The Tottenham Hotspur Thread

Thing is I'd be wary about this. Barca are arrogant tosspots and won't hesitate at tapping up any player. Wonder who they'll get to do the dirty work this time...........

Bit different with Fabregas. He had his heart set on a move back to Barcelona all along.

Still, I'll take your warning to heart. A strongly worded letter shall be sent.
Bit different with Fabregas. He had his heart set on a move back to Barcelona all along.

Still, I'll take your warning to heart. A strongly worded letter shall be sent.

There's a good boy.

Actually no. Levy will just tell them to go forth and multiply anyway.
Levy will just tell them like he did with Modric and Chelsea.


But then again after thinking about it Barca are a far bigger club so his head could be turned by that fact but all his interviews I have seen of him he seems very grounded and has not developed any ego of any sorts and does always seem happy for now.

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I'm more interested in the story about talks between Spurs and Barca regarding a possible transfer bid for Bale.

Wheres this from mate? I heard that they made an enquiry on deadline day and Levy told them where to go...
Did any of you see the video of Sandro doing mean *** roundhouse kicks with Kyle Walker egging him on. I wouldn't like to take a chip off his plate.
Wheres this from mate? I heard that they made an enquiry on deadline day and Levy told them where to go...

Same source about Iversson's kid (Metro). Don't know how reliable it is tbh
Would take a ridiculous amount of money to prize him away though, Levy knows where we're going and i think it would take something upwards of 60m to get him tbh.
Did any of you see the video of Sandro doing mean *** roundhouse kicks with Kyle Walker egging him on. I wouldn't like to take a chip off his plate.

I posted it, 12 posts above yours.
Great tackle. Got the ball, it was controlled, going to make the last 15 mins interesting since spurs have plenty of pace up front.
Immense match by Parker and Dawson, and a very solid game by all of the team overall.

King solid as always, with his only lapse in judgement allowing Suarez have the header at goal for me. Livermore looked very composed too and I quite like him in that 3 man midfield we sometimes play.
The judge said both Redknapp and Mandaric are of "good character" and added that Redknapp could feasibly be found not guilty, and Mandaric guilty. However, Redknapp cannot be found guilty if Mandaric is acquitted, the jury were told.

Jury has retired to consider the verdict.
Just saw the Game! Parker is awesome! Wonder why United Didn't sign him?

Redknapp not guilty
Mandaric also cleared of all charges


Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp and Milan Mandaric have been cleared of all charges of tax evasion.

At the end of two days of consideration, a jury found both men not guilty at Southwark Crown Court.

Redknapp's hopes of managing the England team received a major boost as he walked free from court after being cleared of taking bungs in an offshore tax dodge.

Jurors accepted Redknapp's angry denials that he avoided tax on any payments over £189,000 found in a Monaco account.

His acquittal alongside co-defendant Milan Mandaric blows the final whistle on a five-year £8million police investigation which failed to yield a single conviction.

Mandaric and former Portsmouth chief executive Peter Storrie were also cleared of £600,000 tax dodge claims at a previous trial, it can be reported for the first time.

Redknapp and Mandaric hugged as the jury cleared them of all counts.

Redknapp was at times moved to the verge of tears as the Crown alleged that he told a pack of lies in an attempt to get off the hook.

But jurors accepted Redknapp and Mandaric's evidence that the Monaco account in the name of Redknapp's dog, Rosie, was nothing to do with footballing matters.

The two-week trial at London's Southwark Crown Court threatened to derail Redknapp's progress at the pinnacle of his 30-year managerial career.

Having led Spurs through their most successful period in the Premier League era, the Londoner was tipped as the outstanding favourite to replace Fabio Capello as England manager this summer.

With his name cleared in the courts, nothing would now appear to stand in the way for the Football Association to hire him.

Exhaustive inquiry

The verdicts mark a disastrous end of an exhaustive inquiry into football corruption by tax authorities and City of London Police.

Police began pursuing Redknapp in 2006 after he admitted having the Monaco account as he was questioned by the Quest inquiry into Premier League bungs.

The transactions took place as the pair squabbled over a transfer bonus Redknapp was due for the £3million profit the club made on the sale of England striker Peter Crouch.

But the jury accepted Redknapp's claim that he knew he was "morally but not legally" entitled to the cash.

A recorded telephone conversation between News of the World reporter Rob Beasley and the pair in 2009 was a pivotal element in the Crown's case.

Redknapp telling Mr Beasley it was money for transfer bonuses was "the most compelling and important evidence", prosecutor John Black QC said.

But defence barrister John Kelsey-Fry QC said the Sunday tabloid's evidence was "primarily despicable".

"I do not shrink from suggesting to you it is repugnant to all our basic instincts of fairness in the criminal justice process," he said.


The case served up high courtroom drama over two weeks as one of the biggest names in English football appeared in the dock and gave an impassioned display in the witness box.

Redknapp attacked a detective for "staring" and shouted at prosecutor Mr Black: "You think I put my hand on the bible and told lies? That's an insult, Mr Black, that's an insult."

Redknapp said he was "a fantastic football manager, not a hard-headed businessman" and had always paid too much taxes.

He also revealed that he had squandered millions in bad investments and had the writing ability of a two-year-old.

Serbian Mandaric, an entrepreneur behind a multibillion-dollar business empire, claimed he had paid £100 million in taxes during his time in football, adding: "Did I suddenly go crazy?"

Redknapp, of Poole, Dorset, first flew out to Monaco - a tax haven - in April 2002 to set up the account.

He did not tell investigators about Rosie 47 as tax officials investigated a £300,000 payment he received over Rio Ferdinand's record-breaking transfer between West Ham United and Leeds.

But he voluntarily gave details of the Monaco account as he was questioned by the Quest inquiry.