA statement and those in the Liverpool statement. And none of them support a lot of the conjecture and hearsay about what was said in one conversation.

The Collymore stuff is mildly amusing looking at the time lines of some of the people who he's highlighting and where they're from. You'd think the pondlife would realise that twitter is, well, public and that sort of stuff doesn't go down well with employers and those in Britain should probably familiarise themselves with public order offences. Hope Stan gets over his urge to protect 'young people who are just being cocky' (he's since deleted that tweet) and co-operates with the police. Would be a shame to think that we've tried so hard to shop a load of people by filling out a load of forms to get shut of such idiots and the lad who airs it on national radio thinks doing so is a bit too harsh.
#ISupportLuisSuarez is trending worldwide (Michael Cole moment) on twitter right now.

Does this basically say that (some) Liverpool fans support racism in football or do you lot honestly still believe he is innocent?
#ISupportLuisSuarez is trending worldwide (Michael Cole moment) on twitter right now.

Does this basically say that (some) Liverpool fans support racism in football or do you lot honestly still believe he is innocent?

I think it basically says you're struggling to try to score some points to be honest mate. Club statement says it all for me at the moment. It's the closest I've seen to anything like the facts of the case being presented. Trust that Kenny's not gone out on a limb for no reason which'll do me til I get sight of the written reasons.

Anyways, merry christmas lads. Going through some old football annuals from when my dad was a lad. John Charles the first Million Lira player. Bert Trautman cup final with pics of him rubbing his neck. Colourised full page plates of players. And what appears to be medicine balls being knocked about ploughed fields surrounded by stands. Great stuff.
Except the club statement isnt as close as we will get to facts.

they are defending him from racism charges, that dont exist.

They accuse evra of having a history, that doesnt exist.

Report will come out after christmas, which is about right since we had to wait two weeks over Evra, who recieved a ban under similar amounts of evidence with the furore at chelsea

Merry Christmas. spending tomorrow declaring war on all things edible and drinkable. I take no prisoners
Since when is this a matter of 'scoring points'? =/

When people ask questions like misterStubbs, that's trying to score points rather than discuss the issues. Is it evil option A or ludicrous option B? Silly.


Mike - Read the statement. It's not saying he was charged with racism but addressing what was obviously going to be a perception of the charges in some quarters (not that it was entirely successful - Maddock was fairly grovelling the other day about how he had nothing to do with the ludicrous backpage on the Mirror). It then goes into the specifics of the charges after the preliminary opening paragraphs and discussing the racist characterisation of Suarez and goes into why the club feel that someone's been found guilty of something he didn't do.

I've not seen the report on the Chelsea allegations. Phelan and backroom staff got the blame from Manchester United and their fans. But the quotes, as far as I'm aware, are about all the evidence presented and disparage Evra for exagerating and distorting what happened. Would presume that the Liverpool club statement was vetted by a lawyer so if they're incorrect, I'm sure there'll be an apology for falsely accusing Evra of something he didn't do.

When the written reasons are sent to clubs varies. Two to three weeks is pretty normal for complex cases, yeah. Unsure as to whether they'll be published - FA doesn't have to, and frequently seems not to. Hope they do rather than it having to be leaked.

Facts according to Liverpool statement:

1) Suarez has been found guilty on the word of Evra alone.
2) He has been found guilty of one offence in one conversation (not the ten times or more Evra initially alleged) in the penalty box which no-one else heard
3) Evra admitted to making comments to Suarez which Liverpool feel breach at least the abusive comments rules and those comments were made in Spanish.
4) Suarez refused to acknowledge that he heard Evra's comments.
5) The credibility of the evidence presented by Evra is doubtful because of Suarez' background and past history, and what Liverpool feel is a prior history of unfounded accusations made by that player - including accusations made about what happened in the same match as the incident for which Suarez has been found guilty.


Have a good one Mike. Not looking forward to my hangover. Been drinking since 6 myself. XD
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Desperate for a striker, got Cavani but I play a 4-3-3 and Carrolls not firing, I'm otherwise concerned that Chelsea want 108 million pounds for Torres after 10 starts and 4 goals. Screw that.