The OMGAWD Rooneys leaving United thread

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They may, I doubt he will go there though.

P.S. Just **** off Roy.
until two days ago i would have believed that...but rooney wanted to stay at united forever
The thing is why do we need to replace Rooney, we will not find another player like him ( besides Tevez ) and we have a lot of options upfront.

Torres would not be a good choice for any team in England, he is too brittle for the English game.
I hate Rooney, he must f off and die! what a spoilt, idiotic fat ****! why would you want to leave United, the ONLY other place you are going to win trophies is at Real, and Jose does not want him! so you are sort of a hypocrite and stuck in **** are'nt you Shrek! so ****** off!! I really am! Fergie must boot his lazy *** out of there asap and forget about him like a bad dream! ******!
I hate Rooney, he must f off and die! what a spoilt, idiotic fat ****! why would you want to leave United, the ONLY other place you are going to win trophies is at Real, and Jose does not want him! so you are sort of a hypocrite and stuck in **** are'nt you Shrek! so ****** off!! I really am! Fergie must boot his lazy *** out of there asap and forget about him like a bad dream! ******!

I was going to say 'Be Careful Raikan', watch your language, but then I realized you have a green name :)
Excellent by SAF

United ambitions strong as ever

Sir Alex was in rousing mood on Wednesday night as he collects his thoughts following one of the more dramatic, and disappointing, weeks in his time as United boss. Here's the transcript of his post-match press conference...

"To maintain the success at any football club is not a certainty, i.e. I always believe a four-year cycle is probably the most you can achieve in terms of success. Very few teams can create more than that four-year cycle. Last season we almost did it, we were one point short of winning the league for a record fourth time.

"We realised that to maintain that high consistency of being there challenging we had to inject youth into the club and we’ve been doing it for the last three or four years. We realised some years ago that Giggs, Scholes and Neville were never going to last forever and our policy is therefore to develop players within the club. We had a player that once said to me Rooney and Ronaldo weren’t good enough. Can you believe that? He actually said they weren’t good enough and he wasn’t prepared to wait until they were. That’s what happens, that’s the problem with potential – people don’t identify potential, they’re very poor at it. I’ve identified it all my life within young people – I know potential, I know how it can be developed and I know how to have faith in it - young people surprise you when you give them an opportunity. And that’s what this club is about. So when you see Manchester United at the moment with all these young players, you can’t see Manchester United three years ahead because you’re not thinking about that.

"We will invest in players when the time is ready. This summer wasn’t the right time as far as I was concerned; there was no value for me. There was one player who we would have liked to have got but he chose another club. I don’t think he ever wanted to come to England anyway. Some players don’t want to leave their country, it’s a fact of life, some players are happy in their own country. Some players are happy to leave and Manchester United is always a big attraction for any player. If they don’t want to leave their country then we forget about it.

"In terms of the future of Manchester United there are a lot of things in my favour – history, the respect we have from people – if I told you how many agents phone my secretary every week about players who would love to play for us - and I don’t just mean run of the mill players, I’m talking about players at almost every club in the world - it would amaze you. It’s because this club still has that fantastic romance and respect from everyone.

"Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way. It’s probably the same cow which is only as good as your own cow. We have to deal with that – some players like to think that it’s a better world somewhere else, it never really works like that.

"As I said, three Premier League titles in a row is fantastic and we were within one point of a record fourth. It didn’t happen for us and we didn’t like that and we want to do something about it. We’ll be okay – I’ve got every confidence in that. We have a structure at the club which is good, we have the right staff, the right manager, the right chief executive, he’s a brilliant man. There’s nothing wrong with Manchester United, not a thing wrong with it. So we’ll carry on."{B4CEE8FA-9A47-47BC-B069-3F7A2F35DB70}&newsid=6652973

Excellent by SAF here. I'm loving the way he is handling this whole saga. Hope as he said he will put this to rest today.
Someone from the Transfer Tavern giving Rooney a hard time as well.

Swimming through the oceans of column inches on the Bolshie baldy orange one this week has been a surreal experience.
A premiership season that appeared to be offering very little fibre to it’s fabric suddenly came alight with the the veritable hysterics that accompanied the whole ‘Injurygate’ nonsense. The press branded what looked pretty innocuous as a feud, a catalyst for catastrophe.
Remarkably they got it right. Sure, like the lottery winner who proudly announces, ‘I had a system’ after years of no wins, the press cooed that they said Wazza was off and he was! But come on. Let’s look at this sensibly. We’re intelligent people. We’re not just over hungry ducks chomping at any old bits of bread. Are we?
Rooney is a weakling. Fragile, exposed, vulnerable. £800,000 allegedly owed to bookies who extend such credit at one point in his MUFC existence. Is this true? Curious ****** rumour if it isn’t. Less curious when Sir Alex makes a point of saying that he, ‘was prepared to offer financial advice’ to the player.
When do people need financial advice? I don’t chuffing know, but my guess is that 5% need it when they are retired, comfortably well off, weighing up what they need to discreetly plot away from the tax man and the other 95% are up to their knickers in store card/loan shark/HP/Court fine debt and need a lifeline of sanity.
And then we are told by the player that Manchester United are unable to deliver the dreams, expectations and desires of the Croxteh Curser. Yeah right. How about this Waz, how about you start doing what you’re employed to do and start scoring some goals, opposed to scoring hookers? A few decent shifts and maybe Man Utd would be a force again.
Let me tell you the truth. Wayne is a weather-vane. You blow him one way, you blow him another, he dutifully points. Just ask Jennifer Thompson. And all jokes to one side, let’s ask her. Ah, but like any brass worth her dough, one doesn’t have to. She told the press that Wayne was respectful hinting at naivety. Her take was that there was a huge whack of peer pressure going on from a number of his team mates who routinely get their jollies with hookers.
My take is that with his personal life having turned into a daily emotional thrashing at the hands of Coleen and their extended families and his form on the pitch halfway down the toilet, he’s decided someone’s going to foot the bill. He’s going to lash out and pin the blame on someone, anyone but himself.
A man – I mean a real man, would look deep within himself and try to address what went so **** wrong and what steps he need take to address them.
But Wazza is a child so what we end up with is a child who seeks to earn more than the British Prime Minister by claiming that his CV has hit an impasse.
Manchester City can afford him, but what would motivate them to pay maximum whack for a player no one else can remotely afford? Tottenham would take him in a heartbeat, but there would be no way in the world of pretending his salary demands were remotely matched. Chelsea could theoretically do it, but why would they need to bust the bank for a striker that can’t score when they already have two on their books who can.
I hope Rooney gets his comeuppance

Vidic and Evra unhappy about Rooney's comments

After hearing Rooney's reasons of wanting to leave Man Utd, I only have two words for him - Get out (have to restrain myself here). If he thinks that there is no future in Man Utd, that simply means that he doesn't believe in his teammates, his manager and his club anymore. Instead of trying to help Man Utd to a better future, he decides to just jump to another club. I'm sorry I just can't think of this guy as someone who truly loves the club. I don't think I can adore him like I used to anymore.

Buffon stays with Juventus even when they were relegated, when he is one of the highest demanded goalkeepers in the world, because he knows how important loyalty means. Kaka left AC Milan simply because the club wanted to sell him, instead of seeking greener pastures. Even Torres continues to stay at Liverpool after they had finished 7th place and things look all gloomy, and he is not even an English.
Rooney is nothing to me now. He used to be an icon in my eyes, now he is just another player. When he goes(not IF) i will be glad to see the back of this spoilt brat.
Rooney is nothing to me now. He used to be an icon in my eyes, now he is just another player. When he goes(not IF) i will be glad to see the back of this spoilt brat.
we'll find out whats happening later today re: his future
He is clearly not wanting to stay, and to be honest, after all this, i wouldnt flinch if he never played for us again.
SAF has ruled out suspending him
All this "Rooney is nothing to me now" nonsense is stupid. As a Villa fan, I can sympathise with top players leaving - Barry and Milner - but you learn to get over it, and whilst Barry gets (deservedly) lots of stick, Milner will likely be warmly recieved.

He wants to leave, get over it. Just 'cause he's leaving doesn't make him evil, you know.
All this "Rooney is nothing to me now" nonsense is stupid. As a Villa fan, I can sympathise with top players leaving - Barry and Milner - but you learn to get over it, and whilst Barry gets (deservedly) lots of stick, Milner will likely be warmly recieved.

He wants to leave, get over it. Just 'cause he's leaving doesn't make him evil, you know.

It is the manner he is leaving, He has basically questioned the club as a whole. He has questioned its ambition. FFS wayne we finished 2 points of top. You have won 8 trophies at this club. Including an champs league and 3 league titles. You wouldnt of got that at any other club.

He will get stick. he basically insulted his team mates ability, when everyone of them have out performed him this season.
I'm getting bored of all this Rooney **** and it's barely been a week yet.
Rooney is a *****, hopefully he never plays for united again as he has no respect for players or the club
It is the manner he is leaving, He has basically questioned the club as a whole. He has questioned its ambition. FFS wayne we finished 2 points of top. You have won 8 trophies at this club. Including an champs league and 3 league titles. You wouldnt of got that at any other club.

Fair enough, I guess. It's the same reason why Villans hate Barry: originally he said he wanted Champions League football, and then moved to City (for Champions League football. Right.), before then claiming Villa weren't going anywhere.

He will get stick. he basically insulted his team mates ability, when everyone of them have out performed him this season.

Rightly, too. No matter what anyone says, he's disrespected a club that took the good work that Everton did and turned it into a masterpiece.
I'm getting bored of all this Rooney **** and it's barely been a week yet.
fergies already sick of it, hence the talks today

Personally i dont go along with "dead to me" reactions, will remember him fondly, but the manner in which he's leaving leaves a bitter taste
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