First post here, hello, lol.
I posted this on another forum today but no replies, and there's like 3 attachments, so I thought may aswell post the link for the thread, scroll up when you get onto the page.
Basically, this problem seems to be happening for absolutely no reason. Any help would be much appreciated. 2d remember, not 3d.
perhaps its not a function they have mastered on FMRTE, you could do it on FM10 but this is a new game so all the previous functions wont be available yet - sometimes it will let you change things with FMRTE but they wont stay permanent (i.e. if you change you stadium name to one of your choice it will change but next time you load the game it will have changed to previous name) maybe your problem is something similar
FMRTE are always improving the program and ironing out bugs, releasing new versions very frequently, my advice would be to just keep downloading the latest versions (which you seem to be doing anyway)
Hopefully you will get a reply from the other website that will be more helpful