The Liverpool Thread


Superb on all fronts.

We can now finally justify the all inclusive moniker now the girls have been fully brought into the fold with the best individual training complex in the entire WSL.

And to have Melwood back in the fold, with all that arl' place means to the football club ..... 😍😍😍😍😍

No interest at all in the girls personally but excellent work L'pool nonetheless.
Jurgen back in Mainz today-

Superb. To be loved and feted in three different City's ..... Proper special achievement that and a mark of the man.

For all the countless Euro aways over the years (Roll on a week Wednesday and an early flight out of Leeds to Bratislava to do it all again for another year), the friendly we played at Mainz in Jurgen's first pre-season remains one of my all time favourite trips.

We completely swerved whopper central, aka Wembley and the Barcelona friendly on the Sat'day, to have a full weekend in Mainz. Which is a gorgeously quaint little town on the banks of the Rhine. With super friendly inhabitants as most places in Germany are. Belter train journey following the Rhine right down to Mainz from Dusseldorf. An ice train at that so plenty of cold beverages' were consumed on the wonderfully picturesque journey as we quickly got acquainted with the carriage with the bar haha. There wasn't a cloud in the sky all weekend with the scorching sun cracking the flags. And the entire population of Mainz it seemed out enjoying it. We never even bothered with the Barcelona game that afternoon. Just merrily ate and drank with them all in a really good, fun, summer vibe. Not the greatest of games to say the least as it was just a late fitness exercise for those that hadn't played against Barcelona the day before. With our 502 yea-old Austrian training goalie nearly breaking his back bending down to pick the ball out of his net 4 times. Impressed that 2 of us actually stayed sweating our bleeps off the full 90 whilst the other two in our little crew that trip did one after 15/20 mins and went back into town haha. To then have another boss night whiling away the late summer sun outside the Gutenberg at the back of Mainz's very impressive cathedral. Made doubly memorable by the hottest waitress I've still ever seen. The preverbal 11 on the 10 scale. We may have been eating and drinking longer than intended there until her shift finished haha. And it was a bank holiday on the Monday so Dusseldorf was bouncing on the way home around the old town there down by the Rhine.

Just a brilliantly relaxed weekend appreciating a new place with yer mates and making friends with the locals. (Who loved the fact we'd taken the time to go over for a friendly.). Whilst enjoying great scran and local beverages. The way a Euro away should be. (Although its the excuse to be there, if you are doing it for the football, you are doing it TOTALLY wrong.).

I can see why the Klopp's loved their time in Mainz so much.
I should say it’s staggering that absolutely NO lessons have been learned in the 16 months since the horrific trauma of the 2022 CL Final. But it really isn’t surprising given the despicable way the French authorities tried to cover up their complete ineptitude that I swear down would have have lost many lives had any other fanbase not experienced in dealing with these horrific situations been there that night.

Without wishing to put too finer point on it, anyone attending this tournament, particularly those who intend on travailing and trying to survive the absolute cesspit of inhumanity that is Saint-Denis, need their head examining.

You couldn't pay me enough to go back to the Stade de France.

May God go with them. Seriously.

It’s a continued disgrace that the French are awarded such occasions as they continue to literally play with people's lives.

Just had a Youtube video come on my suggest of Fernando Torres' best goals for Liverpool. I forgot just how good a player he was for us at his best
Just had a Youtube video come on my suggest of Fernando Torres' best goals for Liverpool. I forgot just how good a player he was for us at his best

Not a popular opinion, but I'd take the first few years of Nando over Suarez. And that's no slight on Suarez who was a ridiculous player. But Torres was another level unplayable the first two years. Not many across Europe could match him.
Singing god save the king **** those ****** and I hope they get relegated. One of the worst fan bases in the league. Hate them. Now onto the game and I cant help but feel that was self inflicted from Klopp and the coaching staff. You can have Trent out and expect the same from the team set up. Once they switched to a flat back four in the second half Gomez and especially Robertson with freedom to fly forward looked much better. Robbo especially who is hamstrung by the this inverted formation being asked to play as lcb cuts out a majority of his quality's. Salah was my motm tho and is comfortably the best winger in the PL era for me.
Proper game that. With a proper statement win that wouldn’t have happened last season but one that had all the hallmarks of ‘19/‘20 stamped all over it.

Todays admin-

Title Countdown:
4 wins down/ 26 to go.
13 points down/ 80 to go.

Current PL unbeaten run:
P 16 W 11 D 5 F 39 A 18 CS: 5

Current unbeaten away PL run:
P 8 W 5 D 3 F 21 A 9 CS: 2

Let’s start with the bad and work forward-

Wolves fans. What a horrible bunch of low life meffs they continue to be. From the father saying to his son walking ahead of us to the ground that Scousers are ’Always crying about Hillsborough. Never there fault over anything!’ (If he hadn’t had his young lad with him, that would have got nasty quickly for him. 🤬). Through singing about unemployment and poverty to then being mind numbingly stupid to think belting out ‘GSTK’ remotely bothers us in any way, shape or form, they really are a detestable fanbase. The S going back and forth between them above all game was verging on the bad arl’ days.

Why is it lads from absolute S/Holes with little prospects sing that S the loudest? 🤦‍♂️

Players feigning head injuries. Someone is going to end up in a seriously bad way with all this when some ref ignores a genuine concussion. Gary O’Neill needs to have a word with more than one of his players over that.

L’pool in the first half. Absolute dog bleep back to front for 40 or so minutes. But, crucially, they were never lacking commitment and grit, sticking together to ride it out until half-time to collect themselves and remember just how boss they are.

Which leads to the good-

L’pool second half. Spurred by a manager, yet again this season, making superb, game changing substitutions and changing the shape of the side to correct his own failings in the first half, the Reds are like night and day over the two halves and absolutely dominate and out work/ fight a Wolves side in to total submission for a totally deserved win. A win that was as much a statement to themselves as anyone that the Klopp 2.0 side is every bit the Mentality Monsters! group his first vintage were.

We’ll leave the player mentions with a massive 👏🏻👏🏻 for Jarell Quansah who had one of the most impressive, composed full-debuts in defence since Robbie Jones put Ryan Giggs in his back pocket in front of the National TV cameras way back when.

Darwin for continuing to be an unplayable #9. Don’t see anyone laughing at him or the fee now.

And Harvey Elliott and Curtis Jones for celebrating in our end in the Scousest of Scouse ways. Two boss young lads that bleed this club and know EXACTLY what it means to the lads they jumped over hurdles to join.

That second half, that whole game of showing the grit and desire to get the W in the most trying of circumstances (key players missing/ youngster making full-debut at CH/ flat Sat’day dinner KO. And one straight after an International break at that/ hostile environment they went behind in/ playing as poorly as they have in many a game et al) ….. that is the stuff of Champions. These are the games that win you titles. ‘19/‘20 was full of them for Jurgen’s first title.

Now he is building a new side to take us to his second.

Roll on an early flight to Bratislava Wednesday morning as the long road to Dublin gets underway.

UTR! FTT!!!!!
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