The Liverpool Thread

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Unbeaten at home is a pretty **** record when you've drawn 7 of 9. The same 'major' trophy where top teams only ever field a half decent side once they reach the latter stages? Right. Spending £30m is irrelevant, never heard of opportunity cost? Newcastle signed Demba Ba for free, you got Carroll for £35m. Newcastle signed Cabaye, you signed Adam and Henderson. Newcastle are outperforming you on a negative expenditure, whereas you're fighting for Europa League on '£30m' spent. Why do Liverpool fans refuse to attribute any blame in the slightest to Dalglish? If it was Hodgson you'd be baying for blood.

The ol' Hodgson argument eh? Everyone's favourite manager excluding their own, an absolute legend of a man and a manager who has managed the likes of Neuchatel Xamax, Viking, Halmstad, Orebro and the mighty United Arab Emirates on the international stage. I'm more comfortable fighting for the top 4 rather than lower mid-table places thank-you very much.

Liverpool fans actually have patience unlike most others, there were campaigns to get Ferguson out of United early on in his time there, we're not so fickle. We will give him time, we believe in Dalglish, we know he can deliver. Opposition fans only go on about Kenny like this through fear anyway. If I was a United fan I'd much rather Woy was at Liverpool thank Kenny too.
yes, look how far back that was. The current media are not unkind to Dalglish. So what has that past tragedy got to with moaning about every decision that goes against you, or biting of a reporters head (who proabaly wont even work for a tabloid) when he asks you a valid question about a decision or player?

The papers and people have changed, so that doesnt wash. You cant keep finding excuses

So when a manager does an interview and his words are twisted, you wouldn't agree that, that is disrespectful? The current media are unkind to Liverpool, of whom Kenny is a supporter. The amount of times he gets asked about Carroll's performances is ridiculous, I'm sure any other manager would become ****** off. AVB doesn't get it in every interview about Torres does he?

Changed how exactly? They hack phones and e-mail's. They still spout ****, why Kenny should give them straight answers when it's likely they'll twist his words I don't know.
The ol' Hodgson argument eh? Everyone's favourite manager excluding their own, an absolute legend of a man and a manager who has managed the likes of Neuchatel Xamax, Viking, Halmstad, Orebro and the mighty United Arab Emirates on the international stage. I'm more comfortable fighting for the top 4 rather than lower mid-table places thank-you very much.

Liverpool fans actually have patience unlike most others, there were campaigns to get Ferguson out of United early on in his time there, we're not so fickle. We will give him time, we believe in Dalglish, we know he can deliver. Opposition fans only go on about Kenny like this through fear anyway. If I was a United fan I'd much rather Woy was at Liverpool thank Kenny too.

Ignore rest of argument. Focus on slight dig at end. Nice. I thought Hodgson deserved to be sacked, by the way. You can be critical of Kenny without wanting him sacked, y'know? Fighting for a top 4 place? Lol.

People are only critical of Liverpool through fear? Rofl. Everything you've posted in the past half hour is delusion of the grandest scale.
Pretty sure they also questioned Dirk Kuyt who confirmed some of the things that Suarez had indeed said, and that they had more evidence than initially thought but okay, skip over everything else and focus one one point that was confounded by the fact that Suarez changed his statement several times and didn't stack up. Well done.

Not taking into account that Evra changed his account as many times, no? Well done.
So when a manager does an interview and his words are twisted, you wouldn't agree that, that is disrespectful? The current media are unkind to Liverpool, of whom Kenny is a supporter. The amount of times he gets asked about Carroll's performances is ridiculous, I'm sure any other manager would become ****** off. AVB doesn't get it in every interview about Torres does he?

Changed how exactly? They hack phones and e-mail's. They still spout ****, why Kenny should give them straight answers when it's likely they'll twist his words I don't know.

Are you joking? they ask him almost every time about Torres. Of course they will ask about Carrol, he cost 35 million and is largely playing badly.

The current media are not unkind, asking questions is not unkind. Dalglish complaining about literally everything, ( and i thought SAF and Wenger could be bad at times) has nothing to with the media behind "unkind" (they are not, Liverpool just are not about above criticism).

When are they routinely twisting his words? Oh right they arent.
Ignore rest of argument. Focus on slight dig at end. Nice. I thought Hodgson deserved to be sacked, by the way. You can be critical of Kenny without wanting him sacked, y'know? Fighting for a top 4 place? Lol.

People are only critical of Liverpool through fear? Rofl. Everything you've posted in the past half hour is delusion of the grandest scale.

4 points behind 4th isn't fighting for 4th no? Oh well if City win their next game and we beat United you might aswell hand City the trophy and have done with the rest of the season.

Well, in that case you're delusional for assuming Suarez is a racist.
4 points behind 4th isn't fighting for 4th no? Oh well if City win their next game and we beat United you might aswell hand City the trophy and have done with the rest of the season.

Well, in that case you're delusional for assuming Suarez is a racist.

Find one post where I've said Suarez is racist. Go.
Patrick Barclay, what an idiot.
Dalglish & Liverpool Football Club believe that Suarez was not guilty at all - They are not defending Racism.

Is it really so hard to understand? Once you get that into your heads you'll realise what Liverpool and Dalglish are doing is not undignified and is in fact the exact opposite.
I don't blame most of you for accepting the FA report. But anyone who has any ounce of critical thinking skills will be able to go through the report and find logical fallacies all over the place. Ad hominem, huge leaps of faith, circular logic, cherry picking, and so on.

I don't believe there's a conspiracy against us by the FA. They're just incompetent.

PS. If you mention the t-shirts as something that was crass or embarrassing then you're a bit of a wally (even you Mike). It's that simple.

Lee, you won't find a picture of SAF wearing a Rio Ferdinand shirt when he got banned for missing a doping test, or an Evra shirt when the Suarez/Evra incident happened.

Oh dear, please stop talking rubbish in this thread please. I'd explain to you why that statement is so illogicalr but you probably wouldn't understand why.

You're right, Suarez admitting he said it is pretty ****** evidence. ******* FA and their anti-Liverpool agenda.

False. Try again.

Well, you clearly only read the parts that were filtered by the Liverpool propaganda machine to fuel their case, didn't you?

There were numerous valid incriminations brought forth by an independent panel. I didn't see one even mentioned (Not accepted, mentioned) by a Liverpool journalist/fan. It's not my problem if you only see what you want to.

Independent Panel. Sorry Joel' but I thought you were one of the intelligent ones - you seem to be the one seeing what you're told to. Do yourself a favour and have a read of the report, your head will probably explode with how appallingly bad it is.

So your manager shows a complete lack of integrity and you think that is healthy for your club when it can come to future sponsorship as companies might not want to be associated with a club that has shown to support a player who has been found guilty of racial abuse and a manager who will drag your clubs name in the gutter as well. Nice.

Suarez wasn't found guilty of using racial abuse. He was found guilty of probably using racial abuse. Think before typing.

Forgot they produced an entire 115 page document explaining their decision, probably didn't even read it did you? Unbelievable, the FA are really going to charge someone with no evidence aren't they. Everyones conspiring against Liverpool it seems.

It's funny you say that CJ because that's exactly what they did. There was no evidence for anything that took place so they jumped to the conclusion that what Evra said probably happened.
Dalglish & Liverpool Football Club believe that Suarez was not guilty at all - They are not defending Racism.

Is it really so hard to understand? Once you get that into your heads you'll realise what Liverpool and Dalglish are doing is not undignified and is in fact the exact opposite.
I don't blame most of you for accepting the FA report. But anyone who has any ounce of critical thinking skills will be able to go through the report and find logical fallacies all over the place. Ad hominem, huge leaps of faith, circular logic, cherry picking, and so on.

I don't believe there's a conspiracy against us by the FA. They're just incompetent.

PS. If you mention the t-shirts as something that was crass or embarrassing then you're a bit of a wally (even you Mike). It's that simple.

Oh dear, please stop talking rubbish in this thread please. I'd explain to you why that statement is so illogicalr but you probably wouldn't understand why.

False. Try again.

Independent Panel. Sorry Joel' but I thought you were one of the intelligent ones - you seem to be the one seeing what you're told to. Do yourself a favour and have a read of the report, your head will probably explode with how appallingly bad it is.

Suarez wasn't found guilty of using racial abuse. He was found guilty of probably using racial abuse. Think before typing.

It's funny you say that CJ because that's exactly what they did. There was no evidence for anything that took place so they jumped to the conclusion that what Evra said probably happened.

Sorry Lee but after all that you typed there the simple fact was Suarez was found guilty. Deny it like the other Liverpool fans do. The truth is he was found GUILTY. Guilty means he did it. Now think before trying to defend someone guilty of his crime.

Shankly and Paisley would be turning in their graves seeing Dalglish wearing that T-shirt on a national programme. They would of kept it in house like any other manager would of done with an ounce of integrity as they turned Liverpool into a club with pride. All Dalglish has done is undone that hard work by making himself and Liverpool football club look like a bunch of tools. Yet it's the world against Liverpool. Fools you are for thinking that. Get back to playing the football that Liverpool are renowned for and not the foolish stuff that has been happening and you might get your integrity back.
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You're right, once found guilty they're always guilty. No need to look any more into it!
Oh dear, please stop talking rubbish in this thread please. I'd explain to you why that statement is so illogicalr but you probably wouldn't understand why.

I think it was pretty easy to understand, you can't defende the indefensible (Ferdinand) and when you can (Evra) you can do it in a much classier manner than go around wearing a T-shirt with a player's face on it. In my opinion Suarez's poisition was beyond any possible defense after he changed his story three times, but considering how deluded you guys are I threw in another example.

But hey, don't let reality get in the way of Liverpool Football Club's mission to uncover a malicious conspiracy that threatens to destroy all they hold dear.
Not worth the effort Athe.

Sorry Lee but after all that you typed there the simple fact was Suarez was found guilty. Deny it like the other Liverpool fans do. The truth is he was found GUILTY. Guilty means he did it. Now think before trying to defend someone guilty of his crime.

Whether the FA found Suarez guilty or not guilty is irrelevant to how atrocious the report was. The tshirts etc. were all worn before the verdict so your last paragraph makes no sense.

What you said is untrue as well.

Guilty means he did it.

In this case guilty meant he probably did it. It even says so in the report. But obviously you already know that because you've read it, right?
Not worth the effort Athe.

Whether the FA found Suarez guilty or not guilty is irrelevant to how atrocious the report was. The tshirts etc. were all worn before the verdict so your last paragraph makes no sense.

What you said is untrue as well.

In this case guilty meant he probably did it. It even says so in the report. But obviously you already know that because you've read it, right?

Yes I have and I wont be like every Liverpool fan who sugar coats over the evidence. The evidence says Probably guilty not Probably innocent. Stop being so blind and defending your once proud club that people had respect for. All those connected with Liverpool including the fans are making themselves look like a right bunch of wankers. Accept the report you are not going to change the outcome. Move on with it and try to salvage any respect you have left. I ask myself why I am trying to argue against another blind Liverpool fan is beyond me.
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[...] anyone who has any ounce of critical thinking skills will be able to go through [...] and find logical fallacies all over the place. Ad hominem [...] and so on.


I'd explain to you why that statement is so illogical but you probably wouldn't understand why.


Please post some of the examples of the logical fallacies here Lee. As you know what they are, I imagine you understand that although logical fallacies can't be used to justify an argument, their inclusion has little to no relevance on its own. The core issue is whether or not the positive connotations of negrito can be used in a moment of anger. Anything else is semantics.
Dalglish & Liverpool Football Club believe that Suarez was not guilty at all - They are not defending Racism.

Then why did you not appeal? If you believed in it so strongly, had such confidence he was innocent and the report was so atrocious, and that anyone with an ounce of critical reasoning could find logical fallacies all over the place - then surely your team of highly paid lawyers should be having a field day with such an atrocity?

Independent Panel. Sorry Joel' but I thought you were one of the intelligent ones - you seem to be the one seeing what you're told to. Do yourself a favour and have a read of the report, your head will probably explode with how appallingly bad it is.

What do a panel of Spanish language experts have to gain from being partial to either party?

Suarez wasn't found guilty of using racial abuse. He was found guilty of probably using racial abuse. Think before typing.

Just like there's always doubt in any criminal being guilty. The standard of guilt was set as the balance of probability.