I think it might be upto Arsenal youngsters to defend their predecessors record, that would be interesting if it came to that. Hopefully it would be in a circumstance where we could still win the league (i.e Man Utd drawing a lot).
The same game as you, the one where Spurs had the better of it?
Two games in hand
Now you know how we feel with Howard Webb and last week.
Poor effort at trolling, must try harder. Stay on topic.(H)
Poor effort at trolling, must try harder. Stay on topic.
Now you know how we feel with Howard Webb and last week.
Spurs were more dangerous when attacking but our defending was fantastic.
At least when Scott trolls he makes valid points and Scott is my babez.
Get a life Spurs played well, so sending off is OK then because of last week.
UTD have 2 games on City that who is our main rivals defo not Liverpool!!! Spurs will do well top 4
What?! oO)
Whats this thread got to do with Liverpool Alex?
Go away this is about Spurs and UTD going for the title not a relegation battle.
Whats this thread got to do with Liverpool Alex?
Ask Mikey, he brought us up.
He stated that Mike Dean is a ****, I merely responded that Howard Webb is also. Implying that it's all fine and good when United get a dodgy decision but when the shoes on the other foot it's like the sky is falling down.
Go away this is about Spurs and UTD going for the title not a relegation battle.
Ask Mikey, he brought us up.
He stated that Mike Dean is a ****, I merely responded that Howard Webb is also. Implying that it's all fine and good when United get a dodgy decision but when the shoes on the other foot it's like the sky is falling down.
Jog on will you. And stay on topic. (Y)
but the thing is Alex. You didnt need to bring Webb into this thread as this isnt about us knocking you out of the cup last week, and the sending offs are hardly comparable. considering gerrards was a 2 footed lunge
Sorry Alex but how does that make sense? Howard Webb made 2 correct calls and Mike Dean had a horrific game... it's hardly made it "fair"
Liverpool in a relegation battle...?
there only 4 points clear you know....
Read my above post. I'm not saying Gerrards was comparable at all :S I'm saying that it was a dodgy decision today (Rafael) but it's all fine and good when United get the dodgy decision their way. (Agger last week).
Don't try and twist my words.
Poor effort. I thought you were better than that...
And Point to me ands everyone else, where anyone has said it was fine last week....? Off course we arent going to complain when we get a 50-50 call like that.... It would be stupid if we did, and if you read what most have said.. it was a harsh decision and as i said, Agger got himself in a dodgy position last week.... And I told you, and everyone else, the Agger one was harsh, but yet people cant admit this was....
At the end of the day, you guys are close to the relegation zone, probably wont get relegated but still, its a fact. Anyway this thread isn't about Liverpool (not that I care just thought I was obligated to say that)