It was definitely an episode that you would either love or hate I think. It wrapped up the stories of the characters nicely. All the flashes of "remembering" were great, especially Juliet and Sawyer, Jin and Sun and Charlie and Claire (especially when he noticed her at the gig).
But it didn't answer a fair few questions either, or offer any explanation of the light, the 'plug', the importance of the numbers (unless i've missed something early on), why Desmond was so important/how he could survive the whatchacallit and what about the egyptian elements all over the island. Walt! - was dissappointed he wasn't back as I thought he had some kind of big role and I had heard he was seen on set during the filming of the last episode. I understand why he hasn't been able to be in the series too much (his character was a child and for a lot of the series he would have had to remain as a child - obviously the actor has grown quite a lot in 6 years) so I suppose that could be a reason he wasn't there.
Michael was also nowhere to be seen? Mr Eko? would have liked to see Eko back, especially with him being the relgious one, about repentence etc...would have made sense for him to make an appearance, plus he was super awesome.
Was good to see Shannon and Boooooon (sp) back, glad that happened. Loved Hurley's grin when Charlie opened the door and his voice at the time.
Didn't like how easy the MIB thing played out. Yeh I got it - the light went out, he became mortal and was there for able to be killed - but it was a pretty dull murdering (especially when we had FINALLY got a decent fight between Jack and 'Locke')...and didn't like it was Kate that did it though I guess it was kind of fitting.
Like how Hurley took over the island, and installed Ben as his number 2....felt right - though I still don't trust Ben (not that it matters anymore!).
The ending was decent in terms of how it was worked, though throughout the series I never realised the significance of the name "Christian Shephard"..durr. Was hoping it wasn't going to be the dead/purgatory thing, especially after ashes to ashes.
I liked the end scenes in the church, the penny dropping for Jack, Ben not going into the church, his apology to Locke, Locke's forgiveness, Hurley telling Ben he was a great #2 and Ben likewise to Hurley (#1).
Overall, a great episode to end the whole programme but still left a few questions unanswered, however...maybe it was better to keep us guessing a few things as opposed to being dissappointed by a proper explanation?
Must add, love how the whole thing ended with Jack, lying in the forest, closing his eyes (just as the programme had begun in S1E1 with Jack lying in the forest, opening his eye), with Vincent there.
Also, didn't like when Jack and Locke were about to fight and Jack did that big Matrix style jump off the top down to Locke...loame.