The Liverpool Thread

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I'm fully aware he isn't being charged with being a racist, however, some people are saying he is.
Chop socky chooks?

at the end of the day, he didnt need to say it at all.

No, Hero 101 or something..?

Yeah, I know, what I was basically saying is the fact that Evra had previously 'insulted' him, took away any insinuation that it was being used in the term 'Friend', and rather as a derogatory term.

So I have basically summed up that whole thing, in that sentence. I'm a ***.
I'm fully aware he isn't being charged with being a racist, however, some people are saying he is.

Ill-informed people, not the people that matter. The FA hasn't said he is racist. Evra hasn't said he was racist, the opposite in fact. The only people I have seen call him a racist are morons on twitter, but you have already seen your fair share of morons on there, so you know what I am talking about.

Are there any high profile people, or anyone that actually matters, that have actually labelled Suarez a racist?
I'm fully aware he isn't being charged with being a racist, however, some people are.

Then they should educate themselves. The people that matter, ie the FA and Evra do not believe he was racist. Reading around various places the majority of people (ignoring the blind idiots on both sides) do not think he was racist. however he did use a term that is a jibe pertaining to colour, something that is unacceptable in this country. That is what evra complained, that is the term he admitted saying, that is what he has been done for. I dont think he is racist, i think he was very stupid in using that kind of insult in this country
No, Hero 101 or something..?

Yeah, I know, what I was basically saying is the fact that Evra had previously 'insulted' him, took away any insinuation that it was being used in the term 'Friend', and rather as a derogatory term.

So I have basically summed up that whole thing, in that sentence. I'm a ***.

Hero 108 :wub: love it.
Suarez did not mean "friend" when he was talking to Evra, let's be honest. Enough of that little tidbit please.
Irish is this you on the guardian?

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    Irishscouser 21 December 2011 09:16PM

    I've said it here a few weeks ago, and I for one I'm a die hard Liverpool supporter but Kenny is kidding himself if Suarez is some victim in all of this, it sullies the name of LFC and it embarases me personally that 'hey' say there is some conspiracy in all of this. If you look at Suarez's past record it isn't exactly a glorious one, trying to bit an opponent, the absolutely disgrace that was the WC semi's against Ghana (and an equally shameful rebuttal afterwards) and now this. Kenny, accept this, fine him internally and move on, don't use the Liverpool victimhood, it just gives fuel to the legion of Manc fans( MookieB) and their ilk

It is not, but I share is opinions.
After trying to stay away from this thread as much as possible...

My take is;

Suarez said something in the heat of the moment, not in friendly terms, deserves a ban and fine, internal fine also, Liverool need to sack the site editor, need to get on with it, play Maxi Rodriguez on the wing and Bellers up front for a while, move on.
After trying to stay away from this thread as much as possible...

My take is;

Suarez said something in the heat of the moment, not in friendly terms, deserves a ban and fine, internal fine also, Liverool need to sack the site editor, need to get on with it, play Maxi Rodriguez on the wing and Bellers up front for a while, move on.

In all fairness, probably would been a better discussion if you had come on earlier. I definitely understand backing your player but sometimes people just have to sit back and use their heads.

I'm wondering, if Liverpool and Saurez had got on with it from the start, and been contrite from the get go, if the ban would have been smaller?
^ ^

Thank god. Was starting to think there was a distinct lack of common sense amongst some Liverpool fans (not all-just some) after reading twitter and other sites. Glad to have been proved wrong.
I'm wondering, if Liverpool and Saurez had got on with it from the start, and been contrite from the get go, if the ban would have been smaller?

Possibly Mike. Thing is, according to the club statement, Suarez has denied using any kind of term which could even be misconstrued. So taking a lesser slap on the wrist would mean accepting he said something like that to Evra. He says he didn't. It's one man's word against another's. What seems to have really annoyed Liverpool is that Evra has apparantly given his evidence and admitted to using a word which without doubt would class as falling under the charges Suarez has been found guilty of. You can see why the club's outraged by that.

If the soft lad has said something out of order, he should be punished. If he's said something which is ambiguous, then hear the mitigation and decide whether to punish or not based on that context. If he's strenuously denying that he said anything and the sole witness is Evra, then it comes down to who is more credible. Not saying one is more than the other - I'm one of the millions outside of both clubs and the FA who hasn't seen the evidence, much like most people sounding off about this - but this isn't as straight forward a morality tale as some of the press are putting out it is.

Think people are getting way to aggravated about the whole thing given that the written reasons have yet to be made available.
Possibly Mike. Thing is, according to the club statement, Suarez has denied using any kind of term which could even be misconstrued. So taking a lesser slap on the wrist would mean accepting he said something like that to Evra. He says he didn't. It's one man's word against another's. What seems to have really annoyed Liverpool is that Evra has apparantly given his evidence and admitted to using a word which without doubt would class as falling under the charges Suarez has been found guilty of. You can see why the club's outraged by that.

If the soft lad has said something out of order, he should be punished. If he's said something which is ambiguous, then hear the mitigation and decide whether to punish or not based on that context. If he's strenuously denying that he said anything and the sole witness is Evra, then it comes down to who is more credible. Not saying one is more than the other - I'm one of the millions outside of both clubs and the FA who hasn't seen the evidence, much like most people sounding off about this - but this isn't as straight forward a morality tale as some of the press are putting out it is.

Think people are getting way to aggravated about the whole thing given that the written reasons have yet to be made available.

As far as ive heard, Suarez hasnt denied the content, just the context. he admitted he said something. I dont know what context he thought referring to his color would be acceptable, mind. Obviously once the written report comes out we will know more. I understand liverpool wanting to back their player (which club wouldnt) but the press statement from liverpool was nothing more than a joke, well below something you'd expect from a club of their dignity. If Evra has said something, then equally he should be investigated.

The press has been a joke, i dont think anyone can argue that.
Don't think this has been posted, may have been, w/e:

Liverpool striker Luis Suarez will appeal against his Football Association punishment for racially abusing Patrice Evra, according to his lawyer.
Alejandro Balbi, who is also Suarez's agent, said his player was "convinced" the punishment would be reversed.
Suarez was handed an eight-game ban and £40,000 fine after he used "insulting words in reference to Manchester United defender Evra's colour".
"It seems to us absolutely out of proportion," Balbi said. the rest here
As far as ive heard, Suarez hasnt denied the content, just the context. he admitted he said something. I dont know what context he thought referring to his color would be acceptable, mind. Obviously once the written report comes out we will know more. I understand liverpool wanting to back their player (which club wouldnt) but the press statement from liverpool was nothing more than a joke, well below something you'd expect from a club of their dignity. If Evra has said something, then equally he should be investigated.

The press has been a joke, i dont think anyone can argue that.

Suarez said he called Evra something all his team mates do - no mention of what that was. Club statement says that the use of the supposedly offensive word (presumably one of the two being bandied about in the press as supposed fact) relies solely on Evra's evidence about a conversation in the penalty box. Puts a different slant on things when you realise that all this fuss over whether a certain word may or may not be racist is kind of irrelevant if Suarez is saying he didn't say it. We'll see what comes out with this written report (forgive cynicism but I'd imagine late January might be a good time for the FA to publish it?) I guess.

Worrying thing is that you'll have idiots on both ends of the motorway needing little excuse to bring back a bit more needle. Everyone needs to chill out, realise that we know close to the square sum of nothing about anything right now beyond the outraged statement by Liverpool which only hints at the issues as Liverpool saw them.

Not sure statement is a joke - it's a statement which indicates just how furious the club is about the situation. Think the jab at Evra at the end was a bit below the belt, but then how much coverage has that received? 'South American' as an insult doesn't sound so bad to the British press I guess.

Not venturing onto redcafe, but do you know if that infamous report about the Chelsea incident with Evra, Phelan and co. was ever published? Wouldn't mind actually reading it but the fluff put out over the past few years means searching for it online is a ballache. Wondered if there's a link to one of your lots' forums which would have it on with the context of what the commission were saying around the bits which get quoted a lot?
Suarez said he called Evra something all his team mates do - no mention of what that was. Club statement says that the use of the supposedly offensive word (presumably one of the two being bandied about in the press as supposed fact) relies solely on Evra's evidence about a conversation in the penalty box. Puts a different slant on things when you realise that all this fuss over whether a certain word may or may not be racist is kind of irrelevant if Suarez is saying he didn't say it. We'll see what comes out with this written report (forgive cynicism but I'd imagine late January might be a good time for the FA to publish it?) I guess.

Worrying thing is that you'll have idiots on both ends of the motorway needing little excuse to bring back a bit more needle. Everyone needs to chill out, realise that we know close to the square sum of nothing about anything right now beyond the outraged statement by Liverpool which only hints at the issues as Liverpool saw them.

Not sure statement is a joke - it's a statement which indicates just how furious the club is about the situation. Think the jab at Evra at the end was a bit below the belt, but then how much coverage has that received? 'South American' as an insult doesn't sound so bad to the British press I guess.

Not venturing onto redcafe, but do you know if that infamous report about the Chelsea incident with Evra, Phelan and co. was ever published? Wouldn't mind actually reading it but the fluff put out over the past few years means searching for it online is a ballache. Wondered if there's a link to one of your lots' forums which would have it on with the context of what the commission were saying around the bits which get quoted a lot?

very true about the bold. Re: what Suarez said his team mates call him. two things, one ive never heard any of his team mates refer to him in anyway similar to that, or seen in written anywhere that it did, be news to most people if this was true, secondly whats he's apparently judged on is context. Evra and his teammates are close friends. Evra and Suarez are not. There is no friendly context for him to use "negrito" or anything surrounding that.

RE: Evre and chelsea. Evra had no idea about the incident. it was phelan and mcclair who heard the groundsman allegedly say "******* immigrant" to Evra. he didnt actually make the complaint. Same as with finnan, it was a deaf fan. again he didnt know. will try and see if its knocking about on redcafe

The reason i call it a joke is because it claims he has "history" on this. he doesnt, the club has repeatedly peddled this false claim. It then tries to make out he's a liar, then tries to say he is credible when he says Suarez isnt racist, its all over the shop
very true about the bold. Re: what Suarez said his team mates call him. two things, one ive never heard any of his team mates refer to him in anyway similar to that, or seen in written anywhere that it did, be news to most people if this was true, secondly whats he's apparently judged on is context. Evra and his teammates are close friends. Evra and Suarez are not. There is no friendly context for him to use "negrito" or anything surrounding that.

Suarez never said what he called him, just that he had said 'something his team mates called him', It would somebody else who fed the words negro and negrito to the media, possibly Evra? I don't know.

When you look at it like that, it's easy to understand Liverpool's frustration. And what makes it even worse is that the written explanation for the ban will be 'a few weeks', waiting for it to die down? Hmm.
very true about the bold. Re: what Suarez said his team mates call him. two things, one ive never heard any of his team mates refer to him in anyway similar to that, or seen in written anywhere that it did, be news to most people if this was true, secondly whats he's apparently judged on is context. Evra and his teammates are close friends. Evra and Suarez are not. There is no friendly context for him to use "negrito" or anything surrounding that.

RE: Evre and chelsea. Evra had no idea about the incident. it was phelan and mcclair who heard the groundsman allegedly say "******* immigrant" to Evra. he didnt actually make the complaint. Same as with finnan, it was a deaf fan. again he didnt know. will try and see if its knocking about on redcafe

The reason i call it a joke is because it claims he has "history" on this. he doesnt, the club has repeatedly peddled this false claim. It then tries to make out he's a liar, then tries to say he is credible when he says Suarez isnt racist, its all over the shop

Point I'm making Mike is that the sole time a word which could be construed as something Evra could take offence at (whatever that word was), according to the Liverpool statement, was made one time during the conversation in the penalty area. Something isn't adding up at all about how the story has been presented. Evra comes off the pitch and says Suarez has racially abused him ten times or so around the pitch, Suarez replies that he hasn't said anything out of the ordinary, Liverpool response to Suarez being found guilty is that the sole point of contention has been whether or not Suarez said something in the penalty area to Evra which Evra considered to be offensive. The word itself doesn't matter - but it's whether a word was used one time and heard only by Evra which seems to be what the FA commission were adjudicating on.

Cheers for checking on the caf. If you can find a link to the actual document that would be great. Found some bits and bobs on it back when it happened but never seen the actual report. I suspect it's been widely misquoted (or at least misused) but want to check for myself given the kerfuffle over it.

The credible/liar thing doesn't really work for the statement. The club addresses the issue of the case and highlights that no-one, not even the accuser, is saying Suarez is a racist (not that it did much good looking at the headlines next day). It then addresses the substance of the case which is whether or not Evra is a more credible witness than Suarez. Which is a different issue altogether.
Suarez never said what he called him, just that he had said 'something his team mates called him', It would somebody else who fed the words negro and negrito to the media, possibly Evra? I don't know.

When you look at it like that, it's easy to understand Liverpool's frustration. And what makes it even worse is that the written explanation for the ban will be 'a few weeks', waiting for it to die down? Hmm.

Frustation =/= smear campaign vs Evra. which is was your club did right from the start
Aren't you guys glad that this is a fellow Liverpool fan...

@JonJuwanson @StanCollymore do us a favour Stan and go and hang yourself like Gary Speed did please. Ok Negrito

Vile human being.
Aren't you guys glad that this is a fellow Liverpool fan...

@JonJuwanson @StanCollymore do us a favour Stan and go and hang yourself like Gary Speed did please. Ok Negrito

Vile human being.

I'm kinda glad that that little picture in the Man Utd thread hasn't been posted here yet. I think some of the Liverpool fans might die of shame :'(