Tsunami hits north-eastern Japan after massive quake

RIP :'(

Also seen this somewhere

World trade centre attack-11th September
Haiti earthquake-11th September
Japan earthquake & tsunami-11th March
21/12/2012-Date the world is supposed to end
Don't believe in 2012 but thats ****** crazy **** :S
Thoughts go out to Japan, and the pacific.

Wonder if the NZ earthquake has anything to do with this.. Seems a horrible coincidence.

I don't understand the Richter Scale at all, but at 8.9, it's higher than the one in Chile last year which claimed some 350 odd lives. (That was 8.8 I think..)

Chile was well prepared for an earthquake, as Japan are - but there's very little you can do about Tsunamis. Just thankful the big one didn't hit Tokyo.
RIP :'(

Also seen this somewhere

World trade centre attack-11th September
Haiti earthquake-11th September
Japan earthquake & tsunami-11th March
21/12/2012-Date the world is supposed to end
Don't believe in 2012 but thats ****** crazy **** :S

my birthday is also on the 11th. Foookin crazy **** aye. n Apparently the world wars were going on during many 11'ths of many months even the 11/11! 5+6= 11!!!!!!!!!

the lottery ticket i bought last week had 11 in it an di didnt win anything!!!!!
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Thoughts go out to Japan, and the pacific.

Wonder if the NZ earthquake has anything to do with this.. Seems a horrible coincidence.

I don't understand the Richter Scale at all, but at 8.9, it's higher than the one in Chile last year which claimed some 350 odd lives. (That was 8.8 I think..)

Chile was well prepared for an earthquake, as Japan are - but there's very little you can do about Tsunamis. Just thankful the big one didn't hit Tokyo.

Unfortunately, it was pure coincidence with the timing of the quakes. The earth is just so unpredictable when it comes to this. But to put it into perspective, this one is 8,000 times more powerful than the New Zealand one, which is incredible. Just glad it wasn't in the 9's, or inland. The devestation would've been unimanginable.
Thoughts go out to Japan, and the pacific.

Wonder if the NZ earthquake has anything to do with this.. Seems a horrible coincidence.

I don't understand the Richter Scale at all, but at 8.9, it's higher than the one in Chile last year which claimed some 350 odd lives. (That was 8.8 I think..)

Chile was well prepared for an earthquake, as Japan are - but there's very little you can do about Tsunamis. Just thankful the big one didn't hit Tokyo.

On the Richter scale, 8.9 is about 50% more powerful than an 8.8 and twice as powerful as an 8.7. An 8.7 is twice as powerful as an 8.5 etc. So an 8.9 is about 32 times as powerful as a 7.9. If you buried seven of the biggest atomic bombs ever tested and set them off at the same time, it would have a similar kind of effect in terms of the energy released underground.

It was enough to move the whole main island of Japan 8 feet. That's a lot of energy.
It was enough to move the whole main island of Japan 8 feet. That's a lot of energy.

What does that mean? As in Japan has literally been shifted N/E/S/W whatever 8 feet? How is that possible?

Thanks for the explanation.
On the Richter scale, 8.9 is about 50% more powerful than an 8.8 and twice as powerful as an 8.7. An 8.7 is twice as powerful as an 8.5 etc. So an 8.9 is about 32 times as powerful as a 7.9. If you buried seven of the biggest atomic bombs ever tested and set them off at the same time, it would have a similar kind of effect in terms of the energy released underground.

It was enough to move the whole main island of Japan 8 feet. That's a lot of energy.

also the depth of the earthquake will affect how much damage it does.
The NZ quake a few weeks a go, was geologically speaking very shallow, so it caused maybe as much devestation, although it was weaker.
and the richter scale goes up in multile of 10 kind of.
so a mag 2 is 10x stronger than a mag 1,
a mage 3 is 10x stronger than mag 2, and 100x stronger than mag 1
What does that mean? As in Japan has literally been shifted N/E/S/W whatever 8 feet? How is that possible?

Thanks for the explanation.

Japan is slowly moving westwards (as in gradually every year by a tiny amount). This earthquake seems to have moved it 8 feet further west in one go. Basically, the earth has plates of rock on molten lave, and those plates of rock move gradually over time (that's why South America fits into Africa - they were once joined but over time moved apart). Where the plates pull apart or push together, you get earthquakes and volcanoes as well as mountains. There's a split between a few plates which runs all the way around the Pacific ocean (it's called the Ring of Fire) which is why there are so many earthquakes and volcanoes in that part of the world.
It makes one think aswell. When the next major quake hits San Francisco, will they be able to cope as well as the Japanese have done so far? Yes there's been a lot of devestation, but when you look at how calm and orderly they remained DURING the quake, it really was amazing. Don't think Californians will cope as well. Have a suspucion they're still not prepared for such an event
Japan is slowly moving westwards (as in gradually every year by a tiny amount). This earthquake seems to have moved it 8 feet further west in one go. Basically, the earth has plates of rock on molten lave, and those plates of rock move gradually over time (that's why South America fits into Africa - they were once joined but over time moved apart). Where the plates pull apart or push together, you get earthquakes and volcanoes as well as mountains. There's a split between a few plates which runs all the way around the Pacific ocean (it's called the Ring of Fire) which is why there are so many earthquakes and volcanoes in that part of the world.

Haha OK - Thanks.

I know the basic stuff about plates moving etc. just didn't quite understand how it could move 8 feet in one go. Incredible.
RIP :'(

Also seen this somewhere

World trade centre attack-11th September
Haiti earthquake-11th September
Japan earthquake & tsunami-11th March
21/12/2012-Date the world is supposed to end
Don't believe in 2012 but thats ****** crazy **** :S

The Haiti earthquake was on January 12th.
The situation with the Fukushima Powerplant is that the Emergency cooling systems could be be operated because the Tsunami took out the backup generators. The situation is totally different to Chernobyl because with the Chernobyl disaster the reactor vessel ruptured exposing the fuel source to the air where it ignited. Chernobyl did not have the containment building around the reactor. PLEASE do not keep comparing them, they are different things entirely.

The Fukushima power plant explosion WAS NOT the reactor vessel exploding so the reactor HAS NOT exploded.
The situation with the Fukushima Powerplant is that the Emergency cooling systems could be be operated because the Tsunami took out the backup generators. The situation is totally different to Chernobyl because with the Chernobyl disaster the reactor vessel ruptured exposing the fuel source to the air where it ignited. Chernobyl did not have the containment building around the reactor. PLEASE do not keep comparing them, they are different things entirely.

The Fukushima power plant explosion WAS NOT the reactor vessel exploding so the reactor HAS NOT exploded.

Tbf some people when they hear about the reactor blowing, start to panic-and with good reason. The shadow of Chernobyl still hangs overhead. But like I mentioned earlier, it was good news that the containment hadn't blown. Not a lot of people understand how a reactor works, so obviously if one did go pop, they'd panic. Can't really blame them I guess
I know this might sound harsh, but atleast its happening to a rich country who are prepared. If it had happened to a poorer Asian country, they would have no chance.
It makes one think aswell. When the next major quake hits San Francisco, will they be able to cope as well as the Japanese have done so far? Yes there's been a lot of devestation, but when you look at how calm and orderly they remained DURING the quake, it really was amazing. Don't think Californians will cope as well. Have a suspucion they're still not prepared for such an event
have to agree, even though they expect " the big one" some time soon
have to agree, even though they expect " the big one" some time soon

Some experts are predicting, that San Francisco is due a quake of at least 6.7 within next 30 years. Hopefully, after seeing whats happened in Japan, they'll take steps to prepare better for a scenario. They owe the population that much
Tbf some people when they hear about the reactor blowing, start to panic-and with good reason. The shadow of Chernobyl still hangs overhead. But like I mentioned earlier, it was good news that the containment hadn't blown. Not a lot of people understand how a reactor works, so obviously if one did go pop, they'd panic. Can't really blame them I guess

Sorry if it sounded like i was having a go, i was just making sure the facts were clear because like you said people start to panic.
Sorry if it sounded like i was having a go, i was just making sure the facts were clear because like you said people start to panic.

No its fair point mate. Some points aren't made clear in news reports, or are too technical to understand. Thats why some people panic because its not always made clear