The Liverpool Thread

Motm would've gone to Ali again but **** does Szoboszlai ever stop running—excellent home debut for him.
About as much of a shocker as Szlob dive 😉
Yeah ref was terrible and I am off the opinion that new rules have to be put in place for penalties IMO. Football is a contact sport and a slight brush and these terrible hand ball calls shouldn't result in a penalty. Ruins the integrity of the game for me.
Nice home opener that we’d have defo dropped points in most of last season had we had that start to the game.

Yesterday’s admin-

Title Countdown:
1 win down/ 29 to go.
4 points 89 to go.

Current unbeaten PL run:
P 13 W 8 D 5 F 31 A 16 CS: 4

Current unbeaten home PL run:
P 13 W 10 D 3 F 31 A 11 CS: 6

Messi-Mo now up to 5th all time in the clubs annals with his 187th L’pool goal through just 307 appearances. A goal every 1.6 games. With 75 assists to boot bringing about an even better goal contribution average every 1.1 games. (307 games/ 262 goals/ assists.). And he isn’t even a #9! You just run out of superlatives for a man who will end up as one of Liverpool’s and the PL’s bona fide GOAT’s. He needs to sort his penalty taking out though …..

Which is a good place to start on another woeful officiating performance from one if the new breed. Thomas Bramall. Never hears of him before and I never want to cone across him again! Utterly mad how they made a big thing of goalies getting booked for time wasting in the summer, and its lasted all of a game in the actual season! The narky Bournemouth goalie was at that from the get-go yesterday. Equally mad how anyone can think Szobszlai’s trip wasn’t a penalty ….. I absolute detest the fan created term that humongous meff Shearer was using on MOTD last night: ’Soft penalty.’ If you foul someone in the area, its a penalty. If you trip someone anywhere else on the park, which is what happened to big Dom there, its a free-kick. So why should it be different in the area? Does he emphasise selling it more with his jump? No question. Can do without that but then when you see the abuse Mo without ever getting anything you can understand it. But theres equally no question that a trip of someones ankle isn’t just football being a contact sport. Its a foul. And it was punished as such. Which was a shock as Mr Bramall was letting all sorts go all game. To then turn around and send off Mac Allister for a ‘clash' you see ten times every game. A foul. Possibly a yellow card. But never, ever a red. Even the Brighton manager was saying the same in real time. You presume it will be appealed and reduced to a 1-game ban. Now THAT was the very definition of ‘soft.’

And the other bad yesterday was Alisson in the first 20. What was going through his head I don’t know but it spread panic through the whole backline. First he races out to something he’d no business racing out to and the miscommunication with Trent who had it under control almost cost the opener. Which soon followed as the defence was rocked at that and not settles again. Then he did it again to almost the same result! 🤦‍♂️This time running the risk of walking himself! Don’t get me wrong, when he did settle he made a couple of terrific late saves. But the Brucie Grobbelaar 15/20 mins of madness was an unwelcome addition.

And the last of the bad’s, Jurgen can F do one telling us when and when not to sing his name! 🤬 I love yer to bits mate but you are NEVER winning this one. We'll sing what we want, when we want. We were here before you and we’ll be here long after you. His reaction to his song was embarrassing as always. You do your job mate and we’ll do ours!

After the rocky start, I thought some of our play was superb. Before in dominating to get back in front. And then in seeing out the game where we could well have added more goals to the lead with 10 men. Mac Allister was superb again and I won’t start on Szoboszlai or else I won’t stop. Not only a top tier gem of a footballer, but an absolute pressing, workaholic beast who never once shirked his defensive responsibility. And given they’ll both have even note freedom to dismantle opposition defences now we have a warrior terrier protecting behind them (who had a very good cameo by the way in helping us see that game out), its frightening to think how dominant a pairing they will be. For all the angst on out window, no club has made two better signings than out new # 8 and 10. Luis Diaz was the other standout again. Like big Dom, he never stopped working and being a constant menace. And ala last week, van Dijk and Konate had another really solid, dominant defensive game. Big Virg back to his best is one of the biggest assets we could wish for this season. That armband has revitalised him. Telling yer’.

Never noticed it down at Chelsea, but I absolutely LOVE the scoreboard now running the injury time instead of stopping at 90. Mad how only now have they decided the actual support in the ground paying their hard earned money deserve to be as informed as to whats going on as folk in their armchairs at home.

And finally massive kudos to ourselves for putting local rivalry aside in a really touching tribute on 26 to the young blue Michael Jones’ horrific loss. It was brilliant to read pre-game that the manager and squad had laid a wreath down at Bramley Moore. But to see the Everton banner on the Kop before the game, then walked around the ground on 26 to deafening applause and YNWA ….. What tragically happened to Michael put the trivialities of a game of football into STARK perspective. And it was brilliant and fitting of how the City bonds in times like these to see everyone come together and pay our respects at the match.

God rest. 🙏🏻❤️

Now I get a 2 week break before Villa as I refuse as ever to give the Saudi’s my money. Instead doing rhe Anfield abseil next Sunday dinner befire watching the game in town. Wish me luck …..😬

4 points out of 6. Happily take that.

Up the ‘Pool. Mighty Reds! FTT!!!!!
Excellent weekend. Another big week coming up.

Fully expecting another addition before Newcastle.

Well that’s one of the strangest, if most enjoyable, match-days I’ve had in many a year …..

Today’s admin-

Title Countdown:
2 wins down/ 28 to go.
7 points 86 to go.

Current unbeaten PL run:
P 14 W 9 D 5 F 33 A 17 CS: 4

Current unbeaten away PL run:
P 7 W 4 D 3 F 18 A 8 CS: 2

If your principles are going to continue having you miss this game (Side note- I really hope Sheff Utd change ownership as is rumoured. Be a shame to miss that belter midweek for the same reasons), then combine it with something you’ve been wanting to do. So we did ….. And descended down the facade of the behemoth Main Stand this dinner-time. Which was quite the exhilarating experience. I was worried before the abseil with the wind at ground level. But it was surprisingly calm up high. And the rain held off. As spectacular as the views across the City, down past the river and beyond are from that height, its still nerve-racking I can tell you when you initially lean back over the edge, not daring to look down but straight into the eyes of the instructors. But once you start lowering yourself, the adrenaline kicks in and that was a heck of a fun ride, literally, to warm-up for the match with.

And what a rollercoaster of a game to then sit through!

Someone on-line last night tried to tell me the club is in turmoil ….. If having a superb start to the year coming through two mightily tough away fixtures, to continue the superb last third of last season run is ‘turmoil’, I’d hate to see this football club when things are proper bad!!!!!

Talking thirds, that was a game of 1 and then 2 of them. Horrid for the first half hour. Superb for the last hour. With Eddie Howe again showing what a limited, seriously overrated manager he is down to being young and English. His game-management, from a game he was completely in control of, was beyond abysmal. Whereas Jurgen managed the game superbly and did what he always does under any circumstance. Played for the win!

Massive shout out to the much maligned Matip and Gomez. The latter in particular sticking a big 2 fingers up at all the on-line bleeps who have quickly forgotten just how outstanding he was before the last injury. Really solid debut’s too from Quansah and Endo on his first full start until he tired. Oh yeah, and that Darwin fella aint’ half taken a massive leap from year one to year two aye? 😎

I could slate Trent early, until he settled and was solid the last hour. And Virgil for doing what you just can’t do in this climate. But that would be churlish after they all worked their collective backsides in to the ground to take home all the points.

Jurgen fist bumping again just capped off the importance of that mamoth victory.

Tell us again we aren’t a serious threat this season!

Uo the F Mentality Monster Reds! FTT!!!!!

It’s beyond boss to have you back again!
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I’ve always considered Schmeichel the best goalie the PL era has ever seen. Phenominal giant of a man who single handedly won Utd 2 or 3 titles. But 6 seasons in, Alisson has to be in the discussion right up there with him. The clear best goalie currently playing across the globe, he makes the extraordinary look ordinary. Whilst being World class at everything else.

Eddie Howes a humongous gobshite like. One arrogant, tactically limited ***** who’s Sam Allardyce with money. But its hard to disagree with him when he’s says he’s never seen a better save in his life than that one yesterday-


I presume the most joy of the many you got from yesterday's outstanding win, was going to the standard style after the big mans dismissal and Trent not inverting haha.

I presume the most joy of the many you got from yesterday's outstanding win, was going to the standard style after the big mans dismissal and Trent not inverting haha.
Hahaha I'm on holiday currently so didn't catch the game but was on live score fist pumpin under the table embarassing the missus when we went out to eat. She doesn't understand the cult of Darwin Nunez and the love I have for him lmao.
Have a boss break mate.

I’m convinced we’ll have at least one more in by Friday. Hopefully more.

We’re on the march again.
Gravenberch is being reported and I for one don't understand this one. Every time I watch him play he looks nothing special and he doesn't even fill the profile of a midfielder required. He's not a 6 at all as ajax/bayern fans will tell you and he isn't any better than the current 8s we have. Not even a case of a heavily talented midfielder as IMO he isn't anything special, not to mention his wages reported are higher than Dom/Curtis/Elliot who have done far more in their career so far. Someone veto Klopp/pep, please.