Total War: Rome 2

Going to start out as Sparta. It has to be done.

I love archers too much for me to roll Sparta, be interesting to see how the new cultural traits work out though.
I'm going to have to wait a bit longer to get this. I went a bit mental during the Steam sale and have fallen behind quite a bit in my bills :$

Just a heads up, Steam has actually fallen behind a bit with their sales..most of the time there are better sale offers by retailers who areselling Steam codes (Amazon or GMG f.e.). A bit of dicking around with Amazon US and you can buy steam codes for $ which saves quite a bit with exchange rates. :p
Heh, my presumption was that us nerdy bastards had gaming computers to hand. ;)

I don't know, there was'nt much of a reason to upgrade last couple of years, most games run quite well on ancient rigs ;)
My general interest in gaming has declined in the last year. Two massive games are coming out soon (ARMA 3 and TW:R2) which may spark my interest again...but if I don't upgrade I'll be playing at medium to low quality. And at this point in my life, honestly, spending 300+ dollars on PC upgrades instead of fixing my truck or house is simply irresponsible.

I still find time to play games here and there though, and I don't think I'll ever give it up completely.
I love archers too much for me to roll Sparta, be interesting to see how the new cultural traits work out though.
I'm not that way inclined at all, mostly about Heavy infantry I am.
Have to admit I never played the first one, but I always wanted to. I played medievel total war, not never this, but i do want the second
Hmm, out in less than a month. I am excited. :D

Got a decent PC these days too so should be able to run it pretty well.
I'll be getting this once I build a new rig in october should have some fm base scrims
I could do with a new rig, or atleast a slightly updated one.
Game may ruin mine but I'll enjoy my time playing before a puff of smoke comes out the side of my case.
Hmm looks interesting I guess.
Not sure you'll like it Lee, it's not an Indie title.
really looking forward to this game as the total war series is probably my favourite series other then GTA. Started playing shogun 2 again and for some reason i just can not really get in to that game as much.
Preloaded and waiting XD

Quick one, what's the release for this? Put 100s of hours into the first, really looking forwarding to this. Lots of multi player showdown battles too, any challengers?;) I'd be fine restreaming on twitch for those interested.
the game is ridiculously expensive. 60 usd? I'll wait.
the game is ridiculously expensive. 60 usd? I'll wait.

It's a major title for CA though, the last was released 10+ yrs ago and still generates sales, it should have staying power and be fantastic and have a lot of depth and allow real life strategy, which is fantastic if you're a military history fan. I do agree you'll prob grab a good deal at Xmas, though personally ive got my eye on a ps4 then.
Was happy to discover I can in fact run this, though at reduced graphical settings. I loved the first one so I'm hoping I'm not going to be let down by this
Just Installing it now, 3 disks so i think it will take awhile.