The Liverpool Thread

I’m getting too old for freezing my bollocks off being bored shitless for 90 mins. 😡

That was by no means Brighton bad yesterday. Jurgens absolutely bang on with his ’positive little steps forward’ assertion.’ The past 2 games have been night and day from that humongous shitshow Sadly, reading comments across SM this AM, CONTEXT is a word few want to use anymore.

But that still doesn’t absolve them from another horrid game of football yesterday. No movement or real urgency before Darwin came on. Sloppy passing. Just all round slow, sloppy play. Which transcended off the park in just how quiet we were. The baltic cold (so much for things warming up. It was more freezing than Wolves yesterday with the biting wind which was impressive), and little on the pitch to inspire you didn’t help. But we have to hold our hands up. This is a two-way street. And, unlike Tuesday night, we didn’t play our part and let the players down every bit as much as they let us down.

On the subject of the support to round off the many negatives yesterday-

The irony of the club now ‘officially’ making the rightful point over homophobic chanting at Chelsea (which, for the record, there hasn’t been bar the odd bleep ever since Jurgen and that community spoke out about how insulting and hurtful it is to them), whilst Chelsea fans continue to belt out songs about disasters, death and calling me and everyone else in the ground a murderer for most of the game, isn’t lost on anyone. And I’m by no means using one to justify the other here. They both need stamping out. But how the FA can only threaten clubs with sanctions over one and not the other is beyond jaw dropping. As a survivor, I can’t begin to tell you how psychologically damaging it can be to have to listen to that. It never leaves you anyway as hard as you try. But having to put up with that abuse on what is becoming an every match basis now doesn’t help anyone at all. It’s LONG before time that the authorities started banning the perps to stop this disgrace continuing.

And the other supporter issue of note brought home again the inherent difference between actually supporting your side at the match. And just spouting hot air the loudest on-line ….. There was a voice behind us somewhere round 106, Southerner for what its worth, who tried to get an ’FSG OUT!’ shout going ….. to only be told in NO uncertain terms to shut the **** up and get behind the side! Or there’d be, shall we say, ‘words’ with him outside for his wool behaviour that wasn’t representative of our standards at the game at all. And I’ll leave that at that.

As to those ‘lil positives on the park-

Much, much better defending the past two games giving us only our second run of back-to-back clean sheets this season. JMG and Konate have to stay as the CB pairing and continue building on this new found solidity which has been sorely lacking all year. Still by no means water tight defensively. But markedly improved over the past 5 days and a real foundation stone to build from.

The midfield 3 has to be set now with Bajetic, Naby Lad and Thiago. More invaluable experience for Stefan in another very good outing. And as much as you hoped fresh legs late would see us nick the win, Fabinho and Henderson were static and tattle less the last 10. Something Keita and Thiago most certainly weren’t.

So we’re finding the building blocks of a solid spine again the past 2 weeks from the CH’s on through the middle. Little steps forward.

And the other big plus to that end was the return of Darwin causing havoc up front. It really can’t be understated how having 4 of your top 5 attackers out has hit us. As it would decimate and derail ANY clubs season. So with the positive signs of tightening up again defensively, allied to Darwin being back. And Bobby and Jota not too far off. There really is some positive building blocks, in CONTEXT, to take forward in to the second half of the season.

Little steps forward among a season long sea of mediocrity.

The healing had to start somewhere. The past 5 days may just be that platform to better things through ‘till June. Onto Brighton and the next stop in the defence of our Cup to continue to that end.

Just be thankful you weren’t born a blue! 🤣🤣🤣

Up the ‘Pool. Mighty Reds. FTT!!!!!
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The quoted is really telling as to the PL season to date and the mad look of the table-

'..... That all seems as if it's playing a role, but a simpler explanation might be that both teams are running on fumes.

Over the past two years, Chelsea have played 122 competitive games -- more than any other team in Europe. (Liverpool are third with 117.) And since the start of last season, Liverpool lead the way with 92. Chelsea are second with 90, and then there's Manchester City (87), who haven't quite hit the same heights as previous seasons, followed by West Ham (85), the only Premier League team that might be having a more disappointing season than Liverpool or Chelsea. The other two English sides with 80-plus competitive matches on the ledger since the start of last season: Leicester City, who are two points clear of the relegation zone, and Tottenham, who have a worse goal differential than Liverpool despite having played two more matches.

How direct the cause is, I don't know, but most of the teams that are disappointing this season have played a ton of games over the past year and a half.

It seems to work in the opposite direction, too. Arsenal, who are currently 17 points ahead of their preseason Sporting Index projection, have played 71 competitive matches since the start of last season; both Liverpool and Chelsea have basically played an extra half-season of matches over the same period of time. Newcastle, who are 14 points ahead of their preseason projection, are even fresher. They've played just 64 games since the 2021-22 season began -- fewer matches than any team currently in the Premier League other than Aston Villa. (63).

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Arsenal and Newcastle have been able to rely on a small core of players as they've risen up the table. The former have 10 players who have played at least 75% of the league minutes, and the latter have 11. Liverpool and Chelsea, meanwhile, have been fighting through injuries all season; just five guys for Liverpool and three for Chelsea have broken that same 75% mark. Soccer players typically get injured playing soccer games, and when you're playing more games, you're more likely to get injuries. .....'
Reason why you both struggle is because you don't have a midfield.
Pain. That is all. You can keep saying oh it's the midfield or that our players are injured. We've had worse injury crisis than this and still managed to haul the team up. Players don't become ***** overnight and drop off like this. It's clearly a combo of low confidence but more importantly the tactics being asked by Klopp and his team not fitting the players. I mean Gakpo a LW being asked to play ST and you have Nunez a ST being asked to play LW?. Im afraid we have the real fraud Pep as our assman...
…I mean Gakpo a LW being asked to play ST…

I appreciate you lot being the test guinea pigs for this “Gakpo can play CF” belief that has been making rounds among the united fan base for 6 months.

He’s always been a Marcus Rashford-lite player (said this several times) that can do a job at CF when your other options are injured but he’s not a permanent fixture in that position. In a way, I thank you lot for buying him now than have us buy him in the coming summer and assume that’s our CF signing.
No idea how you did not get at least 2 reds...

But in the end what a goal. Awarnes of the guy to take several touches in box and smack it with outside
Being someone who loves all things Japan, he is such a good player (and criminally underrated on FM!). He has played this like almost every game I have seen him. Cracking player imo

I didnt watch the game, but seen his goal. I will say again, so underrated on FM
And their first goal was a gift from a ref.
How? okey, Saw the handball stuff. Understand that it was hanball, but VAR cant do anything because the hanball rule states that they cant cancel the goal.
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How? okey, Saw the handball stuff. Understand that it was hanball, but VAR cant do anything because the hanball rule states that they cant cancel the goal.
Which is mental. If it wasn't for the handball, he wouldn't be able to control the ball and set up the counter-attack. I honestly fail to see the point of VAR except with some dubious offside situations.