Social media 'platform'... this only gives a platform for them even more when you consider that they will keep giving them attention in media, that's what they crave. So unless these so called social media companies are going to start making A LOT stricter account monitoring then we can expect this not to stop unfortunately.
It's getting to become a serious problem, on and off the field, in football once again which just sadly reflects society as a whole. In the last week and a half, we've had Croatia players racially abusing England U21's lads, Valencia walking off after similar from Cadiz. And now this again which is an almost inevitable consequence of most any high-profile game now. Which is a terrible indictment of society at large and the SM in particular as you noted mate who do the bare minimin to 'police' it.
I really don’t know what the answer is when you have endemic racism running rife at the very top of society.
The Government's shambolic, whitewash report last week just gave cart blanche to every last racist out there.
We’ve been trying to eradicate this from football for 6/7 decades now with little success. Whilst society closes its eyes and ears, I honestly don’t know how you begin to eradicate it?
But I DO know it starts with each and every last one of us standing up to abuse at the match/online.
Whenever people see hate, everyone needs to stand up for it! It’s not down to the victim to stand up to it. EVERYONE needs to turn round to ANYONE that is giving ANY abuse in the stands, whether it's about someone's sexuality, gender identity, race, religion ..... EVERYONE needs to turn around and let them know ‘You know what? That's UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!' The same when its spouted on-line.
Because it's only by ALL of us standing up to hate that we can actually begin to change it.
That's my rant over but any form of abuse just goes right through me.