The Liverpool Thread

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Da ***** the weirdo doing now?


Red bra. That’s him done at Everton. 🤣🤣🤣
D-Day is finally here.

The two best teams in the world, and arguably the two best we’ve ever seen in this Country, for ALL the marbles!

Although its not a ‘must win’, I firmly believe if there is a winner, that team will go on to win the league.

Let’s be that team!

UTR! FTT!!!!!
D-Day is finally here.

The two best teams in the world, and arguably the two best we’ve ever seen in this Country, for ALL the marbles!

Although its not a ‘must win’, I firmly believe if there is a winner, that team will go on to win the league.

Let’s be that team!

UTR! FTT!!!!!
I think city has been stronger in few years back. 17/18 and 18/19 was crazy team for them.
i'll take that draw considering how well City played. Both teams are at such a high level that you just have to sit back and go wow. KDB is different gravy, however.
Great character by Liverpool. City are just a different animal, how they control and create is scary. Luckily for the rest of us, they aren't the best finishers.
Back sat down with a brew but I'm still absolutely buzzing from a sensational game of togger and a result that will do us sound.

Today's Admin-

Title Countdown:
22 wins down/ 7 to go. (Adjusted from the 30 season win target to 29.).
73 points down/ 21 to go. (Adjusted from the 95 point season point target to 94.).

P 31 PTS 74 F 72 A 20 GD + 52
P 31 PTS 73 F 79 A 22 GD + 57

Current Unbeaten League Run-
12 games: W 10 D 2 F 29 A 6 CS: 8.

WOW!!!!! Honestly, top level football doesn't get ANY better than the two games we've played against City this year. To be able to have witnessed both live and in person, like every other Klopp/ Guardiola contest that we've been allowed to attend .,.... Privileged. Absolutely privileged. When you see a game of such stupendously high quality like that one today, played at such a stupendously high, relentless pace for 90 plus minutes ..... Privileged probably isn't even the right verb to describe just how sensational it is to watch these two modern-day Goliaths go toe-to-toe.

You could sit and bemoan our slow start. Or the real sloppy defending for City's goals. City who had the edge in the first half. L'pool who had that the second. But that would be churlish and taking away from an outstanding exhibition of football at the very, VERY highest level. Contested by the two clear best teams on the planet that have literally NOTHING separating them. Two teams that are LEVELS above anything else in England and will continue to be that way unchallenged for the next 2 or 3 years at least the stronger they become, each pushing the other to greater heights. With literally nobody making up any ground from the other 18 teams in the league.

I said before the game I'd be made up with a draw as the single most important thing today was not to lose. And I'm absolutely made up after the game. Let's see who holds their nerve over the last 7 games. And you know what? If we both win out, which is entirely possible with these two, and we end up a point behind City, it really doesn't matter. Yeah, it'll be frustrating and disappointing as all heck. But man alive, when two teams are as historically awesome as these two, then it's absolutely NO shame to finish behind the other. You just have to tip your hat and say this year, we were sensational. But they were just that smidgen better.

And now we get to do it all over again in the FA Cup semi next Sat'day. Which I honestly couldn't call if you put a gun to my head. So evenly matched are we both. But what I do know, is that it will be another absolute clinic of football at the highest possible level and justify all the struggles we'll be going through to get down there next weekend. And I'll be absolutely shocked if we don't end with a third end of season thriller with City in Paris to decide the biggest prize of all.

Relish every moment of this, boys and girls. For it really will NEVER get any better than the ridiculous levels these two modern-day rivals are continually wowing us with.

'Privileged' isn't the word.

Roll on Wednesday night. And then the next instalment in what is fast turning into the highest quality level of rivalry the English game has ever seen.

Up the exhilarated, exhausted, and STILL quadruple fighting Reds! FTT!!!!!
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I think city has been stronger in few years back. 17/18 and 18/19 was crazy team for them.

Both sides. To have '18/'19 finish on 97 and 98 points respectively, with L'pool then adding the European Cup a few weeks later, was beyond mind blowing and the like the English league has never before seen.

For both clubs to be running at well over 70 points more than the third best over the last 4 seasons combined, a whole seasons worth of difference, with just a point separating them ..... It's just mind blowing to be witnessing levels we've never before seen to this ridiculous consistency.

And it's not about to stop anytime soon. If I were a betting man, I'd have both managers extending their current deals.

This nonsense is set to go on for a good few years more yet.
I forgot to add earlier, the new Klopp/ Beatles 'I Feel Fine' banger is taking off superbly and got a LONG airing today.

*Sings ..... 'Jürgen said to me you know
We'll win the Premier League you know,
He said so.
I'm in love with him and I feel fine ......

I'm so glad, that Jürgen is a Red,

I'm so glad, he delivered what he said ..... '
Still buzzing from yesterday's sensational game.

The only negatives were City for ridiculously keeping us in, which has never happened before, on the spurious grounds of 'congestion' outside ..... Congestion my pasty white ****! The section you come out there is only for the away fans! Bitter ******!

And the young City gobshites singing about the 97 before the game. Immature rats. The mad hatred toward us, from certain sections of City's fanbase (which you can only presume is down to the fact we've thrown a spanner in their works that they thought they'd have a free run at dominating football with all the money), is far more vitriolic than even Utd ever was. Which is proper mental in itself.

Although to be fair, that was balanced by the older City fans walking back after who were really magnanimous and complementary of just how ridiculous we both are, with nothing to separate either side, and just how far ahead of anyone else in this Country both sides continue to be. That mutual respect was really refreshing to partake in
I don't know if he's the best 6 currently playing in World football.

But there's certainly nobody better. At least at how we view the role.


Wow! 7 in. I never expected so many changes. Something he rarely if ever does in Europe. Even when the ties done like this one. And H back on the bench!

Nice one Jurgen.

Perfect nice early spring night to miss this one with being off on Friday for the memorial and then the the weekend for what should be, all things being equal, a nice easy runout before Saturday's next mammoth instalment between the Worlds best.

Up the semi bound Reds! AGAIN!
Nice, comfortable half before Sat’day.

Benfica tidy without being a threat. L’pool coasting with levels to go up if needed. Two really good goals. Great header from Konate. Great strike from the lucky break off Milner for Benfica’s only shot on goal. F knows why VAR even looked at it when it was that clear? 🤷🏼‍♂️

Just the steady run out you want in-between the two humongous City games.

Enjoyable, relaxed watch.
Well that was a really enjoyable, exciting night that was ultimately a stroll in the park before the massive Cup semi.

Today’s Admin-

Current Unbeaten Run All Comps-
7 Games: W 5 D 2 F 15 A 6 CS: 4

It doesn’t get much better than being able to watch your team, feet up, totally relaxed, breezing into the semi finals on the biggest stage of all. To make 7 changes and still coast through is mighty impressive. Even accounting for their 3 goals tonight, you won’t get many easier games than the last 4 we’ve had in Europe. With Inter barely causing a threat, and Benfica tidy but never in serious danger of ever winning the tie, with the Reds able to save levels in the bank as they comfortably controlled the majority of all 4 games. And I expect more of the same in the semi against Villarreal. Who, with absolutely no disrespect to them, are LEVELS below these magnificent Reds.

Third semi reached from three cup competitions entered this season. Time of our lives and then some!

Shout out to Milner and Henderson tonight who were superb n doing the hard graft controlling things the first hour before their departure. No coincidence we got a tad sloppy when they departed. I thought Naby Lad had another fine game in the engine room too.

And hearing ‘I Feel Fine’ cascading down the Kop just topped things off perfectly. Some times, a sinple, utterly brilliant chant sneaks out of nowhere and sets the while crowd alight with everyone singing it.

Pure Scouse. Proper Liverpool. Boss. For the Boss.

Really enjoyable evenings entertainment.

Now onto Friday and remembering fellow comrades no longer able to enjoy this thrilling ride with this thrilling gang of Reds.

Up the Quadruple chasing Reds! FTT!!!!! JFT97. 🙏🏻
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Reaching yet another European semi-final this week, with the big Cup semi to follow tomorrow as the quest for the quadruple continues ….. heck, football in general, really doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when it’s followed by the worst day of the year. EVERY year.

I’m just so grateful that I'm one of the fortunate ones that are still here, able, later, to share the support of some of the best friends I could ever wish to have, to get us through the saddest of days for us all. Together.

God rest those so needlessly taken from us 33-years-ago. We will never forget you.

God continue looking over those still here dealing.

Getting up at half 4, to drive, or rather be driven, over to Leeds, to get a train 7:15 AM, is just a brilliant way to start Cup semi-final day. NOT!

FA ***** !!!!! 🤬